

"Ah, yes Agnes," Vera bashfully turned her head, "maybe you should put some clothes on."

"Huh," I stared at my body which was only covered by sheets, "ah, how embarrassing."

Due to the forceful awakening, I had entirely forgotten that I went to sleep naked.

The group really got an eyeful, didn't they. Hopefully they couldn't see too much.

With a blanket in my hand, I grabbed my clothes, and leisurely tried putting them on. Vera, who saw my intentions came to my help and assisted me. We worked slowly, one piece at a time, as if trying to postpone the dreaded that awaited me the moment I left the room.

"Are you worried about me?" I asked Vera.

She lifted my dress and I slipped in.

"Of course, you understand what will happen when you leave through the door, right?"

"It will be alright."

Vera smiled worriedly, "if you say so, then I have no choice but to believe you. Lift you hair please."

"Eh," I pouted as I saw the necklace in her hands, "I don't want to put that on."

"No, no, I insist," she held me down, "beauty will make you stronger. Just for today, wield your cuteness as a weapon."

"You are still harping on about that," I twirled my hair into a bun, while she gave me my last touch ups.

"All done," she said.

"Great, let's move out," I stood up and walked through the door.

"Wait," she suddenly called out.

"Hmm," I turned my head around.

She stared at me, unsure of what to say, "nevermind. Let us go."

Vera took a candle, and we went towards the meeting hall. The candle shone like a ball of fire amidst the great darkness, but all it was able to light up were the next steps we took.

It was a detestable time for any kind of socializing.

At last, we arrived at a door. It was only after we were a few meters away, did I realize.

Vera carefully opened the door and walked in first.

She then announced, "the Miss is here."

Just like the hallways, the room was not properly illuminated.

Instead, similarly to Vera, we had servants drifting around with a small flame, the size of a head. Occasionally they would light up a face, but most of the time, the surroundings were visually silent.

Only the numerous gazes which reflected the flickering candles were clearly visible. Like shadow creatures, they moved around, sometimes disappearing and then reappearing again.

Everyone cocked their heads upon hearing her voice.

The only place that was particularly alit was the middle of the hall, and when I took a closer look, it has already been occupied by a person. A candle shone on her face.

The girl was my dear cousin and slave, Raya.

She stood facing away from me, but I still saw her ashen expression. Not even the deep, yellow light could add color to her face.

It was like a stage setting. All that was needed was a curtain to part the audience from the actors.

How funny, it started with a theatrical display, and it would also end with one.

"Guide her in," I heard a familiar voice say. It was Raya father.

As his lone voice swept across the halls, the servants moved swiftly to his side, driving away the darkness and revealed him sitting on an elevated chair. He rested his rotund face on his hand and with a judgmental gaze, scrutinized me from head to toe.

Was he pretending to be a king, or was that simply coincidence?

I walked towards the bright spot, just right behind Raya, who gave me a quick glance.

"I will get to you later. Just wait here," he ordered me.

Then why did he he call me here in the first place?

I inadvertently yawned, due to my lack of sleep, displeasing everyone around me.

As I moved my head around to observe the surrounding, my gaze fell on the person who had forcefully ripped me out of my slumber. Unlike the other spectators who had learned from their previous experience to not interact with the show, he let his emotions flow freely.

Did he not know, just like in a zoo, this was a looking but no touching zone. But if he wanted to become an animal, I wouldn't stop him from doing so.

After all, the act hadn't started yet. Whoever would end as the punchline wasn't decided. So, anyone in the mood for laughter?

I snickered by myself, however no one paid me any attention. For the first time, the focus was not on me. The limelight had different shades, just like how the sun had different temperatures. And at the very core stood not me, but Raya.

Currently, she was the sun, and I only a ray of light.

Her face was as dark as the night, though.

Father and daughter began to engage in a conversation as he said, "Raya, you have dissapointed me."

She flinched and then shuddered. Her head was lowered as she tried to avoid his cold eyes.

I retreated slowly, and went back to where Vera stood. No one minded my actions, as at the moment they had paid me no heed.

People were a lot more vocal when it came to Raya.

Not because they hated her.

All they felt was pity. They gave her a look as if they were witnessing something unjust, and lamented to the heavens that she did not deserve her fate. Some even hid their sight, to not witness what was about to happen.

I would soon find out why.

"You understand right, what happens when you dissapoint me."

"Papa, I," she gripped her dress and tried explaining herself.

"Quiet. A bad girl derserves punishment, is that not so."

She bit her lips and nodded very reluctantly, "yes papa," was all she managed to squeeze out.

"Let us go with the usual."

Her face contorted in horror, "wait, please, I really can explain!l

"Let us go with the usual," he repeated in an icy tone.

Was he at a restaurant?

Ah, I apologize. Due to the lack of sleep, I seem to be asking a lot of questions. I had no control over my sarcasm at such times.

Rayas eyelashes fluttered even though there was no wind.

Her lips were pale and her mouth slightly agape, as if she couldn't believe what was happening.

She gulped once, wiped the sweat of her hands, and gulped once more. She then squinted her eyes which trembled slightly.

"What are you waiting for," her father asked her nonchalantly.

Raya shuddered and then walked towards were her father sat.

She took one step at the time, the floors creaking, while everything else was quiet. Only when she was at touching distance from her father did she stop, her head lowered.

Her father rose from his seat.

"First, when Agnes had arrived at the household and I was to punish her, not only did you disgrace yourself in front of our family, you disgraced my name too," he stared coldly at her, causing her to glance away.

"Secondly, without my agreement, you went behind my back and decided it was appropriate to enact your own justice, when I had my own plans on what to do with her," he raised one hand in the air.

"And lastly, you even lost. Thus I had to return prematurely, even though I still had to look for where your sister has journeyed to," he said with a voice so low, and so detached from emotions, it made everyone feel cold water running down there back.

His raised hand was clenched to a fist, and with much intensity, he brought it down to Rayas face.

It was like a meteor strike, and as it connected with her cheek, a very full sound resounded- the sound wasn't a cute one, like a slap that would sting.

Raya stood no chance, and since she had no way of blocking or dodging, her face was flung to the side, as she fell to the ground with little resistance.

Everyone watching averted their eyes, as they felt sympathy towards her. Yet, the sympathy did little for her wounds, and she laid weakly on the floor, burying her head in shame, while her back rose and fell unevenly.

Little droplets of blood was splattered on her clothes.

"It pains me much more to do this to you, than it pains you," her father said as he wiped his hand, "stand up."

Raya moved very slowly, using her remaining strength to support herself.

She pushed the ground away and when she raised her head, I saw her bruised cheek. Like an imprint, the place she was hit turned red and ripe. Her mouth filled with blood and the side of her lips had bursted open.

She stumbled, her knees wobbly, as she staggered and searched for a wall or pillar to hold onto, only to see that she stood alone. All alone.

With an unfocused gaze, she stared at her father, who raised his hand again.

He swung once more, and a very familiar sound rang in everyone's ear, as Raya went down like a euthanized dog, for the second time.

Her fathers brows furrowed, but not from the violence inflicted on his daughter, rather he said, "watch where you spray that blood, it will be difficult to clean up afterwards."

The people around weren't particular shocked by the brutality, as if they had expected such a situation.

However, for me, it was the first time witnessing this scene.

I had to admit, he was very gutsy to display such archaic abuse, so openly. Had he called me so I could witness the scene? Was it a warning, or foreboding for what will happen to me?


I saw him stare at me, ignoring Raya, his daughter who was enduring her pain and humiliation.

With an oyster-like tenacity, she stood up again, resting her hands on her knees. Her other cheek now looked very similar to the one that had been hit first, swollen, with a blackish, blueish tint, creating a jarring symmetry.

"You understand me right, as you are a very bad child, I have to punish you in a very bad way. I know you are in your rebellious age so I have to take more drastic measure," he said softly, while Raya was silent, "you understand, right?"

She opened her wounded mouth and replied weakly, "yes, father," that one sentence seemed to pain her much more than the hits on her face.

He clenched his fist, "it is good that you do," and repeated his actions.

The situation continued for a while, him beating down on her, and then urging her to stand up, with Raya not able to do anything but follow his orders.

I surveyed my surroundings. Because it was still dark, it was hard for me to make out any detailed expressions, but I still saw a lot, if I strained my eyes.

For example, Vera, who was grimacing at the sight.

Afterwards, I just closed my eyes until the sounds subsided.

Raya was sprawled on the floor. The whole time, she did not utter any cries. It was only the continuous barrage that echoed against the walls.

As I don’t really want to go premium, I started a ko-fi site instead. So if you like the story, do check it out!


For every donation, there will be a daily update, and he/she will receive an illustration privately send to them.

Even if you don’t have any money, checking it out will do no harm, as there are some illustrations posted for free already!

Hyowhacreators' thoughts
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