
告诉我为什么 告诉我


RecklessInsanity · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
21 Chs


''even though the human transformation is not needed but who knows when we will need it''

''teacher, you going to teach us how to transform?''

''yes, so look careful as when i transform you do the same thing you did when transforming into bloodlust state, but this time think of a human and when you think of it, try to think the size of that your human form to be small''

''so you want our human form small in heigh''

''yes, since we are way taller than human like the average height of beast kind is 10ft''

''so come here and look at me and touch me as you like so you don't have a problem later''

as the others were trying to do, sun wasn't as the teacher walked in front of sun

''Don't tell me that you are afraid of failing''


''sun, i think you need to have a need of response for you to transform rather than desiring, think that you need the human form maybe to blend in with the other's human''

''i will try''

''sun, you must be able to do this alright''

''i will do it, teacher''

as it was becoming dark, they all started to leave until,

''sun, you aren't leaving until i see that you can transform''

''teacher, the elder has told us not to even come here i think sun should come with us''

''i didn't ask your opinion, Issac''

''it's okay i will transform and will be quiet back soon than you think''

''i hope so''

as sun looked at their transformation, issac had a yellow hair with the height not being so different like his heigh is 7ft when his actual heigh is 8 ft as cato heigh had an major difference as his heigh is 9ft as in his human form he had an heigh of 6ft as he have an white hair for ethan he didn't had that difference as he only had 2ft differences as he is 10ft in height as in his human form he is 8ft as he had an green hair..

as sun was on the beach sitting as he was looking at the ocean side ''humans, huh''

as he closed his eyes as he started to think of his past life '' i don't even remember clearly as i am kind of forgetting it'' as he starts to think of his past life as he started to shout out his feature as he is imagining in his mind as finally an hour or two, he finally was able to transform.

as he went on to the beach as he looked at himself, my hair is black, and my eyes is still red kind of gold color as he looked at his hand as he started to exercise on his human body as he is getting used to it,

''if i go to the human side, i bet that i can fool them all with my looks''

as he sat down, he saw a strange thing coming up as he stood up and looked at it,

it had an unusual looked as it appears larger and bigger as it gets nearer as sun looked at this strange creature.

as it finally landed on the beach as the thing that had chain around was gone as the creature looked at sun as sun looked at it.


as the monster started to attack sun with its hand as sun dodge it as its attack are rather very slow as sun was able to dodge all of it as sun broke the tree branches as he throws the branch as fast as he could to the monster head as it pierces through its head as its green blood was flowing outside as it fall down on the ground.

as sun looked at the body, it already had some wound and scar on it's body as sun had a plan on his mind.



''teacher, i think we should go back and check at sun atleast''

''issac, you are worrying to much i mean look at your other two friends''

as issac was looking at his two friends

''you don't believe in sun''

''no, i believe in him but...''

''then just believe in him''

as issac went back to his friends

''won't the elder ask about sun''

''i am pretty sure that is why we are all together in teacher house''

''issac, if you are too worried about sun why don't you go and look at it''


''you afraid''

''afraid? who''

''then go''

''alright then'' as he was trying to go outside as his teacher caught him

''issac, don't worry we will check it in the morning''

as they were staying in teacher house as they suddenly hear a loud sound banging on the ground as the ground vibrate due to its..

as all of them went outside as they saw sun..

''look, i killed this monster that was sent from the human''

''what? as they villager were looking at it

''i killed this monster that the human intends to use to harm us and i killed it to save you all''


''i did it to save you all, i killed the monster so that you will be saved, me..''

''..'' as they looked at it

''ah what is going on here'' as sun let out in low voice

''sun, did you did this''

''teacher, yes i did this even though it was coming at me very aggressively i won against it in the last moment''

''sun, as usually this may be an injured one sent by the human, don't you think''

''then why was this monster had no injured as it seem it was in healthy state rather than injury''

''but i can see injury and scar in its body''

''the scare is the past and all of the injury is done by me''

''sun, you are great''

as issac went on sun back as sun looks at it as he put his head between his legs as he stood up and started to shout '' look, sun defeated this monster to prevent it coming in this village'' as he pointed at the monster '' he saved our village, who knows what would the monster do if it reach here it could even destroy the crops and everything but sun saved it before it gets to do anything''

''he saved our villiage'' said by another villiager

''yes, he saved our villiage''

''sun prevented what could be catastrophic''

''yeah, he did that''

as all of the village were coming towards sun as they grab up and throw him up and down as all the village were doing with joy as they did it for some time as the village thank him as they handshake ''i knew that the elder grandson is going to do something good'' ''i mean he is the elder grandson after all, he is going to achieved something great'' ''yeah that is his destiny''

as sun was getting praise left and right as the elder finally comes as the village left the road for him as the village get on side as the elder comes.

''sun, you did this''

''yeah, I saved this village grandpa''

''you..you shouldn't have done this''


''you know how dangerous it is to do this''

''what? i saved the villiage''

''no that is not the point here, the point is that you could catch up some disease or you could even die by the hands of these monster''

''but it didn't happen''

''no sun, it was dangerous you should have run when you saw it''


''i am disappointed''

as sun was hearing as he had tear on his eyes as he started to go as he force his way as all the villagers gather around as sun was going

''sun, wait''

as sun kept going as the elder went towards sun as sun was in the bridge middle as the elder grab sun hand

''sun...'' as he looked at sun as sun had tear on his eyes

''it was dangerous, sun''

''if i wanted to be strong then i must face these kind of things''

''but this was not the time''

''i wanted to make you proud and be a hero that saved this village and yet you...''

as the teacher looked at sun as he heard the word hero as he vanishes from there.

as sun let go of his grandpa hand as he crosses the bridge as the elder watches as the bridge crack more.