
No Notice Nessisary

The three men sat in silence for a long moment as Kyera finished her tale. They had all heard the story, but not this version. No king wanted to admit they had been out done by such a young queen, and no one knew where the drop had come from. Kyera Of the Falling Leaves was a lady of legend and so many told the tales of her life but no one mentioned her lineage, though it made more sense.

"Okay, how do we set this up?" Clovis asked, trusting his wife. This gave him the hope he needed, as long as she was right and that debt still held weight. She seemed so confident it would.

"We travel to her gates and request sanctuary in the mother city. She will choose to see us or not at the gates." Kyera explained with a bit of a smile. The warm tea was soothing the pain in her throat. Speaking so much was definitely not something she was accustomed to, she wasn't a speech giver at heart. Action is often so much louder than words whether it be a act of peace or act of war.

"Shouldn't we let her know we are coming?" He asked honestly a bit nervous. It would be a long and somewhat dangerous trip to do without invitation. She smiled knowing his thoughts. Caution was a beautiful thing, but without risk there was very little chance at reward.

"No, you need to show up just the Pair of you, and with a present. Am I right, My Lady?" Mordakai asked having a rather expectant look on his face. Kyera couldn't help but chuckle at her elder. Who said he was old and slow? His mind followed faster than the best tracker.

"Yes, She is very cautious and our people never give her notice. If we write her she will deny it out of fear shes being tricked." Kyera explained and Clovis nodded slowly. He had a grim frown on his lips.

"There are so many sins hidden in my countries past. Was anything I was taught the truth?" He asked shaking his head frustration carving his expression. Kyera took his hand, making him look at her.

"A brilliant man once told me 'History is written by the Victors, returning heroes and proud Emperors." Kyera tried to lift his spirits but his face seemed to darken. His hand tightened to hold hers.

"The fact that you and my people think that is a comforting fact is sad in and of itself. It shouldn't be that way. The truth is the truth, right or wrong a Emperor should never erase his deeds or his children can not learn from them." Clovis replied surprising the three others at the table. Kyera smiled having sort of expected something similar.

"Then do better. When you take that bloody throne from your father, do better. The past is done but you will form the future." Mordakai challenged him. There was fire and taunting in his words,  but little doubt. As long as they weren't empty words, he knew Clovis could do just that.

Kyera nodded, taking her husband's hand and squeezing gently. "We believe in you or trust me you wouldn't be here with me as your wife." Kyera reminded him gently. She leaned in, kissing his cheek. "I will make the arrangements and prepare a gift. You should go spend some time with Raina. It is rare for you to have so much free time for her and this will be a long trip." Kyera reminded him with a soft smile.

"'And Vella expects the three of you to join us for dinner tonight. She's about to have the baby, and won't forgive either of you till her emotions settle down." Mordrin cautioned them. Kyera smiled.

"We will not distress your Lady, Mordrin I assure you. Instead we will arrive at dinner early so she has no time to fret." Kyera assured him and her old friend nodded. He was obviously tired and excited. Not that she could blame him, first child was amazingly important.

"See that you do." Mordrin agreed before walking back to the palace. Kyera nodded looking at Clovis.

"You heard me. Be sure to be early for dinner. I will be back as soon as I can. Mordakai do I still have access to the Crystal Caverns?" Kyera asked curiously. He laughed and raised a brow in response.

"And since when do you need permission, Little thief?" Mordakai asked mischief twinkling in his eyes. Kyera grinned and stood.

"I will try to behave myself this time, My Lord." she replied before leaving the group as well.

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