

KimBarbie · Ciudad
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20 Chs

A Mission

Ariene hummed as she walked around the courtyard,she was already done with all the cleaning work and had nothing else to do,thus she decided to talk a walk round the big house. She reached the garden and upon looking around she frowned in displease."How can such a beautiful and big garden look like this? the plants aren't watered,the flowers aren't trimmed! this is maltreating nature!" She complained as she touched the flowers around her.

Ariene searched the corners of the garden looking for something,she screamed 'Yes' mentally as she found what she was looking for and went back to the flowers,without wasting any time she started pruning the them. She smiled as she did it because that was what she loved doing with her father! Her happy face suddenly turned sour the moment she remembered her father,but withheld herself from crying! She wiped the one stubborn tear that fell from her eyes and sniffed hard! She was done crying for a man who did not want her again. She was going to move on just like he did by getting married to another woman. She continued pruning the pretty flowers as she hummed her favorite song,she was therefore not aware of the two red eyes watching her from far as she was lost in her world.


"Did you get the information i asked you to?" Dashiell asked the man before him,who was his secretary.

"Yes Sir...they are all here! Nuel is now in charge of five Opium depots in City Aii while his Father still maintains the ones here in the city.....according to my findings, a ship will be arriving today at noon and will be heading to the depot at the east side of the city! what do we do sir?" The secretary asked as he watched Dashiell puff out a smoke.

Dashiell didn't answer immediately as he was contemplating on what to do..."Prepare the boys!" he finally said "we will need to pay them a surprised visit tonight"

"Will do sir!....about the other information, Christopher truly has a hand in what happened at your place,the rogue is one of he's,seems like he really wants to start a war with you!....sir if you don't mind,i can go finish him up immediately!" The secretary said with a smirk!.

"Hahaha!! leave that to me,i will simply pay him a visit too,but it's too early to fight...i don't want to fight because of an unimportant matter."

"But sir! the rogue attacked your servant!"

"Tsk! that isn't my concern! i do not worry about such insignificant weak human! i just want to warn him to stay off my place,i hate the smell of those damn rogues" Dashiell said rubbing his nose. The secretary didn't know what else to say after hearing what his boss said about the human girl. "Alright boss! i need to go prepare the boys for tonight's mission" he said and left without a trace. Dashiell grinned as he watched his secretary leave,this is his most trusted and loyal vampire ~ Stephine ~ aside from the other vampires that came with him to the city. He has been with him right from young age and even refused to get married as he promised to always follow and serve him. Vampires keep their promises! no matter what promises they make,be it life or death! they tend to keep and fulfill them,thus Stephine made his to Dashiell and had always kept it for so many years! the only way to break out of his promise was if Dashiell tells him to move on. Dashiell puffed out the last smoke from his mouth and threw the cigarettes away in the trash can! he took his jacket and put it on " Time for the visit!" he said with a grin and left his office.


In a deep forest situated at the end of the city,a black SUV stopped at the entrance of it and a man on black stepped out of the car,he closed the driver's door and stared at a far distance with a sinister grin on his face.

"Sir!!! Sir!! Dashiell is here!!" a vampire rogue said as he ran to a man who laid on a couch. The said man got up abruptly and looked towards the entrance of the apartment,he frowned the moment he saw Dashiell.

"Eh! seems you aren't happy to see a long time friend?" Dashiell said as he approached the man who was still frowning.

"To what do i owe your visit?" The man asked not buying any of his teases.

"Offer me something Christopher!" Dashiell said more like an order causing the said Christopher to frown even more.

"You don't order me around in my place! Tell me what you came here for?" Christopher said while glaring at Dashiell.

"Tsk! Fine!! I came to warn you to tell your dirty rogues to stay away from my property! They shouldn't come near my house because if they do,i will be happy to kill them just like the old days!!" Dashiell said with smirk.

The old days he was talking about was when they were still young! he was still very much young! and Christopher was way older than him and been the bully type of vampire,he always dealt with Dashiell at any slightest opportunity,Dashiell who was the nerve,timid and fearful little vampire boy would cry whenever he was beaten,that was until he met Stephine who helped him overcome his fears and became fearless,he taught him how to fight and how to kill without mercy turning him into a heartless and cold vampire. Christopher having no idea of the changes in Dashiell approached him on a certain day with his rogues,it all happened like a dream when Dashiell killed five of the rogues by ripping off their heads from their body,Christopher was terrified and shocked to his core that he ran for his dear life and ever since then,he never walked on the same path with him,he avoided Dashiell like a plague.

Remembering the past,Christopher could not help but shudder slightly, but came back to himself,he dared not show his fear to the man before him.." My rogues do not have a hand in anything,you might not believe me but its the truth!"

"I do not care to know if you are been truthful or not! i have given you a warning....if you do not control your rogues,I'll wipe them all out!" Dashiell said and walked away leaving Christopher who was clenching his fist.


Night came and it was time for Dashiell to carry out his mission! He left with his secretary and other vampires,though the destination was far,it was no problem for them as they could move from one place to another without the use of any transport means. In no time they got to their destination and watched as the opium were offloaded from the ship and carried inside the depot.

"Hey!! do you mind if i take a look at your goods?" The man in charge heard someone say behind him and he turned around to see who it was,upon seeing Dashiell and his men...he took out his gun and pointed it at him,his own men did same.

"What the hell are you doing here Dashiell?" The man asked in anger.

"Ha ha ha! seems i am not always welcomed...isn't it?" Dashiell asked with a smirk.

"That doesn't answer my question!! I said what the Fuck are you doing here, you don't say a word and my men will blow your heads off" Stephine upon hearing what the man said,walked towards him in anger but was abruptly stopped by Dashiell,he looked at him for a second and went to stand behind him again glaring at the man. "What do you think you wanted to do? hahahaha!! fight me? with bare hands?! pfft!!!! hahahaha" the man kept laughing and Stephine wanted at the moment to rip off his head.

"I see you have guts huh?!" Dashiell said as his eyes turned red.

"what the heck are you?!" The man screamed the moment he saw Dashiell's red eyes.

"You'll know soon enough " Dashiell said with a grin as he stared at the man directly! The man's hand started moving on it's own.

"What's happening?? i can't control my hands!! what's happening?" the man screamed in terror,same with his men! their hands were moving on their own and soon they were pointing the guns at their head. Dashiell grinned widely! he was enjoying the frightened look on the thier faces same with Stephine who was grinning as well.

"Safe trip to hell fellas!" Dashiell said and the trigger was pulled killing the men instantly. "Time to burn!" he said as his eyes returned to its former color! The vampires with him dragged the men inside the depot and lit up a fire that began to burn everything in there,the vampires left and joined Dashiell and Stephine who were watching from the outside.

"Let's go! we are done!" Dashiell said and they left the place immediately.

Another Chapter from me!!

Thanks to you all for the support you are giving me! the PS as well. i appreciate.

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