

Autor: 糖九糖九
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What is 裴先生的小太阳

Lee la novela 裴先生的小太阳 escrita por el autor 糖九糖九 publicada en WebNovel.   玩个游戏重逢初恋男友这是什么狗血的缘分?宓乖表示浑身都难受。  本来她抱上游戏中大神的大粗腿,就是为了能有大神护着撑腰。  谁知,她抱上的大腿会是她的初恋男友。  并且,他已经认出了她,就算隔着网络,他对她还是了如指掌,她就跟一只蝴蝶一样飞不出他的手掌心。  宓乖表示她很生气。  可是,某裴阴恻恻的笑了,他表示:“蝴蝶飞不过沧海,你逃不过我的手掌心。”  他跟她就是命中注定的爱人,她若是蝴蝶,...


  玩个游戏重逢初恋男友这是什么狗血的缘分?宓乖表示浑身都难受。   本来她抱上游戏中大神的大粗腿,就是为了能有大神护着撑腰。   谁知,她抱上的大腿会是她的初恋男友。   并且,他已经认出了她,就算隔着网络,他对她还是了如指掌,她就跟一只蝴蝶一样飞不出他的手掌心。   宓乖表示她很生气。   可是,某裴阴恻恻的笑了,他表示:“蝴蝶飞不过沧海,你逃不过我的手掌心。”   他跟她就是命中注定的爱人,她若是蝴蝶,他就是沧海。

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"Darius Hermès" Known in the name of "CHELD" [yes, it's "cheld" not child dumbass.] So just like I say Darius (is obviously) the mc in this messed up story. Darius just like any reincarnated shameless mc, died from his previous life and reincarnated. If in romance manhuas where the girl died in city world and born in historical world. Well it's quite opposite of this because the mc died in historical and born in much more advance world and his new life is quite tragic and not so-so In his new life he coincidental reborn in his descendant's body who grow up in a cannibal tribe and live all alone after the war He kept his looks on his young age even though his not young no more (does 305 billion years old count as young? Idiots would say it does) It's quite confusing ain't it? Cause im more confused than you do So let's just say before he died he created a ghost like pendant who's gonna find a perfect body for him to get reborn to and that pendant makes you a immortal yea like that And to be more clear his previous life is in another world, yes a whole different dimension. He's like a powerful lord ass on his previous life but got bored and etc So let's just say he's now a billion years old child like face who lives all alone in a abandoned island with (dead) criminals everywhere and a freaking pyschopath found him after escaping in mental hospital— I might tell you the whole story because of this so if you want to continue reading read the chapters not the synopsis (idiotic dumbass.)

kittysilly · Ciencia y ficción
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1 Chs

Sinful Tunes

On a vast field unknown to ordinary men, two people walked, their steps muffled by the lush, wet grass springing from the earth. Their countenances were as gloomy as the clouds above them, and the wind, as though sharing in their sorrow, was especially chilling—enough to make a grown man yearn for a thick blanket and a space near the fire. But these two men seemed unaffected; in fact, they walked as if the weather were normal, as though the cold was soothing to their souls. Obviously, they weren't ordinary men. Raymond Young wore a grim expression, his eyes closed and his brows furrowed even as he walked. His head was lowered, and the chilly wind kept pushing his hair in different directions, and he just allowed it. Walking two steps behind him was Lucas, Raymond's most trusted subordinate and right-hand man. Unlike Raymond, his eyes were open, but he could see nothing, yet he could still find his way and walk in a straight line without fear or panic. This was the curse of this place, and even though Lucas was no ordinary man, he wasn't too extraordinary either. The curse still affected him, but he wasn't sure about his superior. Whether Raymond could or could not see, Lucas didn't know, and he never thought of asking about it. All he did was walk behind, following the sound of Raymond's footsteps so he wouldn't lose his way. The two walked in silence for a while, their steps slow as though they were in deep thought. It almost looked like they planned to spend the rest of their day here until Raymond paused suddenly, and when he stopped, Lucas, keen as ever, detected it and stopped as well. Raymond's eyelids separated, revealing a pair of grey eyes that seemed to change the air around him. From a calm, gloomy countenance, to a dark, cold, and suppressive aura that would have anyone shivering if they came any closer than ten feet. He ran his fingers through his dark locks, keeping them away from his forehead and eyes before looking up at the sky. The clouds were slowly changing their colors, from their gloomy blue to an even gloomier shade of purple mixed with green, and at this point, it was so dark that one would have to squint to see anything. The wind was howling and even chillier than before. Clearly, there was a disturbance in this place. “Do you hear it, Lu?" Raymond asked, his voice so quiet that combined with the howling wind, Lucas had to strain to hear what Raymond had said. He heard and understood the question, but he couldn't, for the life of him, hear anything else except the harsh wind. So he shook his head. “No, I don't hear a thing.” Raymond half-turned to him and smiled. “Right? I forget sometimes that I am the only one who can hear this tune. This sinful tune…” He sighed, followed by a light chuckle. “Why did you stop walking? Let's go.” He saw Lucas's lips stretch into a thin line, and he suppressed a smile. It must be so frustrating for Lucas to walk without his sight. He began to walk again, his hands behind his back and his gaze fixed straight ahead. “Do you find it weird too? I can hear the tunes right now, but I could never sing it myself. It's truly disturbing, do you know why?” Lucas kept quiet, partly because he had no answers and partly because he was used to Raymond's monologue whenever they came here. “I can't seem to recall the song later when everything is over, but I will always recognize it when it starts to play. Haunting, right?” Again, Lucas was quiet. “I wish I knew the reason, maybe then I can help her. Maybe she will be free then.” Lucas's eyes twitched at the mention of "she." He knew how sensitive Raymond was when it came to her, and he opened his mouth, about to speak when he heard Raymond's voice from a distance. "You are going the wrong way, Lucas!” And that was when he realized that, lost in his thoughts, he had stopped listening to Raymond's footsteps. —

saskh_xle · Fantasía
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4 Chs
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