

"In the meantime," dad said, "Let's see if we can figure out something to do. I sure don't need you exploding all of my leather couches," he laughed. "To hear him, so accommodating about the situation brought a smile to my face. 

"I honestly don't know what to do," I said "I've tried everything before. It was mom's friend Mary Watkins who help me out in the first place." Then I told him about "priming the pump", and how that seem to do the trick.

His eyebrows raised, as he said, "Mary Watkins huh.... That's a name I haven't heard in a long time. She and your mom were pregnant at the same time when she had you. Come to think of it," he said "this all sounds a bit familiar...." And then he chuckled nervously. 

"What are you laughing at dad!" I asked. "What's so funny?!" "Oh no.." he replied, "that's not a conversation I'm having with you!"

Now my curiosity had really peaked. "Oh come on dad!" I said "You can't just walk over here, make comments like that, and then laugh it up, when my tits are about ready to erupt!" I said laughing. "Now fess up!" I demanded.

"Yeah well, still," he said, "I don't know if it would be an appropriate conversation for me to be having with my little girl." He said.

"Oh dad," I retorted, "as you can see, I'm not so little anymore! I'm pretty grown-up now that I've had a baby and all you know. And if it'll help me, I'd really like to know." 

"Well," he continued,  fidgeting around and looking down. "I have heard that saying before you know. "Prime the pump." In the same context that you're referring to." He continued. "You see," he said, " you and Dakker are not that much different. We had the same problem with you when you were a brand new baby girl. Wouldn't latch on for nothing. And well, as you know,  your mom and Mary, they were good friends. Mary told your mom the exact same thing that you were just telling me now. Only problem is, that back in those days we didn't have a money for one of those new fancy pumps." "So," he added, with another little chuckle, "we sort of just improvised."


"What do you mean, you improvised, " I questioned, then it dawned on me what he might be talking about. I'm sure my eyes must of gotten pretty big, because  as soon as I looked at him, he turned three different shades of red and quickly looked away. "Oh,..." I said,  "I see...." 

As I looked in his direction, I also noticed a prominent bulge, now protruding from his denim jeans. Was he really getting aroused talking about all the stuff, I thought to myself? I smiled a bit, I hadn't had sex in ages. And here my dad was getting all worked up talking to his daughter about boobs, and breast-feeding. If I was being honest myself, I had also noticed a little dampness emanating from between my legs. 

Looking down I realized, that Dakker had drifted off to sleep. Suddenly he twisted a bit as he slept he kicked me really good in the tit. Wincing in pain, I cradled my right breast, tucking it slightly underneath my arm. "Holy shit that hurts!" I cried out.

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