Hello! This is a message from this author. This story has been recreated into another account. Noc_Tristan. Due to some issues, I won't be able to access this account. So, I would those who would want to read the story to please research this story and find my new account. Furthermore, I've updated the story sequence and edited some mistakes. I hope the new recreated story will pique your interest.
Hello again! Support Chapter 4 will now begin with the continuation of Infinite Humane, Cities & Forests. Since I've finished explaining the Kingdoms, I will explain the Cities and Forests on all the continents. I also want everyone to know that I've completed creating the rough drawing of the entire map.
Extra Information:
Plebians and Magicians were the only ones that named regions of their continent as "countries" because it was a "human" thing to do. Unlike the other race that didn't need to separate themselves from the rest of their people.
Chapter Content:
| Infinite of Humane |
"Humane's Cities and Forests Located different parts of the continents."
1. Euhin. "Forests and mountains mostly occupy this continent, making it prone to raining and some other casualties. There are two plain biomes on this continent. These plains contain tribes with Elvins/Elvis living inside. In Elvian tounges, they use 'Forest' for the word, City."
Laselion Forest. It is the capital of Euhin, with the most population of Elvians. Laselion Forest is a hidden one that hides from the outside world. Its existence is still unknown from the other races other than the Elvians/Elvis themselves. It is also the largest and richest among the cities of all the continents.
Ifenbelle North Forest. Ifenbelle Forest is one of the well-known forests on all the continents but wasn't known to be a forest occupied by Elvians. It is famous for possessing mysterious, unidentified creatures. Ifenbelle Forest has an abundance of a popular log that is challenging to come by. Like the Laselion, the Forest habitat of the Elvians is hidden.
Filndorei Forest. It is one of the forests near the fields that also owns one of the plains. Filndorei is known for its vast experience in combat and tactics and has won numerous wars. Elvians are tall and have a perfectly balanced body. With the support of the higher Forests, Filndorei sustains their equipment and money. That said, they can fully support the other Elvians.
Extra Information:
Elfheim. "Elvins, Elves, Elvis, Elvians, Hermians, Gales, Wind Torre, Wind Masters, Wind Seeker, Path Hermits, Et cetera."
2. Aqes. "The largest and most populated continent, there are different biomes in Aqes. Plebians and Magicians occupy most of the lands on the continent. Gwarvians only took one of the mountains and made it their Cavern Station. And Elfheim Tribe occupied a large portion of the continent and made it their Forest."
Note: Since naming all the cities and such will take me a long time, I made it into countries only for the Kingdoms. I hope you all understand~
| Empire of Laplace & Sage |
Fatherland Laplace.
Motherland Sage.
The Republic of Revolution.
Principality of Juvinile.
| Victoria's Great Empire |
The Nation of Beatrice.
Leopold's Realm.
Principality of Helena.
Fatherland Alfred.
| Arthur The Great Empire |
Amr Duchy.
Llacheu Duchy.
Arthur the Less.
| Empire of The God Alexander |
| The Empire of Thomas |
The Great Country of Thomas.
Charles Great.
Theodore's Technologians.
Madelaine Inventors.
Extra Information:
Plebians: "Commoners, Non-Blooded, Despicable, Ordinary, Norms, Unworthy, Lowly-Beings, Outcasts, Et cetera."
3. Drugix. "Since Phoenecians lives inside the fiery volcano caverns, they name their countries as Fire Domains."
The Magma Domain. Located north of the continent and is the largest, and most fiery volcano among all the volcanoes. Unless you have the right aptitude for Ignition, there is no other way to walk in these territories. The offspring that were born inside the Domains are highly prideful and have a vast aptitude for Ignition.
Furnace Domain. And since Magma Domain is too fiery for the rest of the civilians, Furnace Domain is the capital of Drugix. Furnace Domain is a place for Phoenecian Nobility and some talented individuals. And is also a station for high aptitude ignitioner magicians.
Fire Domain. The Fire Domain is the familiar "country" for Phoenecian civilians. If you are Nonblessed, you won't be able to withstand the intensity of the heat, but, any individual blessed with arcanery, would be able to endure the oppressive atmosphere.
Lesser Domain. The pride of the Phoenecians lessens as you live in the Lesser Domain. Many poor and non-noble civilians live their life in the lesser domain, begging to move to higher areas. But due to incompetence, they are unable to.
The Withering Domain. The poorest domain of Phoenecian. The scraps of civilians with no pride at all are withered and thrown into the plains. Usually, they don't go near volcanoes nor interact with any certified citizen. That is the Law of Lions.
These are the common domains for the Phoenecians. Although there are two more domains, I will not be sharing them with you guys. I will save it for later.
Phoenecians. "Fire Breathers, Dragoons, Man Scaled, The Lava Benders, Devils, The King of Volcanoes, Et cetera."
4. Vaelishith. "Vaelishith is the mainland of the Gwarvian Civilians. Although the continent had a nickname of the Rocky Mountains, Vaelishith isn't all mountains. Vaelishith has other biomes like the tundra biome, grassland biome, taiga biome, alpine biome, and deciduous forest biome, just like Aqes and Drugix."
Note; Since we are talking about Gwarvians who are experts in armoury, artifact, and weaponry, I will only focus on the cities that produce these things in an advanced way.
Mountain of Death. This mountain composes of caverns with four different sites. These caverns are The Mourning Cavern, The Afterlife Cavern, The Judgement Cavern, and the last one, Resurrection Cavern. The king resides in the resurrection cavern, and so do the prestigious VIPs of Gwarvian.
Mountain of Creation. This mountain is just beside the Mountain of Death and has three caverns in total. These caverns are The Soul Cavern, The Bone Cavern, and The Flesh Cavern. It's similar to the creation of humanity or the ideology of human formulation. Each of the caverns in the mountain of creation royal blood, or noble gwarvians resides to lead the people.
Mountain of Prodigies. This mountain is a VIP mountain with ten different sites for ten different VIP levels. Gwarvian judge in terms of smithery or blacksmithy, so they take interns with talent in forging with no hesitation and accept them as one of their own. This mountain filled with cavern is a perfect place for opportunities that talented "other-race" forgers.
Mountain of Blacksmith. This place is the largest mountain, and unlike "Mountain of Death" and "Mountain of Creation," that has absolute authority for their lava because both mounts are near the best volcano there is on the continent, the "Mountain of Blacksmith" is commonplace for workers of the entire continent.
Note; The Volcanoes aren't mountains, so it isn't a place to be the best environment to "live," since Gwarvian aren't like Phoenecian. But there is a volcano used by the King of Forgery and some other forging leaders.
Kīlauea Valleys or Volcano Monopoly. Emphasis on the "valleys"- like seriously... I had to make it valleys to make it sound less aggressive. I mean..., if I used volcanoes, Kīlauea will fit Phoenecian more than Gwarvian, so do understand, please. It is the only "volcano" created as a bunker forging base for the kings and other leaders of Gwarvian. Hidden from everyone except the prestigious royal blood of Gwarvian.
5. Hesperia. "Hesperia is the smallest but most well-respected among the other continents. Leaders from different races gather together to maintain peace, creating a continent that valued strength than the background. Hesperia is a place where even the lowest ranking race could rise to the top. And that, might, achievements, and connections, anyone from anywhere could rise to power. Called as; Equity system of Hesperia."
Hesperia Capital, Concord of Harmony (CoF). CoF, otherwise known as "the treaty of peace." The Ancestral Leaders of each race had an agreement to set aside their differences and collide to defeat a calamity that fell upon them during the Holy Wars. Although this was made thousands of years ago, someone maintained the tradition to remember the race allegiance during holy wars. Unlike the sub-cities, the Concord of Harmony lies in the skies.
Sub-City, Serenity. The West City of Hesperia and on equal footing with the sub-city, Tranquility.
Sub-City, Tranquility. The East City of Hesperia and on equal footing with the sub-city, Serenity. Tranquillity Sub-City is the youngest among the Equity of Hesperia.
6. Nuquth or Paradise. "Unlike the other continents, due to the lack of supplies and landmass, Nuquth's Continent Value is even lower than half of Afallon. The lives of the citizens and race here are oddly calm. They seek no misdeeds, nor do they commit any sins. The Slimeheim people are similar to the holy priests but are not titled. 'City' is replaced with 'Village,' and therefore, Slimeheim uses "Village." Moreover, they name their villages after colours. But set aside the colours, every village treats the other as equal."
Village of White. Village of Brown. Village of Green. Village of Blue. Village of Black. Village of Silver. Village of Grey. Village of Lemonade. Village of Lime. Etc.
7. Afallon. "The second-largest continent, Afallon. It is the twin continent of Aqes back in the Holy Wars. Afallon is the biggest continent, by the knowledge of Conjulheim citizens. Although the other race did not agree, it was the fact. But the truth disregarded due to its lack of evidence. The geography team leaders gave out a testimony of complaint- failing to comply with evidence -this information was not announced to the public and created Afallon as the second-largest continent. Furthermore, due to the lack of money, there was no helping Afallon rise higher. Afallon was then called 'The Beast Continent' as a discrimination of the other races."
Note: Like Elfheim, Gwarvian, Slimeheim, and Phoenecian, the Conjulheim also has a way to call their cities, the Tribes.
Albazaar' Neziha.
Az' Behemoth.
PS: Uhm... I want to apologize for the Tribe Names with incomplete information. I wanted to reduce - or not give any information - about the tribes since they will play an essential role in Lawrence's growth.
8. Aechone. "Found on the west side of Humane, Aechone. It is also known as the 'United States' of Humane. By far, Aechone is larger by 1.5x than Euhin. And when people rely on history books, Aechone is a mystery city, just like Afallon! Aechone is composed of millions of islands, separated from the other islands. With the islands being near the shores, Alfheim citizens live near them. Sometimes, they create their cities floating on the ocean. Ancient Myths had recorded the City of Atlantis underneath the oceans of the west."
Glistening Sapphire Sea (GSS). Among the cities, Sapphire Sea was the most known among the bunch. The origins of the Sapphire Sea originate from the Aquatic Lands. The glow of sapphire represents the purest water substance. Although it isn't as influential as the other "sea cities," GSS serves immense pride and confidence in its capabilities.
The Snow White Shore. Snow White Shore, named after its bright and attractive sands. At this point, the discovery of this "city" is lesser than the Sapphire Sea. Alfheim tends to cover their places to avoid future casualties like the Elfheim.
Glistening Diamond Sea. The bright sky water flows down from the floating island of Alfheim. Diamond Sea is above cloud levels with its sea in the sky, presenting it as the sky ocean.
The Pearl Shore. Also known as the Sea Waterfall, famous for its different types of pearls. Only a few amounts of people know this place, acting as a sanctuary for sea animals. It is also a home for many refugees. And legend has it a pearl lies beneath the seafloor that allows a person to revive another.
Glistening Lapis. The Glistening Lapis, or itself, is underneath a mountain halfway covered by the ocean. It's inside a cave - a large one at that - it is also called the den of the mermaids. It's by far the richest in terms of minerals.
The Shores. These cities are generalized as the common cities of Alfheim in different parts of Aechone. Most of them are known, but some are not.
The Admiral Ocean. A city underneath the dark blue ocean. The Admiral is the second-best Alfheim city, and also second-best in weaponry and military influence. The citizens that live under the Admiral Kingdom have a special gift that enables them to breathe in water and air.
Arctic Atlantis. Arctic Atlantis Citizens live far north or far south. The citizens have the trait of having white hair and blue eyes. But sometimes, the eyes differ, leaving the white hair alone. This unique trait allows the other Alfheim Citizens to realize that they are Royal Blood. The Arctic Atlantis has a cold temperature that only Alfheim and some other race could handle.