
Feya's Mistake

"Yes, I am the First Princess of the Forest Gate, wife of Prince Bastil of the Summer Suns." Feya replied and Bryson's eyes flashed with danger as he glanced at his granddaughter. Kyera met his eyes and smiled, letting her expression speak for herself.

"I see. Then you are considered the highest Rank here. Come, you must ride with me at the head of the coach. It is tradition, and since all of you are ladies." He offered her his hand to step out of the coach. Feya's face grew pale as she looked at his hand as if it would bite her. She smiled trying to be endearing.

"I am not use to such cold, I am sorry…" Feya replies batting her eyelashes. Kyera smiled for a split second.

"I will take the burden from my Sister. She is more frail than I." Kyera offered taking his hand and slowly standing up. Feya frowned and pushed her back only to be pinned against the other seat. Cora's raised lip letting her fangs peek out from behind her teeth.

"You do not touch." Cora warned and the darkness in Bryson's eyes lightened a bit. The serpent slowly sat back in her chair relaxed a bit more, but the warning in her words filled the air.

"Kyera, the sentiment is divine my dear. I would be proud to have you." Bryson glazed past that situation and smiled. Kyera took his hand and stepped off the carriage.

She took the tiny zither from her hair and looked up at the sky. With a small motion of her hand she strummed the tiny instrument. Within seconds the sound of wings could be heard. A small armless dragon flew down from the clouds and landed solidly on the earth.

Scales of crimson and soft grays marbled her body. Iridescent gold and gray making up her underbelly and the span of her wings. The wyvern was the size of a horse with a wingspan to match. Its piercing orange eyes meeting hers as it blew a puff of smoke. Bryson chuckled.

"It is odd seeing someone other than the storm twins heed your call." Bryson offered as he looked to the sky and whistled. It was a long low sound and a solid black streak barreled toward them. The dragon pulled up and landed, clumsily skidding to a stop at his master's feet. Both Grandfather and Granddaughter chuckled at his expression.

The aged dragon was a beauty, and filled with power, but someone had forgotten to give him grace. Though the elder had plenty of presence, his lack of depth perception could be tied to his single eye. Bryson rubbed the scales between his eyes and laughed, a deep belly laugh. Kyera smiled caressing the smokey Crimson dragon.

"Lady Kyzie…" Purred the elder dragon who had picked up this nickname for the lady when she had been much smaller. Bryson chuckled as kyera's cheeks turned slightly rosey in color.

"Cysan." Kyera nodded at the older dragon letting it slide as she began stroking down the Crimson's neck and ensuring the blanket was in place properly. It would be a extremely uncomfortable and dangerous if it wasn't secured properly.

"Storm Dancer…" The Smokey dragon asked and Kyera smiled at him, dazzling him with her pretty sweet smile. He looked down, chest bursting with pride. Inside his body began to churn the fire and his body began to emit heat, more than enough to keep Kyera warm. She smiled and leaned her forehead to his side letting her body warm before taking a step back. He watched her with calm and attentive eyes.

"The Storm Twins are busy, I will have to entrust myself to you, Tyme." Kyera added as she stepped onto the running board of the carriage. The jostling caused Melania to peek out the window drapes. Her mouth fell open as she watched this forest born princess swing into the saddle of a lizard… but then she corrected herself.

"Is it just me or is that a Wyvern."  Melania asked raising a brow and Feya leaned over to see Kyera readjusting in the saddle and urging the lizard to join Bryson who had already mounted Cysan. They began to lead away and the horses lightly lurched the carriage as they moved to follow.

"That is… how dare she chance the health of a royal barren." Feya scoffed sitting back on the chair. "I would never allow myself to ride such a beast. So irresponsible and she wants to be Empress… Even a queen should know better." She continued to try and create some sort of


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