
告诉我为什么 告诉我


RecklessInsanity · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
21 Chs


sun woke up from his sleep, he saw his grandpa sleeping on a chair..

he got out of the bed while grabbing his blanket and went near to his grandpa,

his grandpa slowly open his eyes seeing what his grandson was trying to do.


''oh grandpa'' he open his eyes wide and stood up,

''sun , are you alright?''

''yeah i am alright right now''

he walked '' sun, sit on the bed, I have something to tell you''

he did what his grandpa said as his grandpa sat beside him on his bed,

''Sun, if you don't want to train i won't force you at all''

''no, I want to train and want to be strong, way stronger than I am right now'

''are you sure that is what you want, i won't force you anymore if you don't want''

''yeah i want to be strong and i won't quit...never''

''it's a slow process but quitting won't speed up'' said as he looked at sun as he put his hand on his head.

''i know you can do it and one day when you become the person you want to be, you will thanked yourself in the future''

as he remove his hand on his head, he stood up and started walked towards the door,

''what happen to teacher''

''he is leaving''

''wait, what?''

''yeah, he is leaving right now''

''where is he going right now?''

''he may be on the road right now''

after hearing what his grandpa said, he ran outside as fast as he could and went to the road as he saw his teacher going; he catch up to him eventually,

''teacher....''said as draydon looked at sun who was exhausting,

''why are you leaving teacher''

''i have something i have to do on my own so I will leave''

''but..'' said as ''no, i have to go, sun it is for your own sake as well''

sun said nothing as he was now in a fighting position,

''oh you want one last fight, huh''

sun charged towards him which he dodge easily as sun was striking him with multiple punches with his speed as he was dodging, he catch his punch and threw him away.

as sun was being blow away, he balance himself with his hand and then his leg as he looked at his teacher which the teacher was looking at him...

''ah, sun your eyes...'' in low voices as it reminded him when he first found him and took him to the lakeside for the first time..

as he was remembering it, sun was now using his both hands and legs to run faster,he circled around and kept his distance first and then charge towards him as he finally landed a punch on his teacher as he jumped to hit which landed on his face..

the teacher was on the ground looking at sun as sun was looking,

''you found something, it doesn't look like before anymore''

''ah, yes i have found because of you''

as he heard sun words , he smile at sun,

''so why are you leaving , you were a good teacher''

''i have something to do so i will leave but don't worry there will be someone that i have in mind'' said as he stood up and took his bag and left...

sun was looking at him until he could no longer see him..

''it reminded me of the past, a genius that I had as a classmate i was going to school as he was..we were not really friends but he was walking ahead of me as i was walking behind him but as we walked, he walked quickly while i walked slow and as each step he took, our distance grew longer and longer to where i could no longer see him at all''

''all i could do was look the back of his as he was no longer to be seen''

he strengthen his fist '' i will not repeat that again, not this time''

as draydon was going, he saw the elder

''are you really going ''

''yes, i am and thank you for everything''

''draydon, it really wasn't your fault so don't make it seem to be all yours''

''when i saw how they were in pain and the look of their parent who gave me the responsibility to look after them , i-i wanted to die there''

''what hurts me the most is knowing that there are people who keep saying they want to die when all they really want is to live'' said as he put his hand on draydon who was looking down..

''we judge others by their actions,but we judge ourselves by our intentions'' said as draydon looked at the elder ''your intention was good, draydon it was never bad''

''you know i lost everything after i lost my mother i met my wife after we had a child after a year she died and my son died'' as he remove his hand on his shoulder..

''i was in total darkness, couldn't see anything at all but i could overcome it with three things; good thoughts, good words and good deeds''

''i know draydon, you will overcome this darkness of your''

as he said those words, draydon started going but he stop for a while,

''elder, i have someone in my mind that will help those students get stronger, I will send him here''

''if you sent him here, then can you tell him to meet me first''

''i will'' as he said, he started going, and the elder was looking at him as he thought,

''this too shall pass'' as he disappear from there