
1001 mile

Stay tuned..

Vida_v97 · Adolescente
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8 Chs

Chapter 6

Zane 👑

I was really upset when Minnie came to me. I saw with my eye Katie's facial expression change when she ask me for round two.

I know that she knows that I've been with many girls, but I don't need that girl around her. I heard when she said that guy to go fuck Minnie in the bathroom.

Maybe Minnie has fetish about bathrooms.

,,Did you enjoy here?" She ask me once when we outside.

,,No." I answer dryly. And look at her immedilately.

,,You mean in this country?" I added quick.

,,Yeah." She said.

,,No." I said again.

,,I heard you first time." She chuckle and I shook my head.

,,What are you doing here?" I ask her.

,,Theo bring me here." She said and then looked at the sky.

I look too. Then I heard someone scream my name.

I look at door and pissed Minnie.

,,Did you just ditched me for this whore?" What the fuck?

,,Whore?" Katie narrowed her bloodshot eyes at her.

,,Yes, bitch. Whore!" She yell and Katie chuckle.

,,You fucked my boyfriend, how can I be whore?" She asked her.

,,Because you are, everyone in school know that." She cross her arms.

,,Alright. Piss off Minnie." I said and Katie laugh.

,,I'm Millie." She scoff.

,,I don't care." I said and turn around to light my cigarette.

Katie follows my step and light her cigarette too.

,,You didn't said that when you was with me in bathroom earlier." She didn't give up.

"You are my laid for tonight, I don't know what are you expected? To marry you? Please." I inhale smoke.

,,Call me tommorow." She blow kiss at me and walk away.

,,You can never ditch her." Katie state and I frown.

,,I see. I just hope that she would leave me alone tonight." I said

,,That's pretty hard." She roll her eyes and laugh.

,,I need drink." She said

,,I can bring you vodka here." I said and she shook her head.

,,No, let's get inside. Theo is gonna be pissed off." She said and start to walk.

Once we get insade again, her crazy friend look at her pissed, just like she said.

,,Where the fuck you been?" He ask her  and then look at me.

,,You babysitt him?" He added and I furrow my eyebrow. Babysitt? What am I, six?

,,No, God." Katie said and grab vodka.

,,I think is time to go home. It's 2am." Theo said and I bulge my eyes.

Uncle is going to kill me.

,,Okay." Katie said and bring bottle with her.

,,Can you drop me off to the Elizabeth?" I ask Theo and he nod.

Thank god. Maybe if I say that I was been with Eli's friend maybe he would be calmier.


,,You drive pink honda?" I ask after Theo unlock the door.

,,Yeah." He sways his hips. Oh great, he is gay. And then I remmember my words from earlier.

I don't wanna bang this "girl". Fuck.

Katie sat in the passenger seat, and I roll back. I hope that nobody saw me in fucking pink car.

Theo drove slowly, aware of police.

Katie is pretty wasted. She slurred every word. She is like magnet, even if she is very drank. She doesn't talk not related, every word is their place. Maybe she enjoy be wasted and high.

Just like me.

Very short chapter.

Next is going to be better.
