

Autor: 奂栖
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What is 反派的时代猎手

Lee la novela 反派的时代猎手 escrita por el autor 奂栖 publicada en WebNovel. 【快穿,1v1】被一颗钻石而忽悠进三千世界的抒橙,被迫带着一只柯基拯救无数个想要黑化的大反派。-暴躁的校霸揪了揪她的脸颊。“小丸子,你真可爱。”清冷的总裁将十几个袋子放在她面前。“想要钻石,就跟我结婚。”哭花了脸的郎君不停地往后退了退。“你、你不要过来!”“......”抒橙邪魅一笑,“男人,火是你点的,你别想跑!”系统:“老大,你拿错剧本了喂!”...


【快穿,1v1】 被一颗钻石而忽悠进三千世界的抒橙,被迫带着一只柯基拯救无数个想要黑化的大反派。 - 暴躁的校霸揪了揪她的脸颊。 “小丸子,你真可爱。” 清冷的总裁将十几个袋子放在她面前。 “想要钻石,就跟我结婚。” 哭花了脸的郎君不停地往后退了退。 “你、你不要过来!” “......” 抒橙邪魅一笑,“男人,火是你点的,你别想跑!” 系统:“老大,你拿错剧本了喂!”

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Princess Not in Distress

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The last 3 dreams that happened

My name is Mr Kya Si.It: s not joke. Education "I was expelled from school in the Eight Grade for three years. Place of birth"=Shwe Twin Village Pyaw Bwe Place of birth"=Shwe Twin Village Pyaw Bwe township Mandalay Division Myanmar :from Southeast Asia. I want to be influential teacher.I study the enviroment.What kind of teacher should I be? Mostpeople l meet start up following the Thai lottery.I have now studied the Thai lottery. I am studing Thai and how to use 1 to 10 Thai lottery. A three digit number is called a block. Example. 467 Top 4. Middle 6.Next closing 7. So how do l do the math by hand? Searching by paster letter. How to calendarsize thinking. I am looking to get one of the three numbers right. I have one digit:two digit number and I have nickname many people began to respect me.​ ​​​​ Teacher:=Come friends drink bitter water(Kind invitation according to the calture of the village).I have got the numbers for this week.Believe that our whole village is rich. The number is not around 142: lt:s a definite number. Teacher:=Here is the number:friends. I had a dream last night.In the dream: a tortoise came up to the teacher:s house. Teacher: =The only one who came up was 1.The name of tortoise is 4.The day the tortoise came up to the house was Monday:so l got two(2) numbers So the number is 142. For our village: This is a number that will eradicate poverty.We confiscated 142 numbers from the Thai lottery sellers in one village.They also sold stored seasonal crops and animals and won the Thai lottery. The Thai lottery provides regular three digit lottery numbers on the 1 st and 16 th of each month.On the day of lottery: l personally translated three Thai numbers at home.The whole village come and listened. 1.5.1996:Today of the day of lottery. Today is the day for three- way Thai lottery: which will be held between 3 and 4 o: clock: so the villagers are gathering at my house. I"m listening to the numbers myself the radio ready. 140 (Nuu Se Siep)(Thai) The number is out.The actual lottery is 142.It was as if everyone had stopped breathing .It is quiet. Ha! Hmm! .They returned to their home. The lottery number is 142 and the actural number is 140. I" m upset.The whole village is trouble because of me. My trouble is not important. They are all suffering because of me. I think they hurt me. I turned of the radio and went to bed.We have only two siblings.My sister look at me and was upset.There is no money for the market.He was upset to see his older brother suffer.My sister:who has been in bed all week spoke encouraingly to me. My sister words.- You can make money if you do not die.There is no cure for depression.Have fan starting today.She look at her brother and she wanted to die. Villagers:=The teacher is not wrong.There is no teacher like you in this area.Only a teacher can say(3.digit lottery number)(2.digit correct number).We villagers are week in wisdom teacher.We do not think of tortoise as zero. Villagers:=Is the teacher ill?Is it covered by a blanket?Breakfist fried rice and a glass of bitter warter(Hot water with tea).It is ten o"clock now. Teacher:=It is not a blanket.The blanket is wrapped around the body.I also sold closes and won the lottery.I took a shower and put on a blanket becuase I had nothing to wear.It is worn as a garment.Friends Villagers:=Respected:teacher.Congratulations to the teacher.Our teacher is smart.Starting today our teacher l have given a name.Grandpa owns a tortoise and a blanket. Ha Ha Ha (laugh song) ------------------------------------- Auther"s statement .1 Note adress Mr .Myo Win No:566 Shwe Pyi Yan Naing school street. Shwe Pyi Yan Naing Quarter. Mandalay division.Pyawbwe Township .Myanmar Southeast Asia. Phone .09978810111.၊ 09795715947 Postal code no 052101. Facebook Acc. Myo Win09978810111@gmail.com ----–---------------------------------

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Rebirth:I'm A Favourite With Them

"How could the biological daughter of the Lin family turn out like this?" "She spent the first eighteen years of her life in the slums, mingling with hoodlums and turning into a little thug herself. Even after returning to the Lin family, she couldn't shake off her base nature. Fighting, skipping school, and now she even wants to steal Saira's fiancé." --- Zuri, who grew up in the slums, was finally recognized by her biological parents at the age of eighteen. She thought her hardships had come to an end, only to find that life in a wealthy family was the beginning of another nightmare. Yearning for familial love, she became the easy target of bullying within the social circle. Under the repeated schemes of the adopted daughter Saira, she became the disgrace in her parents' eyes, enduring endless torment, and ultimately met her demise at the hands of the cousin she trusted the most. Reborn with hatred back to the age of eighteen, Zuri was determined to make those who once harmed her pay the price and reclaim what was rightfully hers. However, by chance, she discovered she wasn't her parents' biological daughter. Shockingly, the formidable financial magnate, the world-renowned genius doctor, and the heartthrob actor adored by countless women were all her real brothers. In this lifetime, Zuri, who had never been loved, was spoiled endlessly by her brothers. Yet, the eldest young master of the top family in the capital, Leo, declared, "My wife, I'll pamper her myself."

Jax2025 · Ciudad
52 Chs
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