This story is being rewrote as Futanari's are Adventurous:futa so if you want to check out this story it's chapters are being released in the new version as well as once I'm done rewriting the first 19 chapters for this story in Futanari's are Adventurous:futa i will be deleting this story as i will be deleting each chapter that is rewrote already
I am looking at the others to see mirrors in front of them too I guess we are all going in the same order and going back to my screen.
Character creation has 8 sections face, eyes, skin,chest, legs, feet, body type, and height.
I start with face first it shows a list
Ugly (sp 0)
Normal(sp 500)
Gorgeous(sp 2000)
Divine(sp 3500)
I click on Divine and it shows what the meaning of it is.
[Divine is that you will have the looks of an god/goddess and it will have any gender fall in love with you with your unparalleled beauty]
I pick Divine as I move on to eyes showing another in list
Narrow(sp 0)
Slanted(sp 500)
Normal(sp 1000)
Average(sp 1500)
Gorgeous(sp 2000)
Divine (sp 3500)
I click on Divine eyes and it shows [Divine eyes: are able to show you the aura and stats of the other people.]
I take the Divine eyes as I do the category for it also disappears as I go to skin next as I click on it a list shows.
Saggy (sp 0)
Normal(sp 500)
Average(sp 1000)
Gorgeous(sp 1500)
Beautiful(sp 2000)
Divine(sp 3500)
I choose the Divine skin as it shows [Divine: skin it will allow to have flawless skin and also add a buff to where it negates any damage that is taken from an enemy lower than God/Goddess and automatically heals it when you take damage from enemies.]
After I had finished choosing my skin it disappeared and I moved on to the chest as it also involved her precious area as it showed the sizes
AAA(sp 0)
AA(sp 500)
A(sp 1000)
B(sp 1500)
C(sp 2000)
D(sp 2500)
E(sp 3000)
F(sp 3500)
G(sp 4000)
H(sp 4500)
I say imma stay with the size I had back on earth G-cup after all I am comfortable with them I don't want to add to my discomfort in my new world being it will be a new environment.
Next was the choices of Ovulation, Pensis, and Sperm as the list shows.
Monthly Ovulation (sp500)
Never Ovulation(sp 0)
On Command Ovulation(sp3500)
I had chosen the on Command Ovulation next was the Penus size the sizes where from
0.75 incd/3G
I had decided to go with 4.75/13G because it was my first time having one and I want it to be tight every time I had inter someone pussy.
Next it was asking what size and type did I want my pussy it had
the sizes
Small(sp 500)
Wide(sp 1000
the type
Tight(sp 500
Loose(sp 1000
New(sp 1500)
Divine(sp 3500
Experienced(sp 2000)
I had chosen Small and Divine it says [Divine: allows your partner to feel the same sensation that your feeling and also that when the 4 fold in your nether region clamps on the one member inside you it rejuvenate them and also if the juices from you nether region is released it also allow for the stats percentage to go up that's also applies to when they release in you.]
So I had went with those two next was the effect of lewd juice and sperm to see how they tasted a list shows for both.
Healer/Savory: Tastes like what the person imagines or wants it to taste like and also heals the person from the inside out it also makes them addicted to it.
Drain/Fruity: it makes the person extremely tired/exhausted and has the taste of fruits.
Peak/Divine: it allows you to see into the past and future also divine tastes as fruit wine but also allows healing and removes ailments.
I go with Peak/Divine being that it completely my set and allows me to see what a person life holds.
The chest category disappears and I moved on to the legs as it showed the list for them
Short(sp 0)
Skinny(sp 500)
Slim(sp 1000)
Normal(sp 1500)
Average(sp 2000)
Divine(sp 3500)
as I click the Divine legs it shows what comes with them.
[Divine Legs: allows for you to not become sore, tired and also allow them to remain flawless adding a buff of increasing your stats by 200% not including charm and luck.]
I go on to buy them and move on to the next category as the legs one disappeared.
I move on to feet as I click on it the list appears to show the type.
Narrow(sp 0)
Slim(sp 500)
Fat(sp 1000)
Average(sp 1500)
Wide(sp 2000)
Divine(sp 3500)
[The Dive feet allows you to feel as if you are walking one air or glied and glied over water and also stop your feet from becoming sweaty, smelly, sore, tired or have cramps. They also come with a buff that increases your stats.]
With only 2 more to go I look up at the others and ask them how is their developments are coming along as I look at Yuna my breath is taken away.
They stop and look at me when Yuna notices that I am looking at her She covers self and says look away I wanna surprise you with how I look when we are reincarnated.
Me and Freya look away and say that it is a good idea we should keep our looks and future a surprise until we meet again and after we're done let's tell each other our races we all nod to agree.
I ask so how am I going to be able to get my good bye kiss before we go then.
Yuna says where right in front of each so without looking at each other up and down we can have one last kiss before we are sent to our new home, I say ok.
And ask what part everyone is on, they both say body I say well we're all on the same thing as we each go back to focusing on our design.
I click on the body and it has the type of body that shows up on the list.
Out of shape(sp 0)
Normal(sp 500)
Average(sp 1000)
In shape(sp 1500)
Toned(sp 2000)
Divine(sp 3500)
When you have chosen the [Divine to complete your body has became same as an god/goddess granting that of an life span that equals to be immortal and immune to damage that is under your species only those that are equal to your species are able to hurt you and it adds a buff 800% to all your stats this package is only allowed for God/Goddess species and Androgynous, and Hermaphrodite]
I say thank God that I have the Sp that I have because I am guessing that the reincarnated system sp works based on one value of what your value you was before begin reincarnated.
So the average person would not be privileged to this and would have to pick and choose.
As the body category disappeared I move to the last one in the character creation which is height.
it has a height meter between.
6'0 feet
I decided to stay with my original height that I was back on earth to make sure that they can recognize me even though that part of our memory will be blocked if 2 of come from the same parents they will have a sense of nostalgic when they meet me so I pick 5'7.
Plus I think that even though my looks will change I will still have some of my future that I had from then until when were reincarnated because my eyes,breast size and height will be the same.
As I'm done with the character creation it disappears so I go to the abilities that have levels between 1-90 Max level.
It shows 23 slots worth 20,000 sp that I pay for as they disappear leading me to the abilities list It has passive and active skills separated having 2 section I start with passive the first passive is.
Immuned sun(sp 30000)
Immuned stake(sp 35000)
Rise again after death(sp 40000)
Overlord(sp 45000)
First kind of species(sp 50000)
Sexual predator(sp 55000)
Removed exhaustion(sp 60000)
Holy healing(sp 65000)
Divine Resurrection(sp 70000)
Divine weapon smith/crafter(sp 75000)
Link teleportation(sp 80000)
Fly(sp 25000)
Maximum output(sp 85000)
Omnipotent(sp 90000)
I had chosen Sexual predator max lvl, removed exhaustion max lvl, Divine Resurrection max lvl, Fly max lvl, First kind of species max lvl, Omnipotent max lvl, Maximum output max lvl,Immuned sun max lvl,Immuned stake max lvl,Rise again max lvl, and Divine weapon smith/crafter max lvl.