
(The world full of heat)

Hello nice to meet you, my name is sonu I'm 18 And this is my first time write a story so please enjoy it

Sonu_story · Fantasía
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

Chapter 1 :-

( The man and the demon are bound

to fight each other)

The man character(sengo) save world for only one girl(hiyori) that he loved even through he heat the world .

(the past years humans and demon are fighting and this is the last fight amoung

humans and demon).

The man character(sengo) is fighting demon king(meliodas) for only one reason to save the girl(hiyori) . Because sengo love The girl(hiyori) .

[when the girl (hiyori) in her room the demon king army kiddnep her because in this she is only person who can use mana to increase the demon army and demon he send his army to kiddnep her].

In this world i fall in love with hiyori then it's my responsibility to protect the person that i love i don't care about human's i just want to protect he because human's are to arogant , selfish.

Meanwile the biggest attack (juantai) of demon king, is

to kill the sengo and get the world for demon where demon can go where they want in this world . In this world human's heat demon because we eat human's and human's blood of human's who are dead for him self and also

make this world to bound and head down

to him the demon king(meliodas) is highly powerful his range was to high that he can destroy the half world . The man character (sengo) said even though I hate this world and hear i am protecting the girl(hiyori) who live in this world so i protecting

this world i heat to being the low power so i training hard to become powerful but i

can't protect the person's that i have i hate the god who make human and demon

like this but whatever .

I am going to take his attack(juantai) head on with this sword and destroy that attack he said to the girl(hiyori) but he knows that he can't destroy the melodies attack (juantai) because his enemy the demon who is to powerful but the sengo have one ability . His sword

can absorb the minimum amount of the blast of his enemy attack(juantai) if it goes overlord then i can't handle this attack and my sword will Broke .

I hate this .....

[ Next chapter ]

(sengo and melodies )

sengo is the only human who have magical powers sengo girlfriend hiyori she is a mana user so demon need her and demons king meliodas . sengo hate this world.

Sonu_storycreators' thoughts