

Autor: 江中小白
En Curso · 104.3K Visitas
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What is 大神诸天

Lee la novela 大神诸天 escrita por el autor 江中小白 publicada en WebNovel. 提绣春刀,爬修罗场,手刃阉党,脚踢东林,崛起于血泊之中,拯救大明于危难之际,掌天下大权,控一方世界。这只是迈出的第一步。大唐双龙啸傲,长生诀,慈航剑典,天魔策,战神图录,如何才能尽收囊中?冰火相撞,奏响神曲,斗气纵横,巫魔横行,天龙飞舞,王座在火焰中熔炼,战神提绣春刀,这是战斗的号角,这是诸神的序曲。战火,席卷诸天,焚烧万界!地球,天翻地覆!人类,无可幸免!这是战神的崛起之路!...


提绣春刀,爬修罗场,手刃阉党,脚踢东林,崛起于血泊之中,拯救大明于危难之际,掌天下大权,控一方世界。 这只是迈出的第一步。 大唐双龙啸傲,长生诀,慈航剑典,天魔策,战神图录,如何才能尽收囊中? 冰火相撞,奏响神曲,斗气纵横,巫魔横行,天龙飞舞,王座在火焰中熔炼,战神提绣春刀,这是战斗的号角,这是诸神的序曲。 战火,席卷诸天,焚烧万界! 地球,天翻地覆!人类,无可幸免! 这是战神的崛起之路!

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Rebirth of revenge

"Everything you have ever had is all mine. The high and mighty Diana is now laying there helpless." Said Amaya "I trusted you and this is what you pay me with. Betrayal. You not only took my lover but also killed my family." Diana said with difficulty "Well, it's not my fault that your family got in the way. Especially your mother." She said while laughing "IT WAS YOU WHO KILLED HER!" Diana yelled 'I never thought I would be betrayed by Lucas, most importantly, Amaya. You even killed my mother. To think that I have always treated you as family.' Diana thought to herself "Hahah" Amaya laughed "Yes. It was me. Don't worry. You will soon join her and be the happy family and rot in hell together." Amaya said with a vicious yet satisfied look The room was already filled with flames except for on place. The place were Diana and Amaya were at. Diana was laying in the floor, with wounds al over. While Amaya was standing above her. With little force she had, she got up and push Amaya into the flames. Sadly, Diana could no escape her fate of dying. Slowly dying she could only think of one thing. 'How could I be so stupid to trust her. To trust him. To trust anybody.  If I ever had a second chance, I will not repeat these same mistakes. I will not trust anybody. Get my revenge.' Slowly, the lights started to vanish. Betrayed by the people she trusted the most. Lost her loved ones. Diana receives a second chance to take revenge. One by one, Diana make every single person who ever hurt her and her mother suffer. Lost in the urge of revenge, will she ever be able to trust again. [I am a new author and still a student. Updates may be slow. Please be patient.]

mimmin · Fantasía
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Volumen 0 :作品相关
Volumen 1 :绣春刀
Volumen 2 :大唐双龙
Volumen 3 :大唐双龙


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