
Monotonous Lives

Ves spent some time to talk to the six Kronon mech pilots after they displayed their prowess in the simulation battles.

Overall, they didn't have much to talk about. The elite mech pilots devoted much of their lives to piloting mechs and the Ylvainan Faith.

While Ves became impressed by their quiet intensity and their religious fervor, he found them to be rather bland aside from their narrow interests. Describing them as warrior monks seemed apt. They didn't really have a life outside of their devotion to serving in the Protectors of the Faith.

Even if they had become the black sheep of the Kronon Dynasty, they still had faith in their mission!

One of them was slightly different. While the other five Kronons showed evident dislike at interacting with a foreigner who didn't share their beliefs, one young man looked at Ves with a disturbing amount of intensity.

"What's your name?" Ves asked.

"Taon Melin, sir." The Kronon said with respect.

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