

Autor: 磨砚少年
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What is 绿湾奇迹

Lee la novela 绿湾奇迹 escrita por el autor 磨砚少年 publicada en WebNovel. 姓名:陆一奇职业:橄榄球教练特长:最后时刻临危受命,率领坑爹球队逆袭创造奇迹能力:智商碾压目标:冠军直系亲属:有个哥哥叫做马里奥。这是一个冒着点点傻气的故事。...


姓名:陆一奇 职业:橄榄球教练 特长:最后时刻临危受命,率领坑爹球队逆袭创造奇迹 能力:智商碾压 目标:冠军 直系亲属:有个哥哥叫做马里奥。 这是一个冒着点点傻气的故事。

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SYNOPSIS “A half-blood can never be a part of the house of the Crescent Alpha moreover the child of an alpha, so get over your little infatuation with that human and get rid of that abomination”. “No father I love Michael and our daughter with all my heart and I can never turn my back on them”, “then you’ve made your choice, I won’t have you taint the title of Crescent Alpha any longer. As high lord of the council I hereby strip you of the title of Alpha and banish you from the crescent moon pack to wander as a lone wolf for the rest of your days”. In the midst of a millennia old secret war between the four races, werewolves, vampires, witches and humans a child was born through the love of the crescent Alpha, the strongest of the werewolf race and a human, their love shone bright during the darkest times but fate dealt a cruel hand. The former Alpha and her entire family met a tragic end at the hands of their hands or so everyone was led to believe. Eighteen years passed and the child of the crescent alpha now called Lunar a natural born free spirit leads a perfectly normal life, far away from her past and her origins but eventually she’s forced to leave her home in strucker falls and move to shear falls a town shrouded in mysteries and superstition, she devotes her time to debunking the supernatural after an encounter with a creature that moved faster than the human eye could see but on her eighteenth birthday, while on her first date, under the light of the full moon she transforms into a werewolf which completely throws her life out of balance and attracts the attention of a special division of the government which her adopted parents work for and her boyfriend’s mother heads the division. Her only source of strength are her powers which she has no idea how they work, her best friend Leah who turns out to be a vampire and a mysterious old lady who seems to know more about her than she knows about herself. overnight she’s thrown from a quiet and normal life into a world of secret battles with vampires, hunters and constant life threatening situations, now as the one true Crescent alpha, she fights not only for her life but for the future of the entire supernatural world and humanity as new threat to all of creation rises from the depths of shear falls

Desmond_Decker · Fantasía
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13 Chs

Konoha: Sign-in, Rinnegan at the Starts

Reborn as an ordinary Genin of the Uchiha clan, Ryujin thought he would lead a mundane life. However, fate had a surprise in store for him when he was unexpectedly bound to the Sign-In System. By signing in at Kannabi Bridge, he obtained the [Rinnegan]. By signing in at the Hokage Mansion, he gained the [Flying Thunder God Technique]. By signing in at a Ryuchi Cave, he was rewarded with the [Sage Body]. ... Determined to become the strongest in the Shinobi World, Ryujin silently continued signing in at Konoha, vowing not to reveal his power before he achieved his goal. Ten years later, when Konoha decided to destroy the Uchiha clan, Ryujin was forced to take action. "Notice: This fanfic novel has been translated from its original language into [English]. All credit for the story goes to the original author, [Yang Shikuro]. Please note that this fanfic is a work of fiction based on the Naruto series, created by [Yang Shikuro], and is not an official part of the Naruto franchise or any copyrighted material. The translation is provided purely for enjoyment and to make the story accessible to a wider audience. If you enjoy the fanfic, we encourage you to support the original author by reading the story in its original language [https://www.mtlnovel.com/novel-author/yang-shikuro/]. Feel free to leave comments and feedback for both the original author and the translator. Thank you for reading!"

Redyoshi93 · Fantasía
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12 Chs

Limit Breaker: Spark of Creation

Almost one hundred years ago, Earth started to release strange radiation that speeds up the evolution rate of all creatures other than humans. And that was the beginning of a new chapter for humanity. All creatures including plants and insects evolved and bread unbelievable rate, within 3 weeks before we even noticed it they became immune to bullets and almost all conventional weapons. After suffering over centuries of suppression under the hands of the human, the other Monsters struck back, some of them even gained intelligence and unanimously came to an agreement to slaughter all humans. With a hive mind, they gave a devastating blow to humanity. When all hope was lost the Brahmanic Creation Record connected to Earth. All humans gained their own status windows and classes to improve their own strengths. Dungeons were formed, which attracted and traped all low-level monsters. Some powerful humans from higher planes dissented to Earth and suppressed the stronger monsters. Thus Humans began to strike back. Now the year is 115 EA(Evolutionary Age). Danny just like any other person would awaken his status window at the age of 15 to his surprise he found that he already had two passive skill. Limit Breaker- Breakthrough, surpass and transcend the upper limits exerted by the World, Law, and Gods. Experience Multiplier Lv 1- Multiplies all experience gained by x1 (Max level 10) Authors Note: Ok I hate to admit it this was inspired by Monster Paradise. But the story is going to be totally different.

I_Is_True_Jeff · Ciudad
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7 Chs
Tabla de contenidos
Latest Update
Volumen 1 :不甘平凡
Volumen 2 :不甘平凡
Volumen 3 :初来乍到
Volumen 4 :王者荣耀


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