
The Empress Awakens Part 3

Queen Fae and the maids both cut looks at her, anger in their hearts but neither could make a move to punish her. Very few beauties were favored by the king for abilities in the sunlight, but this girl was a goddess when it came to soothing angry beasts. The leopard in her arms was formidable and answered only to Mally. As long as that beast was at her side, there was little they could do, but speak.

"What will she do? The Empress long lost the love of our Emperor. She only has a daughter and a weakling son to protect her. Her daughter married to a kingdom that is barely at peace with us and her Crown Prince… Don't make me laugh. He will never make it through the trials. When he dies there will be no one to protect that bastard grand daughter of hers." Queen Fae spoke clearly, and without restraint. Her eyes met Empress Evelyn and she noticed the fire in her eyes, but not the damn as it broke. There was no attempt to mask the meaning of her words.

Evelyn sat still for a moment, realizing how evil these women truly were. All these years she had thought they were simply being mothers, wanting what was best for their children. Now however, she knew the truth. They were out to destroy that which was hers. Jealousy and hatred for a woman neither of them truly knew. Oh but now… there was no reason to pretend. Cold palace or not, consequences be damned.

"Care to say that again, Second Queen Fae?" Evelyn asked as she rose to her feet. Both Queens rose as well, and faced down Evelyn, expecting her to back down at their glares. However, this time she simply chuckled at them. "Fae?" She asked again, expectantly.

"Don't try pulling your position with…" Fae never finished her words before skin contact was made.




Three times Evelyn's palm met Fae's cheek, first her left, then the right, then left again. Red marks appeared where the ring of the Empress left a imprint on her cheek. Shock appeared on both Queen's faces. They had never dreamed that Dainty Little Eve could do such a thing. Nor did the Emperor for that matter, little did they know that Evelyn was done being a obedient Wife. It was time to protect what was hers, to behave as a Empress, a equal to her husband.

The eyes of the Emperor only saw the last strike, wich sent Fae to the ground. Though, he was unaware that the strike was not hard enough to send the girl sprawling. It has been enough to hurt but her own acting made the moment much more dramatic. Evelyn couldn't help but snear at her, knowing what Fae was playing at. Shock and anger rose in his heart as he rushed to help Queen Fae to her feet.

"What is the meaning of this! Eve I never expected this sort of violent behavior from you!" He roared and the Leopard rose to its feet, fur on end as it watched this unfold. A soft laugh fell from Evelyn's lips. However, before Evelyn could answer Queen Kira stepped forward taking Queen Fae by the hand.

"Your Majesty,this is really much too much. Empress Evelyn has gone too far. You have allowed her out of grace not to mingle with us. She has been given her space and her garden as Empress. Yet she can not be civil for the one time a day she must tolerate us!" Queen Kira's words were laced with indignation. However, she left out the fact that it had been made apparent to Empress Evelyn that being near them would cause her nothing but greif. A gentle soul like the Empress was no match for the black bellies of the queens.

He turned to her, his eyes searching Evelyn's face. She waited, letting him read her as she knew he wanted. Her words would mean nothing if he couldn't see the sincerity in her soul. How he didn't realize Queen Kira was fooling him, Evelyn had no idea but he would know her soul.

A sliver of hope remained in her heart that he would ask her again. That he would remember her as the woman he once whispered sweet nothings too. She prayed he would give her a chance and not blindly believe this woman who had destroyed their love.

Hello again,

So sorry about the delayed post. I had set up for a auto post but apparently I did something wrong and none of the chapters i had prepared posted.

I'm back from the mountains so this shouldn't be a issue again health allowing.

I hope you enjoy this.

Valinteenacreators' thoughts
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