
A Conversation with an Infant (Part 1)

"I want talk, Mama," Michael said.

"Okay then, Ezra," Aerwyna said this as her face looked incredulous to the fact that she was talking to an eight-day-old baby.

Michael had not fully comprehended the grammar and could only put all the words that he heard prior to this conversation to memory. So far he could only communicate in a basic way.

"Hmm, so they named me Ezra," he thought.

"Can I eat bottle."

"No little one you can't eat bottles", Aerwyna raised her eyebrows as her baby said this. She felt a little relieved as she thought that his behaviour was pretty normal for his age as most babies actually bit into objects and such.

"No, eat out bottle."

"Ahh, you mean drink out of a bottle." Aerywna knitted her eyebrows at this. Was her baby feeling shame? What kind of baby is ashamed anyway? They could crawl around naked for all they care and think that everything is fine and dandy.


"Don't worry, It's okay for mama"

Ezra started shaking his head vigorously and kept on saying "No. Mama No."

"Okay, okay, Ezra. I'll feed you out of a bottle next time if you want that my little one."

Ezra suddenly smiled an adorable little smile that made Aerwyna's heart skip a beat. She was so happy to see her son have this expression. She released her aura to check up on her son. There were no signs that there were foreign magic traces on him. She breathed a sigh of relief. She was worried that the events that were happening around her son were due to tampering. She instinctively knew that her son was himself but she just double checked for good measure. One could only fathom what a Principality level Arcanist could do.

"And mama I want clean myself."

"But little one you cant do it yourself. Let Catalyna do it for you."

"No want mama. I do myself"

Then he stood up on the chair. "Careful Ezra you might fall"

Ezra did a motion of touching his behind. "Okay okay, little one. Just don't stand up on the chair you might fall from and injure your self from that height."

Again he smiled a cute radiant little smile.

"Thank you, mama."

"But you must make sure Catalyna is present."

Ezra pouted but said,"Okay mama."

"Why do you feel ashamed Ezra? You know it is normal for babies to be tended by their mother's or their wet nurse"

"Crap what do I say?" Ezra thought.

"I guess I'll just throw a tantrum so that she won't ask any more questions relating to this. I don't know how she would feel if her son had the mind of a thirty-seven-year-old scientist."

"NO NO NO. I don't want," he said this while lying down while flailing his arms.

"Hush hush little one. It's okay I won't ask anymore." Aerwyna exclaimed with a worried look.

Then Aerwyna tried to calm Ezra by changing the topic.

"You know are such a genius Ezra" She gently smiled.

Ezra Immediately sighed internally and went along.

"What is the genius mama?" He did not understand the word his mother used and thus asked for its meaning.

"You can do things children your age can't" Aerwyna explained. "You are very talented and can control your magic aura very well. In fact, you are the most talented person in history, I think."

She beamed and heaved her chest as she was really proud of him. "I'm not just saying that because I am your mother. You have done some things no one in history ever has."

"What is magic aura mama?"

Aerwyna noticed that her son's speech had improved and that he started to use the correct grammar.

"Hmm, how do I explain. Magic aura is the feeling that you get when you summon or sense magic power or your surroundings it is like a feeling where you can sense everything inside an area."

"What is magic mama?" Ezra asked puzzled, as he did not know the word his mother used again.

"Magic is what us magic users can use it is what connects the world together. It is a power that can harm or heal. Destroy or build. Hmm. Let me just show you."

Aerwyna stood up and entered into a stance. Then she started to speak. Ezra watched keenly and he also used his magic aura to observe the movements of his mother. He noticed that her aura grew stronger and brighter, it was a dazzling brilliance, but then it started to condense. Most of the aura flowed to her arm that was raised forward, leaving most of her body dim, but her arm burning white.

[The heavens has't scorned the fire of earth and thus the water shalt quench. Floods shalt rise and devour and all in all, shalt water drench. Flood Cannon ]

Ezra could not believe what happened next. Water suddenly gushed out of his mother's hand like a high powered hose.

"What the f*ck! Are the laws of thermodynamics non-existent here? How the f*ck did she create water out of nothing? But if the laws of thermodynamics went haywire why did anything exist in this world in the first place. Every natural law is required in order to support life. If one of the laws is erratic then life would not exist. And Looking at that high output flow of water there should be some recoil but there is none. F*ck is this really happening?!? "

"Seems like gravity still does it's job and also the water seems to be wet. But how the hell could you make something happen like this? This magic seems to go against the fundamental laws of nature."

"This is impossible! How the hell does a string of words pull off something like that. I can't accept this. This is not happening." Ezra was so incredulous at this event thinking all these things. His face was so shocked. He only understood around a third of the words she was chanting.

"Your mama used only a hundredth of her power or your mama will destroy the house." As she said this she released her aura and then the water disappeared.

Once again thank you for the support. As you can see this novel has reached 80+ power stones. I am so happy to see that as I did not think that this novel would even garner one.

earldennisoncreators' thoughts
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