
Chapter 1: Prologue

This is a story about a fantasy enthusiast named Jake Davis.

Jake Davis was always drawn to the world of fantasy. As a child, he devoured any and all forms of media that fell within the genre - movies, TV shows, cartoons, comics, manga, and anime. No matter what it was, if it had even a hint of fantasy, Jake was sure to know all about it.

As he grew older, Jake's love for fantasy never wavered. It was a constant presence in his life, something that brought him joy and escape from the mundane realities of the world. But eventually, Jake had to face the fact that he couldn't stay a child forever.

With a heavy heart, Jake said goodbye to the fantasy of his youth and entered the world of adulthood. He tried to put his childish interests behind him, but he could never fully shake his love for the fantastical. It was a part of him, ingrained in his very being.

Despite the responsibilities and obligations of adulthood, Jake never forgot about his first love. Every so often, he would allow himself to get lost in the worlds of fantasy once again, reliving the joy and wonder of his childhood.

Jake was a man who never lost his love for fantasy. Whenever he had a spare moment, he would scour the internet for the latest and greatest stories within the genre. Whether it was a new movie, TV show, book, or video game, Jake was always on the lookout for something exciting to discover.

He loved nothing more than getting lost in a good story and following along as it unfolded. The excitement of not knowing what was going to happen next was something that never died within him, even as he grew older.

Unfortunately, not all of Jake's friends shared his love of fantasy. As they entered adulthood, many of them left their childhood interests behind and moved on to other things. Jake couldn't understand how they could just forget about the things that had once brought them so much joy.

But Jake didn't have to face his love of fantasy alone. He eventually discovered a community of like-minded adults on the internet who shared his passion for all things fantastical. For the first time, he felt a sense of belonging and camaraderie with others who understood his love of the genre.

This community, an internet forum, was a place where Jake's inner child was revived from the dead. It was a place where he could discuss and debate to his heart's content, surrounded by people who appreciated the same stories and worlds that he did. It was a place where he finally felt truly at home.

As Jake spent more and more time on the forum, he began to make friends with people from all around the world. They would discuss their favorite stories, share recommendations, and speculate about what was going to happen next in their favorite series. It was like a never-ending book club, full of people who loved to get lost in the magic of a good tale.

For Jake, the internet forum was more than just a place to talk about his favorite stories. It was a place where he could be himself and feel accepted for who he was. It was a place where he could escape the stresses of the real world and lose himself in the wonder of fantasy once again.

As the years went by, Jake remained an active member of the forum. He loved being a part of such a special community and was grateful for the friends he had made there. No matter how much time passed, his love for fantasy would always be a part of him, and he knew he would always have a place to share it with others.

Jake had finally found a place where he belonged - an internet forum for fans of fantasy. It was a place where he could connect with others who shared his interests and passions, and it brought him a sense of belonging that he had never felt before.

Unfortunately, as with any community on the internet, there were always a few trolls lurking about, trying to bring others down with insults and harassment. But the community was strong and refused to be swayed by the negativity of these outsiders. They stood united, determined to protect the safe and welcoming space they had created for themselves.

Despite the presence of trolls, Jake was happier than he had been in a long time. He felt like he could be both his adult self and his inner child at the same time, and there was no other place in the world where he felt that way. He was grateful to have found this special community and knew he would always consider it his home.

Then, in 2019, the world was hit by a pandemic. Everyone was forced to stay at home, and even work moved online. For many people, this was a frustrating and isolating experience. But for Jake, it was a dream come true.

With all the extra time he gained from not having to commute to work, Jake was able to fully immerse himself in the world of fantasy. He spent hours on the internet forum, discussing and debating with his fellow fans. He watched movies and TV shows, read books and comics, and played video games. It was like a never-ending feast of fantasy, and Jake couldn't get enough.

The pandemic may have brought chaos and uncertainty to the world, but for Jake, it was a time of joy and escape. He was grateful to have the internet forum to turn to as a source of comfort and connection, and he knew he would always be grateful for the friends he had made there.

Jake had always been fascinated by the endless expanse of the internet. He loved exploring all the different corners of the web, discovering new and interesting things at every turn. But one day, he stumbled upon something that would change the way he viewed the internet forever.

It was a side of the internet that he had never encountered before - the occult. Jake was immediately drawn in by the mysterious and shadowy world of magic and mystery that he found there. He spent hours upon hours delving into the hidden corners of the web, learning all he could about the arcane arts.

As he explored this new and exciting realm, Jake discovered that there was a whole community of people out there who shared his interests. He found forums and chat rooms full of like-minded individuals who were just as fascinated by the occult as he was.

For the first time in his life, Jake felt truly connected to others. He had always been something of a loner, but now he had a community of people who understood him and shared his passions. It was a revelation that changed his life forever.

This is the first time i'm writing a novel as a reader, so expect some mistakes. This stroy idea was on top of my head for a long time, but i just got the time and motivation to write it. Let me know what you think and constructive critisism is always welcome.

HDCA431creators' thoughts
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