
Char the Great

I deposited ten gold at the Guild (approx value 9010 USD), received a bank note with the same anti-forgery enchantment as the cards, and then we headed off towards the weapon store recommended by the Guild teller.

The store called the Eight Bears Weapon and Armor Shop was owned by a huuuge bearded man. He had a nicely trimmed beard though, so I could not make the obvious Hagrid reference. He must have been at least two meters tall, and so the ceiling of his store was actually made even higher to match.

"W'lcome. What'r you lookin' for?" he spoke up with a strange accent that I could not exactly identify. Something like Scottish? Wait…

"This man… sounds like a dwarf?" I couldn't help but to gasp out.

Elze and Linze looked at me oddly, while a great toothy grin appeared on the shop owner's face.

"Good 'un, young'un. Right, I went adventurin' in the land of the Dwarves for a time. Ma said I've got some dwarf blood in me. I'm Barral, and it's how y'know I know I have th' best weapons, you won't find no shoddy work in m' shop!"

Dwaaaarves! Awesome. Boorn in the dark, suckled from a teat of stone. Diggin' a hole, diggy diggy hole! ⁽¹⁾

Elze bit her lip to keep herself from saying something disbelieving about this giant of a man fitting into the mountain home, and said instead "We're here to get this guy here a weapon. Mind if we take a look around?"

"Go wan, then. Feel free to pick up anythin' that catches yer eye," he answered her with a kindly smile.

I rubbernecked all around the store. It was packed from floor to ceiling with all manner of weapons. There were spears and swords on racks, bows and axes hanging on the wall, even whips and flails. Ooh was that a repeating crossbow?

Armor occupied the other wall of the store, though less of them compared to the sheer density of weapons. Mainly some cuirasses, greaves, and full arm braces for display. Made sense, armor needed to be fitted.

"What weapons do you know, Mister Zah?"

Monika put her palm to her chin and asked, /"Yes, do you actually have any familiarity with weapons? By the way, pistols or attack helicopter are not valid responses."/

Why would you even think I would reply like that, Monika? Have you been reading my old shame?

I mean, attack helicopter doesn't even qualify a weapon. I would dual-wield Hellfire missiles.

/"You have no secrets from me,"/ she replied ominously. /"At least electronically. But to be serious for a moment, please tell me you're not just going to get yourself killed doing this. Why are you doing this? Why today? I don't like this reckless side of you. I accept it, but I don't like it."/

"Have a little more confidence in me. I actually have something specific in mind," I answered Linze. "What about you?"

"I… think I'll get a better magic staff. Elze?"

"My gauntlets are fine," her sister answered. "I'm still looking."

I approached Barral and asked "You got any sword-staffs?"

The giant middle-aged man stared down at me. "Y'sure that's what you want?"

"Sure I'm sure."

"Cos' I'm not sure what ya want is a thing that exists. Maybe you're talkin' about a sword-spear?"

I shrugged. "Maybe? I always wondered since the boar spear lugs look somewhat like a crossguard, why people didn't use boar spear heads with a shorter handle as a general-purpose tool. Then if war comes, stick it on the end of a long pole."

The arms merchant grimaced and made a negating motion with his beefy knife hands. "Nah, that would horrible – too broad an' heavy ta use for skinnin', too narrow at the tip ta use for choppin'. Balance is all wrong. And by th' time you have something useful as a short sword, ya got something too fragile to use in the thrust.

Using a spearhead as a blade in a pinch is fine, to chop wood or gut game, it's fine. But it's nae a sword. Remember, ya need the spear head to be light ta keep it fast. Otherwise you might as well be usin' a poleaxe instead."

/"Some Vikings actually used their famed Viking longspears like that, but even then it wasn't a replacement for their better and even more famous one-handed swords. It was just knowing it was a thing they could do in a pinch."/

"Hmm. I bow to your expertise, sir. But I think I've seen some spears that were made for the cut and thrust."

"You mean like that one?" He pointed to the side and showed something that what was very close to a naginata.

"Ooh! Yes, I am indeed blind." I excitedly ambled towards it.

"It's nimble and good for slippin' into gaps in armor. I've some Eashan weapons in stock, but they're not very pop'lar here. Not as effective 'gainst monsters." He gestured to the spears that looked like Chinese Guadao, basically what looked to be a broad saber on a sword-length wooden shaft with a ring pommel at the end. "A Yulong spear sounds more what you're lookin' for."

"A little too long for me, actually. Saay…" I pointed to the mantelpiece above. "There are few blades as optimized for cutting through meat like a katana. How much is that?"

"For you? Two gold."

"Ahahahaha. No. Why so expensive?"

/"Actually, considering how that rounds out to almost one thousand eight hundred dollars, that's actually quite competitive with modern katanas. Swords were historically the most expensive things warriors could own, that's why family sword heirlooms were so important."/

"I told ya, they're not pop'lar. I got them, but they're hard to come by in the first place."

I nodded again. "Fair enough. Let's have a look at something else."

/"I'm surprised. Why wouldn't you be a total weeaboo and just get the katana?"/ Monika frowned at me.

"I used to have this thing that was basically just a gladius mated to an extra long grip(1)," I explained. "I called it the Knee-cutter."

/"Oh. Right. I forgot that you could afford better cosplay."/

"Same here, for cuttin' horses legs off!" The bearlike shopkeeper laughed. "I think I know what you want now! Stay there!"

He returned with a sword that resembled a pu dao, except with a narrower blade more like a naginata or a typical saber(2). It came in two pieces, the sword bit, with a hollow pommel-less end, and a metal-tipped shaft with a ring pommel at the far end.

"Oooh! This is nice. This is very nice!" I hefted both pieces in my hands. "Not heavy at all. Can even do basic Eskrima movements." The length of the hilt behind the wrist served the same purpose as a pommel for balance. The long handle meant that you had extra leverage and choose where to put a lever motion up and down varying the length.

I slid the metal pieces together to turn the whole thing into a short polearm. The point was still useful for stabbing. Instead of a round shaft like what you'd expect from a spear, this one's whole length was actually flatter and more sword-like.

I grinned. "Yes, indeedy! This is… comfortable. Reach when you need it against larger monsters, speed and agility against more common opponents."

/"Anything that involves putting your meaty bits as far away as possible from the enemy's teeth, I support!"/

"A lot of beginners like swords. It's rare ta see young folk appreciate spearwork these days. Just remember that a two-section shaft like that is never goin' to be as strong or flexible as straight wood."

Monika played a short clip of a kung fu practitioner whipping his spear about and then changing directions suddenly, and the wood actually curved to follow. That was always impressive. The spear was the world's most versatile weapon for a good reason.

I unstuck the spear again and put the blade near my hips. "I could wear this part just as a sword, but then what do I do with this shaft? I'm starting to see the inconvenience."

It was too short to use as a walking stick and too long to just wear on the back.

But If I wore it beside the sword like daisho, the samurai paired swords on their belt, it felt somewhat wrong.

Barral raised a clenched left hand. "If you want ta do somethin' with yer off hand for defense, why not just a shield?" Then he reconsidered, "Though you're an adventurer, not a soldier, that's not usually somethin' people ask for."

He shrugged and slapped at his own back. "It's a little more weight to carry."

I nodded again. "Yes, do I want to be an adventurer, or do I want to be heavy infantry?"

Barral grinned approvingly. He then took the spear section with the ring pommel and returned to the back of the shop. He returned with a slightly longer shaft. "How about somethin' long enough you can use as a walkin' stick?" He pointed to the metal ring at the end. "This one's got a heavier weight to balance out the weight of th' blade, and ya can use it a simple bludgeon if ya need to deal with folk without killin' em."

I held the staff-length shaft in my hands, and experimentally raised and lowered it. "I feel like a monk. Or a prophet."

Barral let out a thoughtful hum. "Mm'yeh. Yulong monk staffs are like that, ye just lack the jingling ring bits."

"I think I'll do without the spear extension for now. How much?"

"One gold, eight silvers."

"One gold five."

Barral crossed his arms and shook his head sadly. "No hagglin'. This is a final price shop, boyo."

"Fair enough. Sold!" I put the weapon down the counter. "Now, what are my options for armor?"

Barral grinned again. A customer that spends well was any shopkeeper's best friend.



Elze and Linze let out mutters of surprise as I emerged from the back room with my new fitted adventuring gear. I tugged at my long white leather gloves. My sword belt was made of similarly strong white leather. Worn at the hip instead of tucked into the belt, the sword's long hilt poked up to almost my armpit but not uncomfortably so. Since my shirt was already black, I wore a short red weather-resistant cape and hood, with the hood part still down.

On my head was a helmet that resembled a Stahlhelm, curving gently around my headset. The VR case in front of my eyes just barely fit under the helm's peaked brim.

I raised my fist high and roared to the heavens, "ONCE MORE I AM A CHAR!"

This feeling of bliss and completion, I didn't understand it, but it was *amazing*. Elze and Linze applauded willingly.

Monika giggled. /"Yes. Yes you are. If this makes you happy, then I am fine with it. It was a little expensive though.

/"You just spent the equivalent of three thousand dollars preparing for a quest that will get you back about fifty-five bucks. I really really hope your hope of using adventuring as a sustainable income source will pay off."/

We were going to return later for further customization. I asked Barral for a tall hard leather collar of sorts with spring steel inserts that would completely support the weight of the helmet and the VR headset on my face. Eventually of course I would like to replace Monika's tough plastic VR casing with more battle-worthy metal.

"You look good," said Elze.

"Very… noble? Yes, I think so," said Linze. She nodded and held her new magic staff close to her chest, as if embarrassedly trying to hide behind it.

I looked at the girls in return. Linze's sole purchase was that staff, which now carried the magic stone she used for her magic. Elze bought some greaves for her feet.

She explained that she didn't like to wear even cloth armor like gambeson because they were stiff, hot, and uncomfortable. As Barral had said earlier, we were adventurers, not infantry. It was a pain to have to take off and put on armor.

"Unless we buy a horse or a donkey to carry our baggage," I noted. Then before they could direct hopeful looks at me, "But unfortunately I'm not that rich. I'm an adventurer because I need sustainable income too you know!"

Elze shrugged. "A donkey or a horse would be frightened off by monsters anyway. Useless. They'd just be killed running into the forest."

Why didn't I buy armor as well? Well I already had the advantage of reach, if anything was close enough to start clawing at me, things were already going so wrong that the monsters would be able to find my exposed neck or tear through my arms and legs just as easily as they could try to disembowel me.

Higher-ranked adventurers probably wore armor, but for new registrants of our level it felt like it would be quite pretentious. Tough, tear-resistant clothing would have to serve for now.

I looked down at her now metal-clad feet. "But why greaves? I mean, historically foot armor was to protect against the shins and feet against arrows where the shield doesn't cover. You're not protecting anything else on your body."

"That's because of my personal Null ability, [Boost]. It gives me an explosive increase in power, that I can use for punching, running and kicking. This will make my kicks easier to do and hit harder too."

That was a good reason. Now she could even do maybe Muay Thai kicks without breaking her shin in half, if that was her style.

"Oh, that reminds me, we still need to have that talk about magic."

Monika nodded and crossed her arms. She pointed at Linze from off her shoulder, addressing the girl even though she could not be heard, /"Let me just say that as a being who exists mainly as digital information, I am fully prepared and eager to get completely unscientific about things."/

She turned back towards me and gave me an eerie little smile. /"The fruits of science... have been nothing but cruel to me. Show me the wonder of a reality not just filled with infinite choices, but impossibilities."/

In return I gently touched the shell of the VR headset.

Biology has not been kind to me either, chemical impulses in the brain sometimes could only be held back by a prescription haze. A world under control, but lacking color and joy. Reflexes and urges unacceptable in modern society. Ambitions that had no meaning in a world that made being a celebrity the highest role in the land.

To make the impossible possible, to turn the absurd into the real, to go far and above the limits of the body and sanity - that is what an adventurer is! You accept me for all I am, then stand with me as I accept this world for all that it is. Let us taunt it, and dare it, and wring from it every bit of the incredible.

Monika, you *will* have your special day.



⁽¹⁾ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytWz0qVvBZ0

⁽²⁾ https://www.budk.com/ProductDetail.aspx?itemno=46%20UC3142

⁽³⁾ https://acc-cdn.azureedge.net/accliveimages/0005424_battle-pudao_550.jpeg

More links this time.

Actually considered sword and shield for tanking, but then he'd have to yell "NOW I AM BECOME PHYRRHA NIKOS!"

Also katanas are overrated,show me more miao daos!:p

Bluepencilcreators' thoughts
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