


There was fire burning everywhere, the skies were filled with ashes.

I was walking through a burned down village. The nearest building collapsed to the ground, I could hear the screams of children as it collapsed on them.


I flinched.

Wait a minute, how did I get here?

Then a demonic roar echoes through the skies.


It came from a large, red dragon. Fireballs blasted out from his jaw, the fire causing explosions everywhere.

"What the hell is this?"

I was trembling with fear. Where was I? And isn't that-?

The dragon slowly shifted its attention towards me. Its green eyes glowed, its golden spikes glowing as well.

It slowly began to charge up a spell, magic formations formed in front of his mouth.

I would begin running for my life, but there was a bunch of rubble blocking my way.


I turned around, and the dragon had finished up his spell, then he fired it towards me.


A red beam charged towards me at lightning speed. It was too fast for me to dodge.

Like I could dodge that in the first place.

I was about to die!!!




I fell out of my bed.

"Ahh~ that hurt."

I said as I got up, rubbing my head.

What kind of dream did I just have? It felt so... real.


"Huh? Who's there?"

The door opened up and Katherine peek inside.

"So you've finally awakened huh?"

"Huh? Well, of course. What's wrong?"

Katherine tilted her head.

"You don't know?"

"Huh? What don't I know?"

I said with a puzzled expression.

So she explained to me the whole story.

"I was in a coma for 5 days?!"

Katherine nodded.

"And I won the fight against that guy?"

Katherine nodded again.

But how did I win the fight? I don't have any memories of me winning. The only memories I last had was that I was just about to get stomped on.

Oh well, at least I beat that bastard to a pulp! Or was it me?

"Lady Asami told me to give you this message."

"Huh? What message?"

"You will take a month off of school to train with Aiden."

Take a month off school?!?!

"I-I-I-I never skipped school before."

"Don't worry, Mr. Eo has allowed it. After what happened, the whole school has been talking about you. After a month, the commotion will probably die down. For now, you will be training with Aiden so we can prepare you for the future."

"What? What future?"

"Lady Asami still needs four more servants. You will help us find these four."

"And how exactly am I going to do that? Can't you do it? I mean you did find me."

"That's because I was suited to find you, the others aren't going to be a walk in the park like you."

Ahh... so I'm a walk in the park eh?

"So when does this training start?"

Katherine smiles and walks towards the door.



As she vanished, coming in her place was Aiden.

A chill went up my spine as he glared at me.

There was a spark in his silver eyes.

What was this immense pressure?

"Let's get started..."

He said it with a serious tone.

Thirty minutes later...

I collapsed in the grass field located behind the manor. I was exhausted, I don't think I can move anymore.

"Cmon now! That was only 10 pushups. I said give me 100!"

"Ye-yes sir!"

Man, what the hell? This dude is nice whenever Asami is around, but whenever she's not, this guy goes into full-on Strict Sensei mode.

I've been having that dream in mind. Just what dream did I have?

Then Aiden began yelling at me.

"Don't you want to get stronger?!"


I replied.

"Don't you want muscles?!"


I replied again.

"Don't you want to fondle with Lady Asami's boobs?!"


What? Did he just say fondle... fondle... fondle her boobs?

Images of Asami naked would fly across my mind.

"Don't you also want to fondle with Lucy's boobs?!"

Now it was images of Lucy flying across my mind, naked.

H-he knows what I urge for!

A true man!


I'd start doing pushups at a rate that no normal human would do it at.

My sex drive energy level has gone over 9000!!!!!

I feel like I can do more than a hundred pushups, maybe even thousands!

I suddenly feel like Issei and his obsession with boobs!

This feeling is amazing!!!

"Let's go!!!!! I'm going to be able to fondle with Asami's and Lucy's boo-"

10 seconds later...

Even with all that motivation, I didn't get to even past a hundred pushups.

I'd start doing hand motions of wanting something.

"M-my dreams... I won't be able to fondle them..."

Looks like no fondling for me...

Aiden smacks his face and sighs in disappointment.

"I can't believe the possessor of the trinity drake is... like this."

I looked over at him.

"I didn't ask for this, did I? It's not my fault my sex drive came from the first daemon."

Aiden made a deep sigh and tossed me a water bottle.

I took a sip from the water bottle. Suddenly the fatigue from my body would disappear.


After I drank the water from the bottle, my fatigue had faded away.

"This isn't normal water, it's elixir."

Aiden said, reading my confused expression.


"Supplied from the heavens. They sell for a good price."

"Supplied from heav- you know what, I think I know already."

So Neflin gets their supplies from heaven eh? Maybe they also get their stuff from the underworld as well.

"Well, looks like pushups aren't going to get you anywhere. So..."

Aiden pulled his longsword out of his sheath.


"What the?!"

I said as I got up from the ground.

"We're going to have combat training."

"C-C-C-C-C-C-Combat training?! But Aide-"

"Don't address me as your equal! I served under Lady Asami longer than you, so you are going to call me your senior."

"Senior? I'll just call you Aiden-senpai instead!"

I'd imagine the Ultima blade appearing in my right hand.


It appeared in my hand, its appearance still the same as always.

Senpai beckoned me to come at him, so I did.

Then just when I was about to swing my blade at him.



I'd stop. What was that voice?

Aiden-senpai lowered his sword. Maybe he heard that voice as well?

[What's with all the ruckus? I'm trying to sleep here.]

A low voice spoke inside my head.

Is that-?

"Mr. Asynth."

Aiden-senpai said.

So Aiden-senpai can hear his voice.

[Aiden can hear my voice because I allow him to.]

"You can allow people to hear your voice?"


"I see then."

[Anyway, what are you two doing?]

"We were about to do some combat training."

Aiden-senpai said, answering his question.

[I see. So then Neo, show me your skills.]


I stood there with an embarrassed face.

[Oh yeah, that's right. You don't have any battle experience.]

"No need to speak the obvious man!"

I fell onto my knees, feeling pathetic.

"Why don't you replicate some moves from... what do you humans call it? Anime?"

Oh yeah! I can just replicate some moves from the anime I've watched!

I got up and held onto my sword.

"I guess I will."

"Hmph, well then."

Aiden-senpai got into his stance, pointing his sword at me.

We locked our eyes on each other, a fire burned in both our eyes.

[Let's see the strength of my current possessor.]

I dashed towards him, ready to swing.

Then as I was inches away from him.


Images of boobs flew across my mind. I made a lecherous face of pleasure.



Aiden-senpai used the side of his sword to sweep my legs.

Oh shit.

I fell on the top of my back.

No... NO!!!!!

It can't be...

My weakness... it's... it's...

[-Sigh- This is going to be difficult.]

"I agree..."

Aiden senpai stared into my eyes.

"Your weakness..."

No. Don't say it!

[It is definitely...]




They both said it at the same time.


I, Neo Bakuhatsu, have the stupidest weakness, and it's this perverted nature of mine.

"This is going to be difficult, we can't let anyone know about this."

[Nor should we let him get close in contact with it.]

"Please stop making fun of me. I don't like it either."

[We're going to have to worry about your weakness first.]

"Agreed. If even one person says that word, you'll definitely get distracted."

I hugged my legs, tearing up.

"It's not my fault... believe me, please..."

[Stop being a crybaby you. A real man doesn't cry over such a little thing, nor should get distracted by such a little thing.]

"B-but boobs are the epitome of a woman's beauty!!!!!"

I said, yelling out loud.



"... Heh... heh... boobs."

There were too many images of boobs in my mind. Then,


A huge amount of blood burst out of my nose.

At that moment, I lost consciousness right there due to a huge amount of blood loss.

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