
Chapter 18

(A/N) Not editing now spent two FUCKING hours on this chapter, I'll edit at another time.


Base ball is definitely on my list of favorite sport to date now...

You know how everything goes great in a day tell one little things just bring it down to a shit show, let me start from when we got to the field.


We had gotten to the field where my family play baseball every time a storm came in. The field was pretty big I would say compared to a normal field but I guess vampires need longer bases.

"Hey Drak, are you gonna play?" Emmett said smirking

"Nah I think I am going to sit this one out." I said

I walked over to mom, who was unloading some equipment.

"Hey do you need any help?" I asked

"No but do you want to be umpire son?" she asked

"Nah, let Beau do it, I need to go talk to dad."

I went to dad who was practicing his swing with Jasper, "Hey dad"

He turned around," What's up son?"

"He I just wanted to ask, Felix said there where a few nomads around fork, wont this sound get there attention?" I asked

"Alice said they would be gone by now but if they do come this way, they can't touch you *He pointed to my necklace*, you are under the protection of the Volturi." He said


When Beau and Edythe pulled up I went to Beau and chatted with him before they made there way to the rest.

"Hey Beau we need a umpire." Mom said

"She thinks we cheat." Emmett said back

"Ohh I now you cheat, *She put her arm around Beau's neck* Just call them as you see them." Mom said

I walked over to Rose, "Hey play nice."

Rose rolled her eye, "Sure" in a sarcastic tone


Most of the game was really good Rose went out first, Edythe really is the fastest. At one point Edythe and Emmett when to catch the same ball and collided with each other, Dad got that score, but it kept bothering me that the sound we where making could alert the nomads that Felix told me about. If anything goes south I have my weapons on me, I normally never talk them off only at home really. Jasper was up, he did this cool bat trick while he was getting ready, it was really cool too. He hit the ball then went running, then Alice froze.

"Stop" Alice said

'Fuck, I hope my aim is as good as Charlie says'

I see Edythe rush over too Beau.

"You don't have enough time Edythe." Dad said

I couldn't hear there there full conversation, I went to dad and stood behind him, I grabbed my revolvers.

We where all in a group and we saw three shadows emerge through the forest.

(A man dark skin, black hair walked in the front, the man next to him was pale skin, and blond hair, the women on the opposite side of the blond, she had Brilliant Orange hair and pale skin.)

(These where just the description of James, Victoria and Laurent)

When I saw the women and the blond I froze, I got mentally and physically angry, I looked over to the rest of the group, Edythe made eye contact with me and then just nodded in approval.

They got closer, the man in the front threw the ball back to Dad.

"I think this belongs to you." the man said

Dad caught the ball, "Thank you"

"My name is Laurent, this is Victoria, and this is James." Laurent said

James just stared at Edythe and Beau, Victoria just stared at me, Rose caught on and moved over to me. I threw my necklace over so she could see it, she looked at it then moved back to the group.

"You hunting activity have caused a bit of a problem." Dad said

"My apologies we didn't know this territory was clamed." Laurent said

"Yes, we keep a permanent residence not far from here." Dad said

"Really, I would like to hear about that." He said

"Sure." Dad said

There was a awkward silence for a bit.

The Laurent spoke again, "How about a game or two."

"Sure a couple of us where leaving, y'all bat first."

He throws the bat too them, Victoria caught it, "I'm the one with the wicked curveball." (I am remembering this from memory so shhhh)

"I think we can handle that." Jasper said

I turned around to follow Edythe, then I felt the wind pick up, I turned around quickly.

Everything happened so fast, I turned to see Edythe and James in front of each other, I pulled out my revolvers and shot. I saw James go down to the ground.

I saw Victoria run to James, and start tapping him to wake up.

"What did you do." Victoria said looking at me

"I killed him." I said

Laurent looked interested, " But how" He asked

I smiled, "The only thing strong enough to penetrate vampire skin is another vampire, Take a vampire who had the head ripped off and you can make a lot of bullets from them."

I took out my taser, then shot Victoria.

"What did you do." Laurent asked

"She is just paralyzed for a bit."

I walked over too her, I looked at her.

"Do you not remember me Victoria, vampire have a strong memory to remember. (I shot her in the leg) Remember!" I screamed

"Remember about 3 to 4 years ago you, where in Wyoming and you stopped late at night and got my family from there beds, you guided us to our living room then you slaughter my family, then when y'all where full you got to me, then y'all beat me for 30 minutes, you ripped out my FUCKING eye, then crushed my leg and hand."

I looked at my family, "Jasper in the back of my car in a bag bring it, and the gas" I then looked to Laurent, "If you truly want to change follow my family then I'll meet y'all back at home."

(In my story Laurent is truly good, since I am changing the story, He goes to the Denali and his Mate is Irina. I liked his character so he gets to live in my story. This in not the end of him.)

Dad came and put his arm on my, "It okay son, we can talk about it when you are done, we are going to head home, Jasper and Emmett are staying just incase something happens." He said

"Okay" I said


(After family leaves)

I shot her again with the taser, just because it makes me feel better.

"This bag bro" Jasper said


I reach into this duffle bag and pulled out a machete. It had a of pale color to the blade.

"Hey bro, I get your smart but that ain't going to do damage." Emmett said

I smirked, "It will when the blade is made out of pure Vampire skin, like I said earlier only another vampire or supernatural being can hurt a vampire."

"Jesus your scary when you mad." Emmett said

"You haven't seen mad yet, Jasper burn James, Emmett hold Victoria up.

"Victoria I am a true believer in a eye for a eye."


(I don't want to spoil what I did to her yet, but Drac fucked her up

I looked over her mangled body. I could here a mumble coming from her.

"What was that." I said

"I-I w-ill ki-kill you." She said

I walk up to her, "No you wont, I a protected."

I Looked at Jasper and Emmett, "Burn what we took off Jasper. * I turned around and shot her with the taser* Emmett throw her into the ocean, I'll follow so the Shapeshifter don't attack then go talk to Bonnie about why we crossed okay."


(Time Skip to Bonnie)

I was sitting in Bonnie's house, drinking tea she handed to me.

"So that's what happened mhh... Okay we will keep the treaty in tack."

"Thank you Bonnie." I said while taking another drink

"Do you think she will come back Drac."

I laughed, "Maybe but if she does I'll finish her, I messed her up Bonnie, the rage I had, I have never shown before and it even scared me."

"Well I would of done the same Drac, do you feel better about hurting you family's killers."

"Kind of but then no, I grieved my family already I am a peace with my family's death, all I did was tie up lose ends."

I got up and got more warm tea, I then sat down again.

"Hey Bonnie thank you, you and everyone down here at the Rez y'all are my second family."

She laughed, "No thank you Drac not that many humans kill and torture vampires, and thank you, you are doing a great thing for me, you are like my own, you are always welcome here vampire or don't."

"Thanks Bonnie, hey heads up in the next month after school gets out there will be a few vampires coming into Forks to come get me." I said

I showed Bonnie pictures of Jane (Well what she looks like now), Felix and Demetri.

"I am going to Italy to visit my mate and my other family for the summer, I just want you to be informed and kept in the loop."

"Thank you Drac, I'll let Sam know, She changed a few days ago."

"Ohh really I'll have to come down and met her."

(A/N) I am going with the Life and Death versions of the pack so all the pack members are female, Except Seth, I like his character. Same with Leah, Yes I know if I was to go truly Life and Death Leah would be male but ehh I could care less.


I Left Bonnies and went home, when I arrived Laurent left to go to Denali, He did leave me a note saying thank you for not killing him. Mom pulled you into a hug and didn't let me go.

"Are you okay son." she asked

"I am more then good now mom." I said, giving her a kiss on the check

She let you go, then you went to everyone a hug. You pulled Jasper and Emmett into a hug.

"Thank you, guys for staying with me through that." I said

"No problem bud." Jasper said

"Yeah man, that was pretty fun." Emmett said

I let them go, then went to Rose and got under then blanket she had, I was tired as hell.


(Prom time, because I am lazy and want to finish the first Twilight)

"Are you sure you don't want to come and just hang out Drac, it will be fun." Alice asked

"Nah, I just want to stay home and relax sis." I said

"Okay well incase you change your mind, I live this here."

Alice put a suit hanging up on my door.

"Okay" I said


(A hour later)

I was reading a book then Dad came in and shut my door, and sat on my bed.

"Hey son you have guests." He said smiling

"Guests? Who?" I said

Then my door open, and there stood in my doorway the most beautiful girl I have seen.

"Jane" I said

She ran and jumped on to my bed, I pulled her into a hug. She then placed a kiss on my lips.

"Hello my 'Amore' " She said

"Hello 'tesoro'" I replied

Then I saw a Father and Didyme (Mother) in the doorway too.

"Hello 'Padre' "Madre' "

"Hello 'Figlio' " Father said

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked

Mother clapping her hands, " We are here to get you ready to taking your darling to the prom." She said

"What abou.." I said but was interrupted

"We have are own place set up in the forest, we had it setup earlier this morning." Father said

"Yeah since you weren't going to your high school prom." Jane said

"Wait how do you know tha... Damn you Alice." I said

Jane pulled me up, " While you get dressed Mother and Esme are going to get me ready."

"Dressed I don... * Looks over to door with suit hanging up* That Minx, this is a setup."

Everyone in the room laughed.

Father and Dad helped get me ready. I was struggling with the tie since you know I don't where them.

"Would you like help son." Dad asked



After I got completely done and ready I was looking into the mirror, a full black and white suit. I left my room and went into the Livingroom. I was lost in Jane's beauty, She was wearing a red dress, showed little chest, hair was up. ( Okay don't say shit. this is not Wattpad I can't put pictures in so ehh.)

"You look Beautiful 'tesoro' " I said

"I can say the same 'Amore' "


We had entered the forest, it was a short walk into the woods a path had been made, when we arrived, there there lights stringed a crossed the trees, a stereo setup for music and a area for us to dance.

When everyone else arrived, Dad and Mom where dressed up as well as Father and Mother. The only two who weren't were Felix and Demetri, they where over by the Music, those poor saps.

Me and Jane where slow dancing to a song with everyone else.

"I love you Jane." I said

"I love you too, forever."

She pulled me into a very passionate kiss

"All the time in the world is not enough but let's start with forever" I said

(Thank you Eaneas, for this I do like this line.)


We had all settled down in chairs around a fire telling stories well mainly Father and Dad. Father had told me that the Volturi do have a very good relationship with the Cullen's, when I was in Italy. It was nice to see everyone getting along, Didyme and Esme swapping food recipes that I like for my trip in the summer.

We where relaxing, when I heard a couple sniffs from a few people.

"What is that god horribly smell" Jane said

I saw Bonnie walking over to use with a cane, and another tall women next to her.

All the vampires got defensive, I stood up and went to Bonnie.

"It good to see you Bonnie." I hugged

"Same to you too."

"Son who is that." Father asked

"Ohh sorry, This is Bonnie Black of the Quileute Tribe." I said

Father got up and walked over to me, he put his hands out, "It's a pleasure to meet you, I have heard a lot about you guys from my son here." Father said

Bonnie shook his hand.

After everyone relax, Bonnie and Father started to talk each other.


By the time I left, Father and Bonnie made a treaty with each other, The treaty with the Volturi is pretty much mainly because of me, they are aloud to cross over to get to the Cullen's and if they are to stay in there land they must be with me.

When Jane and I got into my we laid in bed and I got comfortable. I was about to doze off when my phone went off.

I looked down at my phone, trying to see the caller id

'Unknown Caller'

I pick up the phone and hold it up to my ear.



(A/N) Alrighty that's a wrap on the first book of my story , Expect the start of My version of New Moon next weekend or if I am in a good mood throughout the week.

(A/N) I have another story in the process its called Operation: Cichy it is a rainbow six story. Subject: Wraith is on hold tell I come up with more ideas.

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