
Noble Blood


"Did you find her?"

"If I did wouldn't I be on my way to the place right now?, why would I be here talking to you?"

It's been hours since the search started yet not even a whiff of the person's scent much less a trace could be found.

"Both of you shut up! and look harder"

It's a cold night like any other across the royal capital but unlike the usually calm and serene atmosphere that the capital had gained its fame for tonight was a night that no one thought would ever be possible.

The entire Emerald capital was currently engulfed in flames.


Everything was enveloped in a miasma of pandemonium, People who once berried the darkness in their hearts deep were now free of their inhibitions this is especially so for the soldiers who had to guard the nobles.

"No! please! My children are here!"

"Hehehe don't worry Lady Ann we'll treat you better than your husband ever could"

A few Soldier stood in a circle surrounding Lady Ann who seems to only be in her late twenties, she'd fallen on the ground, no matter how hard she tried the swelling on her left foot made it impossible for her to get up yet, in spite of that, she still tried to crawl over to a not too far away overturned carriage that was slowly being engulfed in fire.


Watching their mother crawl over with tears and snot covering her face, she was obviously in a lot of pain but she still crawled the boys felt like a knife was constantly being plunged into their hearts.

"Don't you bastards dare touch my mom or I'll have your heads on a spike!"

All the soldiers started laugh watching the two teens that were trapped in the over turnt carriage struggling to get out but still issuing threats to them it seemed like the funniest thing in the world.

"Hahaha, our heads on a spike? Kid I don't think you realize what's happening here. You think your noble title can do shit here? You still think anyone gives a shit about who you were? Me and my buddies here are going to enjoy your mother and show you a side of her that you never knew existed"

Taking a slight pause the soldier who had spoken licked his lips, he didn't even bother trying to hide the lust in his eyes.

"But don't worry little lords you don't have to feel left out once we're done with the lady here we'll be sure to take good care of the both of you"

The surrounding soldiers once again broke out into another round of laughter.



Before any of them could bring their own twisted desires into reality two thin lines of light flew pass them followed by two short groans of pain.

The two lines of light, as well as, the groans of pain forcefully brought them back to reality when they realize where the groans of pain were coming from they immediately flew in a fit of rage, the soldier who'd spoken about raping the two teens was by far the most upset one, the two boys had an arrow sticking out of their respective skulls.


"Who the fuck dares to run-"

When he finally turned around and saw who fired the arrows every other word he'd wanted to say were all swallowed.

The young man was clad in a military styled noble clothing a bow in hand and quiver with hundreds of arrows across his back, his two different colored eyes, handsome features, as well as, his light blue hair were all traits only the royal family possessed.

"Lord Hide! what are you doing here?"

Without exception they all revealed their most sincere smile while getting down on one knee lowering their heads as was customary when a soldier saw a member of the Royal Family.

The soldiers were all bowing and the one who had cursed was bowing so deeply that it was a wonder how his neck didn't break.

"filthy insects hurry up and find her"

When he spoke it sounded as if he was utterly disgusted, a tone one would use when speaking to the scum of the earth.

Without giving any of them so much as a glance Lord Hide turned and left.

Waiting for a few minutes to ensure that he really left the soldiers all turned their attention back to Lady Ann they all wanted to at least have some fun with her before continuing with their original task but what greeted them sent a chill down their spine there was an arrow sticking out of her head as well.

How was that possible?

When did he fire another arrow?

Every one of the soldiers were instantly covered in cold sweat.

What if he'd decided to kill them too? they wouldn't even get a chance to fight back.


While all of this was happening a little girl not too far away, hidden in a corner was watching everything, she didn't look much older than ten years old.

If the soldiers were to see her their first reaction would be to wonder if she was a lost fairy, she was beyond beautiful but once the initial shock wore off and they took a look at the two different colors of her iris they would've immediately caught her and brought her to the Royal Palace.

This was the little girl that they're supposed to be looking for!

Staring at the soldiers she once looked up to, she felt nothing but endless disgust towards them, not only did they betray her father but now they wanted to take advantage of the wife of a baron, do they not have any respect for the status of a noble?

They should be trying to restore the city to order so she could go back home to her father but instead, here they are trying to rape this woman, disgusting.

The more she watched and listened to the soldiers speaking the more the feeling of disgust grew.

Deep down in her heart she didn't really know if she felt disgusted because they weren't doing their duty and restoring order so she could go home or because they were about to rape this lady and her sons.

The more she watched it became obvious that it was the former she really didn't care about what was happening to Lady Ann, If these soldiers were doing their duties she could've been back home by now with her father and not running around these filthy streets like a commoner.

She couldn't stand it anymore, she wanted to step out and issue an order in the name of the Royal family to these soldiers forcing them to take her back, the moment she took a step forward someone grabbed her and pulled her back.


The ally was dimly lit so she couldn't see the face of the person right away, she was terrified, luckily for her, it wasn't someone trying to take her away, her eyes eventually readjusted to the dark and the face she saw caused her to breathe a sigh of relief.

The person who held onto her was a palace tutor that's been teaching her reading, writing and poetry for eight years now.

Although her heart was still beating pretty fast because of the fear she felt a moment ago she still managed to calm down to take one final look at the soldier's to remember their face for when she saw her father but she saw someone she never expected to see.

"Cousin Hide!"

Out of surprise shouted but the sound was barely audible because of the two hands covering her mouth.

"Shhhhh! Do you want us to get caught? Just keep quiet and I'll take you back to the palace to your father, okay?"

Putting her age aside she's very intelligent smarter than an average adult so she knew it wasn't sensible to draw attention to herself.

Shortly after both Hide and the soldiers left she finally felt the hand that covered her mouth loosen so she turned around excitedly.

"Father really wants me to come back?"

Looking at the fairy-like young girl in front of him the man smiled and nodded his head.

"Have I ever lied to you Miss Aria? Your father said the situation in the place has stabilized so you should return now where you'll be safe"

"Mhmm hmmm yes let's go"

It was hard to cover up the joy she was feeling before chaos broke out in the city her father ordered some guards to take her out of the city but none of them were alive now, since this was the first time she had ever been this far out of the inner city she didn't know her way around so she had just been hiding and walking around in circles.


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