
Status and Village

During an hour Retsu walked towards the village while SS continued to talk to him.SS explained to him how to be more like Orochimaru, while Retsu would ask him what he knew of this world.

It seemed that the Shinigami made it so that the system will be able to him important things only when it was necessary, like it happened with Izumi.Otherwise Retsu would've been in trouble, but he truly needed to get the 10 000 Shinobi Points and get Orochimaru's memories back.

[So host remember what i said?]

"Yeah, yeah don't worry.Creepy smile, sickly sweet voice, use as most of Orochimaru chakra as possible to pressure my targets and finally act like they're all beneath me, except for the Akatsuki members.Did i got that right?"

[Yup but you forgot something!]

'Forgot something.....Ah!'

"Get used to my body and try to control Orochimaru before i get the memories back, or i'm going to die in my first fight!"

[Exactly!Now, since you're already approaching the village, i'll show you your status.]

'Cool!i sure hope i'm not weak!]

"Well i already told you about the levels , so here we go!

Name: Retsu-Orochimaru

Age: 54 but your body is definitely no older than 30

Level: 20 because you don't have the memories and you're not used to chakra.Orochimaru's level is 100

Bloodline: Mokuton (blocked), Shikotsumyaku (Blocked), White Snake cells (Regeneration and Living Corpse Reincarnation) and Snake inheritance ( ability to totally become a snake)


Total: ??? (They're too numerous but you'll soon remember what Orochimaru used the most)

Unique Traits: Chakra Absortion, Snake Charms ]

"Wait!What's Snake Charms?"Asked Retsu as he neared the village.

[It's a special ability that the original Orochimaru didn't possessed.It allows you to corrupt the minds of your targets, the less mentally stable they're , the higher the chance of corruption are.It can also help you seduce women...But seducing isn't Orochimaru's style.]

"Are you implying that i should kidnap people?"Said Retsu in a slightly annoyed tone.

[Orochimaru is a kidnapper.And maybe a pedophile...]

"Okay you won on this one!"Said Retsu as he sighed and stealthily-as stealthy as a guy without real ninja training can get-entered the village.It was a good choice as he saw a group of four men....



'Okay, okay!I'm just not used to see people trying to rape other people!'



Retsu jumped on the roof of a building nearby and listened to their discussions.

"OY BITCH!!You better pay us this time!We were kind enough to let you off last time, but now.....You pay or we reward ourselves with your body!"Said one of the man as the three other laughed lecherously.

The woman was clearly disgusted, but it looked like she was pondering what to do.

'She must be poor as fuck!'

[Retsu don't you dare to help-]

'I KNOW!Remember.....Cold heart, all that!But that's what Orochimaru forgot!He forgot that fear isn't always the best way to manipulate!'

[You must have manipulated a lot of people in your life!]

'Nah, i just went to school...You know this magnificient place that force you to learn things without asking your opinion.This place full of adults who thinks they know everything in the world because they read some books, when sometimes even the students have more experience than them, and-'


'Jeez, i was about to talk about how overrated reputation and popularity were in school!'


'.......You're not funny'

[And you're supposed to act like Orochimaru V2 right now!]

Retsu smirked and jumped on one of the men.

"Hello dear rapist!!How are you all doing?"


Retsu entered Orochimaru mode and lunged at the man.He pierced his throat with a kunai and sent his body flying towards the others, while he launched an explosive kunai at the corpse.



It resulted in a small explosion that excited Orochimaru.

'AHH~The smell of blood, the scream of my preys.....I love myself!'

The woman looked at him and hid her breasts that were slightly exposed.

"W-Who are y-you?"Asked the fearful woman.Orochimaru didn't even looked at her and smiled.

"I'm the Snake"

And with that he walked away, leaving an awed woman behind.

'T-The Snake?.....H-He's so.....Cool~'

[You unknowingly used your Snake Charm on her Host!]

"Unknowingly?What makes you say that?I knew what i was doing!Even though i don't know how i did it........It felt natural, as if i did that for all my life."

[Hmm, maybe you're slowly recovering Orochimaru's memories.]

'Maybe, maybe not, who knows.'Thought Retsu as he walked to a bar.He entered the restaurant called 'The Dragon Fish' and the waiter recognized him immediately.

'Is that normal?'

[I think someone told him that you were coming.A guy with an Akatsuki cloak and a snake face is easily recognizable]

Retsu looked at the man who nodded and lead him to the backdoor.As soon as he opened it, he directly closed it behind Retsu.

'Talk about a rude guy!'

[It's going to take a long time until you become a Orochimaru V2.Maybe it's better if you stay yourself and just add some of Orochimaru's personnality to yours]

'Indeed that sound like a wonderful idea!I will see what to do later!For now, let's go to my Laboratory!'

Retsu walked for what seems like hour in a long corridor, until he reached a huge door on which 2 metal snakes could be seen.

He pushed it and had to cover his ears when he heard two extremely loud voices.Two red-haired girls were shouting at each other, but what truly shocked him was what they were talking about.





Hope you enjoy it!




I got some things wrong in the last chapters so fixed them, sorry =)

Glasgowcreators' thoughts
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