
Chapter 1: Change

Change is the driving force in this world.

In any world for that matter, change is a fundamental part I hope the world works.

People change as they grow.

Animals change as they grow as well.

Objects change when they get recycled.

Change is fundamental to the world and it's balance.

I know this because I am one of the biggest changes in my world.

How do I know?

Because God told me, and before you run off thinking;that this is your run of the mill Gets hit by a truck, meets God, Becomes all-powerful stories.

You'd be half right.

I didn't die at the hands of Truck-Sama.

I died how most people died, from the failiure of an organ.

Specifically, my Heart and lungs.

I had always had a weak heart, ever scins I was a kid, it kept me inside of the house because physical activity made my heart beat too fast and when that happened, it was a trip to the hospitals emergency room just to fix it.

As my lungs couldn't handle certain chemicals in the air, I had to say inside my house most of the time.

Because I was never allowed to go outside, I turned into a very socially awkward kid, being around other people made me nervous and I had occasionally had to go to the emergency room just because too many people tried to talk to me at once and that raised my heart beat and sent me into shock.

When I was a kid, around the age of ten, I had a second heart sergiacaly implanted on top of my first on, this had sort of solved my first problem, by my lungs were still very weak and my social awkwardness wasn't going to go away any time soon.

So this how my life remains for along time.

Occasionally I would go outside and be able to interact with people, but my quirky personality made people think I was crazy, I had tendencies to make jokes but with me being the only one to laugh at then. I also had this thing in my brain where I would see things that weren't actually there.

These hallucinations were simple I solve but I often didn't take the medicine so I had gained a unique perception on things.

It was easy to distinguish real things from my hallucinations, because usually I'm in my room and I knew what was in there, so I didn't have to worry.

But when I went out I would always get a few imaginary things tagging along with me.

These things were mostly creatures I drew and painted and they never talked.

I was almost like I was never alone.

But that's enough about me, lets get back to me.

I died when my second heart gave out while I was on a hike with my sister and her family.

I can't imagine what she must of felt like when I died, and seeing someone you love suddenly drop dead out of nowhere would have a big impact on you.

I would never forget my family for so long as I lived.

The were everything to me, they were my favourite people and the only people that did laugh at my seemingly not funny jokes.

And it was then that I found out that I would be alive for a very long time.








I had just died, that much was clear to me.

This feeling of weakness and dread, the cold watery feeling inside my chest, the pain that seemed to grow like a tumor in my head.

It was terrible.

I hated it.

I wanted it to end.

But I knew that I had to stick it out.

I don't know why I knew that, or how, but I just did.

I knew that if I could survive this, I would get something out of it.

All this pain, it wouldn't be for nothing, I would get something out of this, and my curiosity was getting the better of me.

So there I sat.

For minutes.

Then hours.

Then days.

Then weeks.

Then months.

Then year's.

And finally, when I had lost count of the years.

When I had forgotten why I was even hear.

Forgotten the face of my sister.

Cryed out to an probably non-existent God to stop the pain and suffering.

Then and only then, did it stop.

"You poor soul, I'm sorry to go through that, but I'm here now, I'm sorry for my brothers behaviour, but I'm back now" said the angelic voice, the inky darkness suddenly replaced with a blinding light.

"who... Who are you?"

"I am God, or at least a Part of the collective counsel that you humans call God, my name is Light, my Brother, Dark, was the one that had found your soul, but don't worry, I've banished him from this place, so do not fear"

I sat there in silence, I was finally free from that teribek torture...

Tears of both joy and sadness started to leak from my eyes and roll down my cheeks.

I had forgotten the faces of my family, but I guess that it was for the better.

For whatever comes next, I'd need to be focused.

"so... What is that you wanted me to do"

"oh I didn't know you were the smart-type, well... Since you already figured out that there was something that I needed from you, I'll cut to the chase"

Light when on to explain many things to me.

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