
Requirements for War

Rorsh & Rorsh was the biggest local game in town.

Everyone who needed to buy a large batch of mechs and have it delivered in a short time could always count on R&R to satisfy their needs, at least on a basic level.

As Tristan lifted up his tea cup and took another sip of his exotic tea that had a fruity taste that was unique to the restaurant, he thought more about how the dominance of this large and iconically Davutan mech company pressed upon the rest of the mech industry.

"I am glad that Rorsh & Rorsh is not in the business of accepting client commissions or offering customization services." He commented as the tide of black mechs seemed unending. "I wouldn't know if other mech companies would still have room to survive if that was the case."

Over a hundred unique models had already marched down the avenue below and the column still hadn't reached its limit!

Professor Zin Galbraith chuckled in a good-natured manner.

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