
告诉我为什么 告诉我


RecklessInsanity · Fantasía
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21 Chs


''so, this competition is a small competition organized by the local city to invite villager's fighter to see who has the strength as only under 15 can enter''

''that is what it is, teacher''

''only 1 person from 1 village can enter as he must be under 15 as you are the only one as well under 15 since issac is 15 and the other two are over 15''

''yeah, teacher''

''do you really want to go, sun''

''yeah, I want to meet others of my age who are the strongest in their own village''

''the prize is that they will provide food for a whole year in the village and the winner will get benefit as if the winner ever comes to the capital city, he can show the ring that will get him what he wants to a certain limit''

''if i can win this, i can help the villager's as well as i can show my strength as well''

''if you say so, i didn't wanted to go but for you, we will definitely go''

eventually a week pass by...

''good luck'' as issac gave his hand to sun as sun handshake it.

''make sure you win it, i don't want this village to lose its pride'' said as sun nodded at ethan.

''try to think before you make action as well''

''i will, i will and i will win it''



''good luck''

''thank you'' as his teacher got in the carriage as sun looked at the ground as there were flower as only one flower has bloom as the rest of the flower has yet to bloom...

as they ride a carriage that the local city sent for the tournament....

''teacher, what do you think of this tournament''

''it is a simple tournament, i think the main purpose for this is to see if there are some worthy to be the royal warrior''

''royal warrior''

''and whenever there is war, those so-called warriors will be sent to war and the next thing you know is that the other remaining will be sent as well''

''but sun, if there is anyone like that coming at you, don't accept it since your goal is far beyond that''

''i feel that a royal warrior is still too small for me''

the teacher smile at sun words as they talked for hours as they went on the journey...

as after talking and all the journey he was going, sun slept as he woke up after a sleep, he looked around as his teacher was missing as the carriage stop

''this is your destination; the rest is up to you now''

as he got out, he looked at other's that were already gathered as he looked around as the other carriage come as they slowly started to gather up as two person comes in the middle...

''so, there is 16 participations as only 8 participations will move towards the tournament''

''only 8?''

''you heard that right, so shut up and listen'' as the other guy shouted

''so, there is an 8 armband around this forest that resembles the one that i am showing, and you must find it until morning''

''how you find it, it doesn't matter what matter is that you have it until morning, and you will be able to go to the tournament''

''and remember each armbands have two similar number, and that number will decide who you will be fighting with''

''so, let the game begins''