
It Begins

"Hey kid?"

Aiden lifted his head, his earbuds falling out.

His mangled blonde hair shifted in to place and he quickly pulled his cheek away from the window, it now red.

"Oh my bad, I'm sorry I fell asleep."

The redhead overweight bus driver smiled as she headed toward the back of the bus to wake up a few more kids who snored obnoxiously.

It looked like Aiden was not the only one stricken with the first day of school syndrome.

He laughed under his breath as he gathered his things and hurried off the bus. He leaped off and as soon as his sneaker hit the pavement he slipped, ice that just happen to be there from the snowstorms that covered most of Wonder City.

Aiden tried to catch himself but he ended up splashing down in a puddle of freezing cold water.

A few students around him laughed loudly and pointed at Aiden.

"Looks like the freshman are even dumber this year."

"Sick entrance dude"

"I hope he is okay, maybe we should help him."

"No Brittne, are you trying to ruin your image already."

Aiden kept his gaze down as the clutter of responses hit him hard. He noted the face of the girl who wanted to help him though.

Aiden did not want to see how he looked but he glanced down to survey the damage. His light blue pants were soaked around the rear and crouch area, just great.

"Hey did that freshman piss his pants?!"

Making a poker face Aiden shrugged and ignored it. Welp, its not a great school experience without totally busting ass on the first day.

"Hey look, he shit his pants."

Aiden sighed as one more nail was driven in his skull as he entered Wonder Klark Highschool. The two metal doors outrageously loud as they shut behind him.

—— —— ——

"Um well, Im sorry Mr. Dire but all we have are the salmon skinny jeans."

Just to Aiden's luck, he had to wear jeans that threatened to rip at any moment. After his first second on campus fiasco he went to the office asking if he could call his brother since he forgot his phone. To no amazement, the snowstorms knocked out a few service towers in the area rendering the phones at school useless.

"It's fine, It's better then nothing."

The boy made his way out of the office when the secretary called out to him,

"Be careful the door is very lo-"

A big bang made him jump, just enough to tear a hole in his crotch region.

"What fantastic day."

Aiden walked awkwardly toward his first period designated classroom trying his best to hide his crotch by tying his jacket around his waste. He was already looking like the generic skater boy but now he seemed to fit the bill perfectly. He knew how to skate, had the jacket outfit going on, vans, and acne to make it all the more better. Undoubtedly, he looked like a freshman.

"Hmmm let me see, oh Mr. Dire. It is a pleasure to see that you were just late enough to miss my classroom rules."

A short Mexican lady with a scary amount of frizzy hair stared at Aiden as he entered the classroom. She wore a teal dress skirt and a grey polo with red rimmed glasses . She licked her lips as her example just perfectly walked in.

Aiden pointed in the direction of the door,

"Sorry I was in the office."

"Yeah he pissed his pants."

A girl of all people, called out from the back of the class. 'Hey fuck you too buddy',Aiden thought as a few giggles rippled throughout out the classroom.

"Well Mr. Dire, I refuse to allow tardies unless the principle sends a note with you and as I and the rest of the class can tell, you have no note."


"Ah ah ah, No buts in my classroom sir."

She slammed her palm against the white board, a big "Rule number one: No but's or cant's in the classroom" marked in red marker.

"Also since you have wasted valuable class time thats a lunch detention for you."

"You can't-"

She pointed at the board again. Aiden was starting to hate Highschool more quickly then he had hoped.

—- —- —-

World 12- Dabooto

Dancing Forest

August 4

—- —- —-

"How many so far?"

A humanoid creature with brilliant green scales and yellow slits for eyes spoke. A black mist of darkness floated eerily in the night of the forest, Howls feeling the cold night air.

"Sixty seven in total my Lord, we lost three but they have been replaced as quickly as they died."

The creature grinned, sharp teeth arranged in a human like formation.

"How about the Great one, has it been captured yet?"

The mist seem to be arrogantly looking toward the lizard man.

"Karma is well on his way to making it to Planet 1. I feel he will succeed in haste."

The lizard lashed his tongue out as he weighed his brethren's words.

"Was sending the weakest of the The Elites worth the risk? We should have sent a stronger one, you must not forget they are our sworn opposites."

The mist levitated forward to hover next to his "Lord".

"I know of this, this is why we must test their strength without sacrificing our most valued flock."

"It seems reasonable. Who is the target?"

The mist turned to face the creature,

"So many questions my Lord, is thou uneasy?"

The muscular form straightened his back and stood proudly,

"No, I am never uneasy. I just want our efforts to not be wasted. We can only be of a hundred after all."


"Do not fret my Lord, we have pinpointed the strongest human who still houses the principle. All we can do now is wait for our brothers to gather."

—- —- —-

World 1- Earth

Wonder City, Texas

August 4

12:35 p.m.

—- —- —-

"Aiden Dire?"

A lazy pale arm rose from the back of the classroom,


An African American man with a shiny bald head looked up with a confused expression. "Why did you sit in the back, there is no one else here?"

Aiden shrugged, the teacher in charge of lunch detention shrugged also before turning back to his tablet.

"I'm Mr. Sawyer, I am in charge of lunch detention. You are not aloud to talk or leave for thirty minutes and all cellphones will be taken up,"

An eyebrow was raised at him.

Dire shook his head as he pulled his pockets out to show Mr. Sawyer.

"You are not allowed to do classwork, read, draw, or sing slash humming. If you do so then it will be extended the full hour of lunch."

Aiden sighed as he tapped the desk he sat in. 'This was just perfect wasn't it' Aiden smiled to cover up his stress.

"Honestly, I don't care what you do, just don't leave."

After a few minutes of awkward silence Mr. Sawyer put headphones in and was fast asleep. Aiden could faintly hear opera music playing.

In the minutes of it being almost too quiet he started to fade in to his own thoughts.

Highschool sucked more then he could of dreamed of, this was nothing like what his brother had said. Well its not like he could exactly ask his parents since they were in Japan teaching kids how to speak proper English. This left Aiden stuck with his shit rotten drunk brother who could care leas about what he does. At least money was not an issue for him, his parents always sent some extra cash every month that softened the blow of watching his parents dip him in a broken down town and bounce. Wade, his brother, was probably out and about finding some younger girls he could catch in his net.

"Yeah my parents are rich journalists." A way he would reel in a few unlucky woman who thought smelling like alcohol and being rich were a cool combination. Speaking of unlucky, that was exactly how Aiden lived his life. Just slightly unlucky enough to wear he wanted to pull his hair out every day. It was like he could never catch a break. It was either his brother getting arrested, his parents forgetting to call him, moving to an even crappier town, starting Highschool with zero friends, and getting lunch detention on his first day of school, but it was always something. Aiden was so use to getting bullied by life that he learned to give zero cares about most things. He would always put on the same emotionless expression and go through the craziest stuff unphased. So much things piling on someone's shoulders could do that. Even if his life low key sucked ass, he still had one thing going for him, he wanted to be a journalist just like his father. No matter how many times he got knocked down he would always get back up. So many times people have laughed and criticized his goal of being a journalist as being "too small" or "not quite amazing enough" those insults were not rare. He actually enjoyed the challenge. Aiden Dire, was just an unlucky kid who wanted to be like his father and nothing more. He loved aiming for the smaller goal and relished in the fact he had no support, it would only make his resolve stronger.

The lights flickering snapped Aiden back to reality. 'Did I just do that whole main character thing were I randomly look back on my life' Aiden laughed internally as he tilted his head at the teacher fast asleep. 'It's not like it hurts to reflect every now and then'

Aiden dissolved back in the daze he was before, little did he know a being of untold chaos touched down just outside his school.

The black mist quickly phased through the front doors and surrounded the first student he saw. A short chubby white kid with glasses shivered as the mist was inhaled into his body. The fat boy stood still, staring into the emptiness of his locker. A simple one written in black on the inside. The one shifted and turned forming the words "hello". The kid looked on in amazement,

"What the hell, I knew these glasses were cheap pieces of crap."

The chubby kid lifted a arm to grab his glasses when he instantly lost consciousness. Instead, the hand slammed the locker shut. A knew person in charge of his vessel.

"Now, were is our Great one?"

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