

The luscious thick cream foaming on top of her hot chocolate made Kara smile. She can smell the sweet, spicy-hot fragment of cinnamon coming from her favourite drink. Anything tastes better with a touch of cinnamon! Or at least, that is what Kara thought.

Lena, on the other hand, despises cinnamon with her life. No, not really, for her, in the right place and at the right time, cinnamon has its place in her life. She is just not as obsessed about the spice as her wife does.

Today is their revision day. They are going to look at the company paperwork and discuss if there a change needed to be made or not.

Ignoring the awful smell of cinnamon, Lena Luthor proceed to the next document. Just the title enough to make her cringe. 'Expenses of Sir Frederick's WIVES', yes, the wives were written in capital letters. For what reason? Lena wishes not to know.

"Kara, my love, why do you have the expenses of Sir Frederick's wives in your office?", asked the brunette.

Kara frown, why indeed?

She couldn't recall requesting such a document from her uncle. Probably her uncle had asked The Phantom to do some calculations about his debt or perhaps the old man had forgotten the document in their previous meeting.

"Not sure, wife. Just leave it there, I will hand it back go my uncle later."

It was a close fight. Lena almost did as she was told before her curiosity got the best of her. The brunette decided to take a little peek inside the document.

"?", screamed Lena.

The blonde in the room reminds calm. She had grown used to the reaction. Honestly, the number of wives is surprising but it is not uncommon for a noble to have more than one wife.

"Actually, there are only two left. The other four is gone. ", Kara explained.

"What? what happen?"

"They got pregnant."

Lena snorted. Does Sir Frederik have a cursed or something? Does all of his pregnant wife just mysteriously die? The information itself is just absurd. Lena would assume her wife is joking but the way the blonde's lips remain in a thin line proved that she is not.

Scratching the back of her head, Lena furrowed her brows.

"All four of them, huh? That is bizarre."

Putting her cup down, a little smirk appears on Kara's face. Oh, if it that simple.

"You don't get it, wife. My uncle can't make his wife pregnant. He is infertile.", she chuckled.

Couldn't help but gasp, Lena is speechless. That would mean Sir Frederik had... He killed them all. Jumping into a conclusion foolishly is a deadly habit. One Lena wishes not to do now.

"So he...", the brunette intentionally stop her words halfway. Hoping her wife would catch up the rest.

It took Kara awhile. When she looks at the brunette stagger eyes, her first reaction is to frown. Why is her wife looking at her like that? When Lena tilted her head a little and look at her with the same stagger eyes with her brows slightly furrowed, the blonde finally gets it. Her eyes immediately widen.

"Oh, God, no! It's not like that!", she shakes her head too fast. Her hair had become messy.

"They might cheat on him but uncle didn't kill them. He sent them to a few of his villas in some of the islands in the east, very isolated. They are his wives so he still took care of their expenses."

Letting a relief sigh, Lena lends back to her chair. She doesn't know how she would look at Sir Frederick in the eyes if he had truly killed them all.

Sir Frederick had helped with the company a lot, they would need to meet him more often in the future. That old man knows more about the company than they two now that The Phantom is gone.

Weird enough, things are actually doing fine between Lena and the old man. He had sent a bunch of gifts and flowers for her debutante. Lena had sent a custom-made hat for his birthday.

The brunette look at her wife who is sitting at the desk right in front of her. Kara is rubbing her eyes. Perhaps her hot chocolate had helped her sleepiness come out. The blonde didn't have much sleep last night. She was busy drilling her heads the company's daily report.

The office is filled with the uncomfortable sound of her rattling chair as Lena quickly stood up and rushed to Kara's side.

"Need a hug?", she offered to the blonde.

Kara didn't even reply.

She grabbed the brunette by her waist and pull her close. Too lazy to stand up, Kara just wrapped her arms around her wife's waist and place her head against Lena's tummy. Well, in a way it is still a hug.

Lena chuckled, " Love, you will hear my stomach growl if you do that.", she said yet her hair if softly patting Kara's head.

"Hmmm...", Kara softly moan as she feels her wife runs her fingers through her hair. It is comforting. The way Lena's fingers would gently touch her scalp, it felt so loving.

Kara feels so loved when Lena does that. Honestly, just a look from her wife could make her feel so many feelings.

Just as she is about to close her eyes so she could savour the addictive touch from her wife, Lena's stomach growled.

As if that was a cue, Kara couldn't help but laugh.

"Someone is hungry.", the blonde tease her wife.

"Shut it, love.", Lena said in a very plain tone. A light shade of crimson appears on her cheeks.

Not wanting to sleep alone tonight, Kara made a zipping gesture on her mouth. She chuckled.

"I'll go tell the kitchen staff to prepare lunch for their lovely lady now.", the blonde declares as she stands up from her seat. Her wife is still looking at her with that killer look. Kara cup her wife cheek in her hand, she made cherish the brunette's cheek with her thumb before gently kiss Lena on her lips.

" I will be back soon."

The blonde held her wife's hand and laced their finger together. She tightens her grip. Hesitantly, the blonde start to walk away from the brunette. She didn't let go of her hand until she had to when their distance was too big.

Kara smile and finally walk out of the room.

Lena shakes her head. The look her wife was giving her, it was as if she didn't want to be apart from her. Not even for a minute. Who knows? Maybe that is exactly what it means.

Her eyes linger back to Sir Frederik's expenses report on Kara's desk. Her mouth suddenly tastes bitter. She is well aware that a husband having multiple wives is dying off in popularity, but there are still many noble who have multiple wives.

The brunette could help but wonder... Would Kara marry another wive in the future? If one day the blonde fall out of love with her, would she just replace her?... Will there be a day where her love for Kara wouldn't be enough for the blonde?

Lena immediately turns to look at the door. Her wife opens the door slightly, only her head is visible to the brunette.

The lady of the house frown, "Did you forget something, love?"

Kara smile.

"I forgot to tell you


Honestly, this is Kara we are talking about. The blonde wouldn't even look at another woman since the day Lena Luthor stole her heart in the busy street of London. She would never marry another person...