
Training (5)

The first time I've tried climbing the waterfall, I used the same technique to overcome the logs. However, I could leap a couple of rocks and that was it. I'd fall and land straight to the bottom. While I was trying to figure out the right way to climb in a fast way, I circulate my mana around my body. I have realized that mana and aura can work together.

When I circulate my mana in my body, the aura replenishes as it absorbs the light element mana in my body. It was something I have discovered while I was meditating after my training. My body's aura was drained from all of the days training but when I meditated with my mana, my body absorbed it like a sponge. This has proven very useful in my training as I can use Lumi as a catalyst to speed up my mana absorption, I then circulate it and let my body absorb it, turning it into aura. This cycle has let me last longer in training.

I let myself float on the water as I meditate and let my body absorb the mana to replenish my aura. A couple of minutes later, I have enough to challenge my task again. Using my feet was not enough so I decided to use my hands. However, before I could start, a sword slash was approaching me really fast.

I did not have the time to properly dodge so I fell into the water again. I looked at my master but he was not looking at me at all. I must not be doing it right or else he would just let me continue. Sending me sword slashes was a way to guide me that what I was doing was wrong.

I once again put aura on one foot to serve as boost, as the rock was getting closer to me. I enveloped one hand with aura to help me catapult myself to another rock. It was successful, and I alternated between my feet and hands, I used my hands to grip the rocks while my foot to boost my momentum.

It seems I was on the right path as master did not stop me and continued standing there like a tree. I kept my focus on my training, I looked like a monkey but that did not bother me as I knew there was a purpose to this training as well.

Days, weeks, months have passed and the currents were still strong enough to crush my momentum when going up. I might have the upper hand in my mana and aura circulation method, however, like a car, the gas can only fill up a designated amount. The problem is my gas tank is not enough to cover the whole way to the top.

"How can I make my tank larger so it can accommodate more gas?" I asked myself.

I am now 7 and a half and grew a little in height. I changed my schedule, at night I would visit my mother to ask about light magic. Grandmother would send her regards by giving me books I can learn. Mother said that grandmother has been so busy lately that she could only send messages and gifts. Father comes and goes as usual, busy as ever.

I also added time to see my sister and talk to her, I have learned that Lyla started approaching her to learn swordsmanship. They have been practicing together ever since I was happy to learn of this since it was the first decision Lyla made by herself. Although we still talk at night, she never did mention anything about training. I do not know the reason for her trying to work hard to learn but it was still growth on her part.

I may be training right now but I realized that it was because of my family, my loved ones. It was the reason why I was working my body so hard to become stronger.

I did not want to lose that sense of purpose and my sense of self by focusing myself entirely on training.

The schedule became more hectic but I felt more fulfilled than ever, it gave me more motivation to learn and exceed my limits.

Lumi, on the other hand, had some drastic changes, she became taller. She used to be able to fit in the palm of my hand, but now she was as big as my head. Her 2 wings have become 4. Her body became more mature and attractive. The childishness on her actions was now gone as she became calmer and collected. I wondered if it was due to my power increase that was why she evolved.

At the age of 8, I was able to climb on top of the waterfall. As I thought, it was a matter of not having enough space for my aura rather than control. I have already mastered the way to use the minimum amount of mana to sustain the maximum boost and momentum of my speed.

Once I have reached the top of the waterfall, I just stood there and stared at the view as I was standing on the edge of a rock. The view was magnificent to behold, the view of the forest, landscape, and surrounding areas. This was the first time I was able to appreciate its beauty after so many years of training.

Before I even have more time to contemplate, the sound of the deep vibrato voice spoke behind me, "Follow me." He said, but before he left, he looked at me then nodded his head once. I will think of that as a sign of approval for my growth as I smiled brightly and thought to myself.

I was proud of myself as I was able to finish 2 tasks that were given by master.

My master stopped at the edge of the forest and whistled, as he did so a monkey looking beast appeared. It was scarier than a monkey because of the huge difference in height, this monkey was huge as a gorilla. The features looked like an agile monkey but the size is intimidating.

The gorilla-like monkey stood in front of my master obediently while awaiting its command.

Master then said, "You shall now chase the monkey in the forest and catch him."

As the last words came out from masters' mouth the monkey disappeared right in front of my eyes like an apparition.

"Begin." Was all he said.

Thank you for reading todays' chapter. If you have time please leave a review for my novel. If I get 5 new reviews I will release a free chapter.

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