

Autor: 九个栗子
En Curso · 79.5K Visitas
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What is 直播之工匠大师

Lee la novela 直播之工匠大师 escrita por el autor 九个栗子 publicada en WebNovel. 别家主播大胸大长腿,我家主播是个糙汉子。别家唱歌跳舞玩游戏,我家天天直播削木头。陆子安得到了一个工匠大师系统,玩转华夏绝学,获得了无数人的追捧。为天地立心,为生民立命, 为往圣继绝学,为万世开太平。书友群:栗栗香群:621248473VIP书友群:462681907(全订即可)...


别家主播大胸大长腿,我家主播是个糙汉子。 别家唱歌跳舞玩游戏,我家天天直播削木头。 陆子安得到了一个工匠大师系统,玩转华夏绝学,获得了无数人的追捧。 为天地立心,为生民立命, 为往圣继绝学,为万世开太平。 书友群: 栗栗香群:621248473 VIP书友群:462681907(全订即可)

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Shepherd Resilience

Synopsis: "Shepherd's Resilience" is a captivating webnovel that follows the journey of Ethan, a humble shepherd living in the peaceful village of Verdenbrook. His life takes an unexpected turn when he assists a group of lost travelers and unknowingly catches the attention of emissaries from a struggling kingdom. Drawn by his natural leadership qualities and compassion, the emissaries approach Ethan, seeking his help to lead their kingdom through challenging times. Torn between his love for his home and the desire to make a difference, Ethan seeks guidance from the villagers. Encouraged by their support, he decides to embark on a journey to the kingdom, leaving behind the familiar comfort of his village. In the kingdom, Ethan is faced with a realm plagued by a drought and ruled by a neglectful and corrupt ruler. Poverty and injustice abound, and the people yearn for a beacon of hope. Through heartfelt conversations and genuine empathy, Ethan begins to unite the people, igniting a spark of hope and inspiring them to stand together. As the story unfolds, Ethan confronts numerous obstacles, drawing on the wisdom he gained from guiding his sheep through adversity. His resilience and determination transform him from a simple shepherd to a symbol of hope and compassion for the kingdom. The webnovel explores themes of leadership, unity, and personal growth as Ethan embraces his destiny as a leader. Amidst political intrigue, personal sacrifices, and unforeseen challenges, Ethan must summon the strength to guide the kingdom towards a brighter future, where hope and compassion will flourish once more. "Shepherd's Resilience" is a tale of fantasy, adventure, and drama, filled with heartwarming conversations, unexpected twists, and profound character development, captivating readers with its powerful message of hope and the enduring strength of the human spirit.

Najo8 · Fantasía
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5 Chs
Tabla de contenidos
Latest Update
Volumen 0 :作品相关
Volumen 1
Volumen 2
Volumen 3 :自我的升华
Volumen 4 :欲戴其冠,必承其重
Volumen 5 :已识乾坤大,犹怜草木青
Volumen 6 :幸有我来山未孤
Volumen 7 :番外


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