
System levels

1-10( Genin )

11-30 ( Chunin )

31-60 ( Jonin )

61-80 (Anbu Commander )

81-110 ( Sannin )

111- 160 ( Kage )

161-200( Super Kage ) Hashirama, Madara, Tobirama, etc....

201-300 ( Kyuubi-Juubi) They are superior in terms of pure power.

301-400 ( Sage of the Six Path )

401-460 ( Kaguya Otsutsuki )

461-560 ( Death Messengers )

561-600( Head of the Otsutsuki clan )

601-700 ( Shinigami-Yami)

??? ( Kami )

??? (???) Unknown God

You can ask me anything you want in the comments and i'll answer as soon as i can.

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