
An awkward date

He did not move or say anything at all when Viette was acting like an excited kid slamming her small fists into the wall while yelling 'a real vampire' here and there.

'No wonder,' he thought. He had a glint in his eyes and a grin on his face.

After about 20 seconds of the rampage, she calmed down and looked at his face. When she came to contact with his eyes, she lowered her head shyly with a tinge of blush on her cheeks.

"I am sorry. I thought you are trying to scare me when you said you are a vampire." She said while keeping her head low. But she occasionally stole peeks at him with her eyes.

"Oh. Aren't you scared now?" He replied with the same grin on his face.

"A little. But, since you are so nice and did not harm me, I believe you belong to the Nice Vampire type. And I got excited seeing someone every girl like me would love to see." Her ears have turned light right showing her excitement.

"Hmm. It's just you, not every girl." He said while thinking about all the girls who got scared witless when he revealed his identity as a blood feeder. Every reaction he received so far in this world was a scream or a stunned face full of extreme fear. These girls proclaim they love the vampires from media, but when facing a real one not a single one can maintain their calmness and react like how Viette did.

"Now I have proved who I am, you have no more issue with me getting the drinking done. Right?" He continued with the same grin he had from the beginning while staring at Viette.

"Yes. There is no problem with that. I am sorry for doubting. Since you said you will fulfill any wish I have, can you do that before...before." Viette said as tears rolled from her pretty face.

"It's not like I will kill you. I will only drink 10% of your blood. It will be like a simple blood donation and you will not feel even tired in the morning. You will not even remember me when I am done with you." He said while maintaining his grin.

She looked at him with her teary face. The wetness in her eyes made her light blue eyes more beautiful. "But you said before you will fulfill something I need before you begin."

'Damn, so cute.' he thought to himself. He found it hard to maintain his previous grin and after contemplating for a few seconds he said. "I believe I said something similar. So what do you want?"

"Really? You won't go back on your word, won't you?" She jumped up and looked at him excitedly with an expression completely different from the tear-stained face she had before.

"Yes and no" he replied.

Viette tilted her head to the right with a confused look.

Releasing a sigh he spoke with a frown, "Yes I said what you want to do and no, I will not go back on my word if it is a reasonable request."

"That's great. You are so nice, Mister. Ah, I forgot to ask your name." Viette excitedly got close to him and tried to grab his hand but was unsuccessful as he moved his hand fast and avoided her.

"What do you want?" He asked her again.

"Oh. I want you to have a date with me," she replied eagerly.

"A date? What's that?" Even though he heard of this term couple of times, as a traveler new in this land, he was ignorant of many things and customs of humans.

"You don't know what a date is? A date is something in which a man and woman go to places together and eats together and spends time together. Then..... then..... Sorry, I don't know exactly either. I was always alone and never been on a date. Since you don't what a date is, you have never been to one either. So, let's have our first date together. How about that?" She spoke with a lecturing tone but changed it to a soft and eager voice when she herself realized her knowledge of them was shallow. She only knew about them from TV.

"We are not going anywhere." He said harshly.

"We do not have to go anywhere. We can just spend time here eating or watching something. Won't you spend some time with me?" she asked pitifully.

"If it is like that then.. ok." He agreed with her suggestion. When she was not looking his lips curled into a smile. 'You have successfully made me curious, girl.'

"You can call me Boian and tell me what you want me to do." He continued while looking at her.

"Boian. His name is Boian. He is more handsome than most celebrities. But, it should be the guy who should ask the girl for a date. Anyway.. what should I do? what should we do?" Viette seemed to be talking to herself as she sank in her own thoughts on what activity they should do for their date.

He looked at the 'lost in thought' Viette with curiosity. It's been eight years since he came to this land and he never felt this excited before. It reminds him of the crazy things he did while growing up. Releasing a sigh, he kept observing Viette.

"Let's watch a movie." After thinking for a while Viette suddenly fisted her left palm as if she got a great idea.

"I will get snacks and popcorn. Do you want anything to drink?" She asked excitedly before going to the kitchen while hopping like a rabbit. Viette halted when she realized what she just said. She turned to Boian and apologized. "I am sorry. I did not think before asking that." She shuddered when she thought of his probable answer to her question. It will be most likely be 'your blood Viette.'

"Who told you that we cannot drink and eat food. Even though it's not a great thing to do and can be troublesome sometimes, we have no problem with that," Boian replied.

"That's great. I will be back soon." She ran to the kitchen. Sounds of microwave operating and plastic tearing can be heard from the kitchen.

Boian turned his attention to the bedroom wall with a grin. He then abruptly turned his head towards the open door and whispered 'Aren't you clever.'

Soon Viette was back with a big bag of popcorn and snacks. She also held onto 2 bottles of soft drink. She was holding everything in her bosom and was struggling to make sure none of it falls down.

Seeing her struggling with a painful expression, Boian could not help soften his mind and step forward to take the drinks from her hands, lessening her burden.

"Thank you," Viette said bashfully. Her ears turned red again.

After unloading all the snacks on the bed covered with white sheets, she turned towards Boian and asked: "Which movie do you want to watch?"

Seeing Boian not replying even after a while she stood up with same jovial expression. "I will pick one then."

She went to the shelf and took out a big cardboard box. When she opened it, a few CDs dropped from within. The entire big box was filled with movie CDs.

"Which one should I pick?" she thought aloud. After picking one and throwing it away, she picked another and continued to do the same.

"Oh. This is boring."

"Ahhh. I saw this one many times already."

"No. I do not want to watch horror."

She continued this until she made a mess on the bed.

Boian coughed lightly as she is taking a lot of time.

Hearing the cough, Viette stopped her searching and thought for a second. "Got. That's the right one."

She packed all the CD on the bed and shoved everything into the same cardboard box and put it back to where she took it from. She then went to TV stand and picked a DVD set.

"This is the one." she seems excited.

"Let's watch these 5 movies."

"No, I won't. I don't watch movies and I am making an exception for you." Boian denied her suggestion.

"The first one does not have much romance, the second one is not the right one, for now, the third one onwards fits well." She picked the third movie and played it on the TV.

Soon the movie 'The Twilight Saga: Eclipse' started playing.

Seeing the vampire movie, especially a romantic one, Boian was frowning on the inside thinking the motive behind Viette's choice.

Viette excitedly grabbed Boian and pulled him to the bed and made him sit there. Opening the snacks and popcorn she held his hands with both her hands and leaned her head on his shoulders.

Boian's right hand was firmly hugged by Viette. He could feel her chest as his hand was held in that close. He did not know what she was thinking being this intimate with him.

Minutes passed by as if they are seconds and the movie seemed to be about to be over. Boian did not pay much attention to the movie but occasionally glanced through it. Viette still held the pose hugging Boian's hand with her two hands. She once in a while freed one hand to munch on snacks and popcorn. Her other hand kept tapping on the bed without a particular rhythm.

Boian only picked one or two pieces of chips and popcorn after the persuasion of Viette. 'When is she going to end this? How long is she going to keep me like this?'

Disregarding the playing movie that seems to have reached high tension, Boian raced his eyes around the room. The living room seemed to be empty, with little to no decorative items. But it is queer to see 55" TV with a high-quality home theater in the tiny bedroom.

'She must be fond of watching TV' he thought as he turned his focus on to the girl.

Looking at her dark brown hair, clear smooth skin and beautiful face, she could be one of the beautiful girls he had seen in his long life. But what made him wonder was that this girl had something that made people attracted to her. Some strange force. A girl like her, who was beautiful and had no issue with talking friendly with even a stranger like him, had spent most of her time inside this apartment of hers. She told him that she either orders delivery food or cooked for herself after she ordered online grocery delivery. Even then she did not meet with the delivery people; they were received by the landlady of the building. Was she hiding? Was she a criminal or fugitive or.....a species named by Japanese...an Otaku?

"I think we should not delay any further. It is too late now, let's get it done." He said while watching her face. 'Show me what else you got?'

"Hmm. You are not romantic at all. Look at Edward in the movie, he is so romantic. Or you have no feelings at all? Are all vampires supposed to like you or Edward? As you saw in the movie, can you marry me and make me a vampire as well? Are you able to have kids like Edward did later in the next movie of the series?" Viette asked.

Thinking for a few seconds Boian replied. "Edward? He is called Edward. Oh...Yea. They have a pretty close depiction of a particular group of beings. But it is not accurate. The answers to your question depend on the 'status.' The 'Status' defines the characteristics."

Sweet moments before the mayhem. I hope no one cringed after reading this.

Both characters have their own agenda.

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This chapter is dedicated to Daoist GrandsonOfChopper for rewarding me by being the first reviewer. Also my special thanks to Daoist fvckdidisaythat for taking my story to heart.

KingBiBiKcreators' thoughts
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