

Over the next few months, Fino and I had come up with a plan to escape the insane Layla in between the times she tried to kill us. Right now I had to somehow get both Fino and me out of a pit of snakes. Instead of doing what they want me to do to escape I go over to the hole in the wall that the snakes seem to be coming through. I can tell by looking at the snakes that they aren't dangerous. They are just made to look like poisonous snakes. I made Fino go through the hole before me to make sure that he made it out even if I didn't. I learned what could happen if you went first and they didn't by watching a tape of my mother and my mother's first lover. I knew that there was a large chance that we would be bitten multiple times, but I didn't want to do what they wanted me to do. When we got out of the hole of snakes, to my surprise, there was a crowd waiting outside. I didn't understand it. I thought they wanted us to go out the hole in the roof with the rope that was in the bottom of the huge pit of snakes.

"That's a new record. Well done. Your mom didn't even do that good when she went through that test. That's why she's dead and I still have to rule all these people. She wasn't good enough." she said, trying to get a rise out of me.

"Well, I guess I'm just better than her, so you better watch your back," I said in a mocking tone. She just smiled and she slowly walked up to me. It was obvious by the way she walked that she thought all the eyes should be on her and they all were, except Finos.

"Perfect. Now that's what I'm looking for. Now you will be more than your mother ever was. You will be my successor. The trials are over. You are almost ready," When she finished saying those words a big wall was suddenly gone and in its place were hundreds if not thousands of people

"Come now. This is your party. Congratulating you for being alive." she said in a sinister voice. It wasn't hard to imagine what she put all these people through. They probably had it worse than the children living in Africa. To my surprise most of the people in the square were children.

When I asked Layla why she stated simply, "They seem to be immune to the virus that is rampaging through the city. Most of the adults died when the virus first arose." I felt like I was going to be sick because of the little remorse she showed. Fino came up behind me and put his hands on my shoulders making me jump. He had woken up earlier than he usually did and when I looked I saw why. One of the council members stood in the back of the room with a needle in his hand. As I looked around I noticed that almost all the council members were there.

"What is it Lilith," Layla asked when she realized that my attention was elsewhere

"Why are the children immune and not their parents?" I ask.

"You finally asked the right question…. A long time ago, before recorded history, there was a plague. It almost wiped out the whole planet. There were a few who were naturally immune but most weren't. We rounded up all the immune and did a bunch of tests. Some of the experiments went a little too far. We were successful in getting the cure but it was too late. The immunes rebelled with the help of someone with a lot of power that I trusted with my life. In the end, she left me for dead. I was almost dead when a witch showed up and told me that it wasn't my time to die. Her name was Delilah. She turned me into what I am now and any succubus that is alive now is descendant from me in some way. The difference between them and you is that you were born with my blood, which means you should be able to suck the magic out of other things even yourself. Normally if you are a succubus you won't be able to practice magic even if you were a witch before your transformation. It was nature's balance. Every now and then some of the witches won't be able to use magic unless they sucked it out of other sources. Those few people, when turned into succubi can be very dangerous. You, Lilith, are one of those few. I have only met one other like you in my life and that is why I have decided that it would be best if you two mated because it is more likely to produce more offspring like yourself. I know you have feelings for Fino but you have to give him up. Now if you will come with me you can meet the lucky man who will soon be your mate." It was hard to take in all this information. I followed Layla with mechanical movements.

September 8,2018

I had previously abandoned this story, but as of today I am going to go back over it. I will be planning, editing, and hopefully publishing. I would like to ask those of you that have read my story to give me tips on what to do next, and how to make my story great, after all I am a newby. This story may change in major ways. I know previously in my story it hasn't really fit well. I hope to remedy that. This story just doesn't feel right anymore.

Nyworea_Elddircreators' thoughts
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