
Rabbits and Rouge Part 2

"Princess, we should never lower ourselves to such levels as to shame others so openly. She has shamed herself enough." Kyera reprimanded her gently, but firmly.

In truth she was proud of her Princess. However, she also had the responsibility to teach her to survive with dignity. Honesty is a fantastic thing, but sometimes one must be witty about how they express their truths.

"Yes, Teacher. Can we go somewhere else, please?" Princess Raina asked, just wanting to free them of this woman. Lady Kyera had been happy and joyful till the stone caught her eye. She desperately wanted to get back to that.

"Teacher? No wonder you have such poor tastes, yet lavish cloths. Your nothing more than a tutor being smothered in gold for your extra services." the shopkeeper insulted her shamelessly. Kyera sighed at her words, not allowing them to get a rise out of her. Her gaze was more than enough to call her a idiot.

"Yes of course, Raina. I know a

Trinket shop I think you might like." Kyera replied, more than happy to leave the stunned Shopkeep behind then. This woman wasn't worth her anger, and losing her temper would not be good to show the child. Having a cool head was indeed her greatest ally.

"You won't find better trinkets than mine. How dare you!" the woman growled bviously feeling slighted by Kyera's words. There was apparently a very shallow depth to how much insult that woman could take. The tigress in human skin turned back and looked thoughtful.

"Is it rumored they are better than yours? Perhaps we should test this Princess." Kyera offered looking at the little girl who nodded obediently. The shopkeeper growled and Kyera frowned. How was it that growl was more full of hatred and more feral than her own?

"You slandering b…" she only made it that far before Kyera's hand slaped against her face with enough force to turn the woman's head. The fire in Kyera's eyes was a bit frightening.

"You may insult the children of the forest but you will not curse in front of the Princess again. It shows such disrespect for the crown and poor breeding." Kyera's voice was too gentle for a growl. In contrast to the sharp slap. Those soft words seemed like needles sinking into her pride. Raina seemed surprised to see Kyera behave as such. She now knew what it meant to be delicate as a lotus bloom yet strong as a raging river.

"You.." the woman looked around wildly, her eyes lighting on a leather thong used for swatting flies. She raised it over her head, and Aimed it for Kyera's face. She wanted to mark this insolent woman for the witch she was.

Kyera waited for the hit, unafraid of this woman's strength. The leather thong would leave a welt but it would prove her temperament. She had no intention of letting it touch her skin more than once.

However a hand grabbed that leather throng and yanked it away hard enough to force the woman to stumble. No one made a move to catch her as the stunning young gentleman let her fall. Kyera glanced back to see who had defended her before she had a chance to. His outfit was dark, like a hunter's garb. The bow at his side fairly familiar as Kyera looked him over. She finally made it to his face. His orange hair and fair skin were like a stinging slap of disbelief.

An unexpected, and familiar face met Kyera's eyes causing them to prick with tears. He glared at the woman who backed off of them quickly. Raina frowned thanking him for the help but unfortunately neither teacher nor the man acknowledged her.

The boy pulled Kyera into his arms and held her tight against him. His face buried in her neck as he held her. His actions shocked the child beside them who glanced between them both and around the room. Most the patrons of this shop were focused, their attention on this pair.

Including the man who had just reached the door.

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