Ken lived a perfect life and he planned on living it to the very fullest. Unfortunately, his life was taken away by a mad lunatic and he was robbed of the money he was going to use for charity. Being stabbed countless times he was reincarnated into the world of martial arts. However, in this life, he had no jumpstarts and was exposed to the worst of the worst nature of humans. Years after adapting to this cold world he was summoned to yet another world but this time as a hero... But how will a cold-blooded killer play the hero role?
Ken was a very popular person being a famous influencer. He had leverage in almost every social media. He was born with the silver spoon and utilized that to push for even further fame. Not to mention he had the perfect personality for it. Although he was ambitious and a bit greedy he was very outspoken and sincere, everyone who met him could see he was an honest and kind person which made fans love him. Additionally, he did not lack intelligence ,he graduated from high school a couple years early and enrolled in a private university.
Ken was a magnet for women wanting his hand in a relationship but this wasn't a priority for him, his main goal was to be successful and make his family happy. His mother and father were very gentle people and he had time and time again made them proud of him.
And right now he was on his was to a fan meet he organized to interact with everyone who supported him. He had a bunch of things planned for this event of his, which included giving away a bunch of money not only to his fans but to charity so he carried a duffle bag loaded with money which he would never do on a normal day. But today was different.
Getting out of the red Ferrari his blonde hair and eyelashes swayed with the wind and the sun blinded him for a split second. He placed his hand above his ruby-red eyes to stop the sun's light.
"Phew it's such a beautiful day today don't you think Fred"
"Indeed it is Mr. Ken, should I go grab some sunglasses from the store a few blocks down?" Fred was the bodyguard for Ken. He was never more than 5 feet from Ken when they were in public so he had even made a name for himself just by being associated with Ken. Although Ken was young only being 19 he wasn't naive enough to think that he would not be robbed or attacked because of his identity.
"It's fine, it's fine. I want to enjoy this beautiful day"
"Hah that was a hell of a event! I'll make sure to do this again soon. Geez I'm getting a little hungry, Fred lets head to a restaurant that's close around.
Fred simply nodded and followed behind Ken and a similar pace.
The fan-meet up was over and Ken and Fred was walking back to the car when...
"Hey! Is that Ken"
"Oh you mean that famous streamer everyone's watching?!"
"Yeah, doesn't he look just like him!?"
"Holy....your right. I-i think that might just be him, hurry we should get an autograph before others notice him and it gets crowded."
A group of people ran to Ken and Fred
"Hey Ken can we get a autograph!"
"Yeah can you sign for my sister as well, she will die of happiness when she finds out i just met you!"
"Me to.."
A guy in a red and black stripped hoodie shoved his way through the little group and shouted "Ah can you sign my shirt as well!" he was holding a shirt wrapped around his hand.
The group of people was immediately blocked off and pushed aside by Fred. He sternly glared at the group letting them know not to get to close.
"Fred its fine, their my supporters" Ken giggled. He was used to this but it still made him laugh at how serious Fred can get.
Ken smiled brightly and walked close to the first person who wanted their shirt signed. Ken still had a duffle bag in his hand from giving away money, and still had a few thousand dollars left to use to donate to charity. He hadn't noticed the man in the red and black stripped hoodie maneuvering his hands in the shirt in a odd way.
"Sorry guys I don't have a pen but if you have a marker or something I can write with I'd be more than happy to sign for you."
Suddenly the man smiled devilishly and glanced at the duffle bag in Ken's hand "Yeah of course, here's something to write with-" saying this he swiftly pulled out a knife and shanked Ken in the stomach.
Ken's eyes widened and he looked down at the stab wound. Before the man got the chance to grab the bag and run Fred rushed and tackled the guy. Ken dropped the bag he was carrying and stumbled on the ground, he had never seen this much blood.
The rest of the group screamed and panicked.
"OMG he stabbed Ken!"
"We need a medic!"
The man that was tackled suddenly screamed "Are you guys idiots?! He has thousands of dollars in that bag all we have to do is grab it. Say, I'll even split it even with the rest of you just help me out yeah?"
The group of people looked at each other then seconds later greed flashed in their eyes. They were still nervous but the thought of what they could do with so much money stimulated their greed even more.
They rushed Ken's bag not even worrying about him anymore. Fred seeing this was about to stop them but the man he was holding unexpectedly took advantage of this moment and stabbed Fred in his left eye.
Fred grabbed his eye tightly and looked at the man in hatred. Fred screamed and rushed the man but the man bent down under Fred's big arms stabbing Fred again in the neck in a quick movement.
Fred soon fell down to the hard concrete with a shocked expression and stopped breathing.
The mob of people had already started fighting over the bag of money.
Ken stared fixated on the stab wound, his heart beating as fast as he was breathing.
'Hah hah! What the hell... I'm gonna die I'm gonna die' The taste of iron protruding into his mouth.
The man walked up to Ken still smiling devilishly
"I see you like the stab wound I gave you, how about I gift you some more eh?"
The man stabbed Ken again and again and again over and over. While laughing like a maniac. "Haha hahaha, you like them right?! Right?!"
Ken coughed up blood over and over. He began to look for help screaming for his bodyguard.
He found fred not too far from him with a knife in his throat while blood rushed out making a puddle around his body.
He looked at his 'supporters' for help only to see them smiling with the thousands of dollars and running with the money in their hands.Ken felt hopeless.
'I'm really going to die...I'm....scared. I should have....just went home. I shouldn't.....have had....this damned event. I' stupid.'
Breathing his last breaths his vision blurred and slowed as he stared at the manic of a man who enjoyed himself as he stabbed his life away at Ken's body.
Then everything went black...