

Autor: 江南剑
En Curso · 102.6K Visitas
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What is 江湖尘事

Lee la novela 江湖尘事 escrita por el autor 江南剑 publicada en WebNovel. 诡秘的江湖,荒诞离奇的传说,刻画着武林中不为人知的一面。绝世剑客,名门闺秀,武林大豪,空门隐士,独行大盗,江湖浪子,形形色色的人物,在庙堂,在闹市,在深山,在沙漠,在怒海,上演了无数惊心动魄而又扣人心弦的精彩故事。...



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Girl Incredible

I’m an international, multiple award-winning author with a passion for the voices in my head. As a singer, songwriter, independent filmmaker and improv teacher and performer, my life has always been about creating and sharing what I create with others. Now that my dream to write for a living is a reality, with over a hundred titles in happy publication and no end in sight, I live in beautiful Prince Edward Island, Canada, with my giant cats, pug overlord and overlady and my Gypsy Vanner gelding, Fynn. Her CIA bosses think she’s the bomb. Kitalia Ore is positive of that fact. Okay, fine. Kitten MacLean. And they’re her parents, but it’s so much more fun to imagine them the other way around. And J.J., her MI6 contact? He’s in love with her. Doesn’t matter that her closest confidant, Jimmy Jones, hasn’t spoken a word to her since first grade. Everyone at school adores her, too. Sure, they might not know it yet, but every single student at Rimtree High is her best friend. Naturally. She’s just that incredible. When a new girl is being bullied, it’s time for Kit MacLean to take charge and leave her fantasy world of fearless bravado and easy victories behind. The world outside her CIA missions is far different than she’s used to, and her usual happy-go lucky heart is about to take the beating of a lifetime. But Kit has never backed down from anything in her life and she’s not about to start now. Time to find out what she’s really made of. Before the bad guys ruin everything.

Patti Larsen · Real
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32 Chs


In a twisted turn of events, a group of people find themselves trapped in a mysterious facility, pitted against creatures foreign to them. A cold, disembodied voice from behind a screen reveals that only a small number of survivors will be allowed to leave, and they must fight to the death to secure their freedom. Amidst this ruthless struggle for survival, alliances form and factions emerge as the participants realize that the path to victory lies not only in defeating the monstrous creatures but also eliminating their fellow humans. As the days pass, the once unified fight against the creatures devolves into a horrifying slaughter amongst the desperate captives. Alexander Stone, a 21-year-old, is thrust into this nightmarish ordeal completely unprepared. With each passing trial, he witnesses the depths to which humanity can sink, as alliances crumble and trust becomes a luxury. Struggling to maintain his sanity and morality, he must navigate the treacherous landscape of shifting loyalties and deadly encounters. As the challenges become increasingly difficult, the main character and a small group of allies fight against overwhelming odds, desperately clinging to the hope of surviving the ten stages and emerging as the sole survivor. With their lives hanging by a thread and the outside world cut off, they face not only physical threats but also psychological torment, as the voice behind the screen toys with their emotions and reveals the grim reality that only one person will be permitted to leave the facility. Driven by determination and a flicker of hope, Alex must confront his own fears, make unimaginable sacrifices, and tap into hidden reservoirs of strength to outwit both the mutated monsters and his fellow captives. In this twisted arena of violence and survival, he is faced with a chilling question: How far is he willing to go to ensure his own survival and freedom?

ethanfrost · Horror
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The Kroghon rose

As children, we often thought the world a good place, as adults we see how dangerous a place it is only after we've been through the trials of it and in a world as cruel as this one, you either have to be wealthy, powerful, gifted or shrewd to survive. If you possess none of these attributes, then you are a left in he open as a lonely prey for the predetors to plays Thier game's with There is no room for innocence In this world the innocent one's who have no one to protect them become slaves to every other existing specie and so was life in the the Kroghon empire Having lost her mother quite early, an ambitious adeline, daughter of a bankrupt baron who spent a better part of his life drinking since the death of his wife. she is forced to learn the art of cunningness and manipulation to protect her siblings when her father announces his decision to take another wife. The new wife and her daughter's who wouldn't entertaining the idea of shipping off her siblings to slavery. During her off days from plotting and scheming she had always dreamt of being queen of the kroghon kingdom so she could stop the heartless practice but as time flew by it became more of a necessity than just a dream As she fights her way into royalty, the task to keep her family together becomes harder as she comes to realise that there might be other creatures walking the earth in human form That myths might actually be facts......... That a certain myth about about a certain flower surrounded by thorns might actually be true.........

koc0a_Rhea · Fantasía
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2 Chs
Tabla de contenidos
Latest Update
Volumen 0 :作品相关
Volumen 1 :第一卷 王府奇事
Volumen 2 :第二卷 沙漠寻宝
Volumen 3 :第三卷 前尘往事
Volumen 4 :第四卷 闻香覆灭
Volumen 5 :第五卷 官银失窃
Volumen 6 :第六卷 万恶之源
Volumen 7 :第七卷 失枪迷案
Volumen 8 :第八卷 浪迹天涯
Volumen 9 :第九卷 风波暗涌
Volumen 10 :第九卷 风波暗涌
Volumen 11 :第十卷 暗器之王
Volumen 12 :第十一卷 心魔作乱
Volumen 13 :第十二卷 鬼怪奇谈
Volumen 14 :第十三卷 名马奇案
Volumen 15 :第十四卷 拈花实录
Volumen 16 :第十五卷 乱世凶徒
Volumen 17 :第十六卷 西域剑徒
Volumen 18 :第十七卷 偷王之王
Volumen 19 :第十九卷 虎啸龙吟
Volumen 20 :第十九卷 风影侠踪
Volumen 21 :第二十卷 相忘江湖


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