
[BL] Impossible Love of supernaturals

opposite worlds collide. Jamie Henderson is 25 years old, fresh out of college and barely has his head above the water, so his open to working any job to help look after his mother and sister. Flent Fall is a 28 year old Divarish billionaire C.E.O of the Falls Inc group,who special in digital marketing. Flent doesn't tolerate anything less than perfect. What will happen when these two meet? Is Handerson in trouble? or should we be worried about Flent Fall?

DaoistnwzPm4 · Fantasía
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16 Chs

Chapter 7: The volcano erupted

Leslie's pov.

"That's not true,

Jason loves me his working mom!

Jim, you need to leave! This is Jason's house and I don't want you here."

I said fuming.

I pulled Jim out of his chair but my step mother stopped me.

I don't know how dad didn't see that she's trying to destroy my relationship with Jason.

I could feel it and that bustard Jim just enjoyed games.

We broke up because I caught my stepmother and Jim in bed.

Since it was my word against hers guess who won.

My dad didn't believe me and said I needed to grow up.

"I didn't raise you to be this rude,

Jim is a perfect match for you,

If you had any sense in your head you would see it too!"

Said My step mother who glared at me threatening to disown me.

She apologized to Jim saying it was Jason's fault that I grew wings.

This is really bad.

I tried calling Jason to warn him but it went to voicemail.

I regret fighting with him and promised myself to never argue with him again.

I just felt calmer and protected with Jason arround and snapped when he didn't come.

But a job was a job and I had to remind myself that.

I saw Jason arrive and smirked at Jim,

my superman was here!

Jim would get the boot and my stepmother would meet her match.

Unlike my father who hid under her skirt and agreed to these stupid dinners.

Than police showed up and bent me over the table,

Putting ice cold handcuff to restrain me.

This had Mary written all over it, I could feel it.

"Officers I haven't stole a thing in my life and I'm not violent."

I tried getting myself out of the mess I knew nothing about.

Looked at Jason for help because he knew me.

He knew I hadn't been physically violent or a thief.

But he just had a look of justice like I had deserved this.

"Tell that to your lawyer lady,

I have a warrant so any resistance will be added to your charge."

Said the officer who looked at me in pure disgust.

"What did I even do than?

What am I charged with?"

I asked tears pooling in my eyes and scared for my life.

"You are charged for the sexual harassment and attempted rape of Mr. Fall."

Said the police officer who smirked in my direction.

My blood ran cold as I couldn't understand what he was taking about.

Rape? Was it even possible to do that to a man?

As tiny as I was?

"There must be some kind of mistake officers,

my girl is too pretty to do something like that."

Said my father who called someone immediately.

My step mother was silent and flinched when I look at her.

What the fuck did you do Mary? So this is your revenge?

"Jason please!

Son look, Leslie is my baby I raised her,

she was a late bloomer, she would never.

I know deep down that she is innocent."

Said my father trying to convince everyone.

Wait? Jason? My Jason called the police?

I felt strength leaving my legs but the officer yanked up,

Holding me up.

"Let's watch this tape and decide if she is innocent or not."

Said Jason as the officer yanked me to look at the screen.

Huh! This will prove my innocence yes!

I felt relief wash in my body.

Wait I remember this night!

It was Jason's birthday and my step mother gave me something to drink saying it would spice up my relationship with Jason.

Why is Jason sleeping in that video?

Wait a minute....that is not Jason!?!!

it's Flent!

Step Mother had betrayed me!

That pill must of been so strong that I couldn't tell whose is who.

The sexual drive must have been to intense and clouded my mind.

I can't believe she never warned me of the side effects!

It was now or never.

My naiveness had cost me my freedom.

if I'm going to jail than my step mother is coming with me!

"My mother drugged me,

She always lowkey admired how rich Flent was,

and lowkey hinted that I went for the wrong brother.

Check her bag, she drugged me and the drug is still there in her bag!

I couldn't tell who was who,

my vision was blurred and I was too aroused to think straight.

Look at the tape! Check the kitchen you'll see her give me the drug.

I think she put a sleeping pill in Flents alcohol to knock him out!

Check her bag! She never leaves home without it!"

I said crying and screaming looking at my father.

My father hurriedly checked her bag and found lots for illegal drugs.

"You see!

It's the orange bottle take it with you!

your forensics will tell you!

That drug switched off your mind and your memory.

If it hadn't been for this video,

I wouldn't of recalled that night.

I'm sorry Flent suffered I had no idea what I was doing at all.

Arrest us both!"

I said through tears and looked at my father who was still staring at the drugs on the table.

"Mary say something!

Tell me you were both framed!

Tell me it's a misunderstanding!

Flent is my business partner!

I introduced y'all to him!

Oh my gosh if this gets out to the press we are finish!

My baby I will get you the best lawyers I swear,

I believe you,

I know your character as your father.

As for you Mary we are getting a divorce!

Would you have done that to your own biological daughter?

I should of believed Leslie when she was a kid.

She didn't like you and kids are a good judge of character.

I won't forgive you for destroying my daughter's life Mary!"

Shouted my father and rushed to me and kiss my cheeks.

"I'm sorry I've failed you Leslie, I should of let your mother take you,

You would of had a brighter future.

I don't know what led me to thinking I could do a better job.

I guess I believe as long as I had money than everything would be fine.

You mother is poor but is stable and hard working.

My parents forced me to be with Mary or I wouldn't of got my inheritance."

Said my father guilt shining in his eyes.

"Thanks for believing me dad, atleast you the only one that does."

I said bitterly looking at Jim and Jason.

The police took me away.

Jim an impressive lawyer hadn't even opened his mouth once.

Even my step mother expected him to reassure her that he would do something.

Jason seem lost and paced the room holding his head.

I can't believe he believed I would harass a man in my right mind.

I owe Mimi my life,

imagine if she didn't stopped me that night.

I would be looking at a long jail sentence.

I was under the influence of strong drugs and barely remembered.

I was pushed into a car as Jason followed quietly.

I could see the guilt that formed in his face.

I on the other hand wanted to apologize to Flent because I didn't remember doing those things.

He must of felt so violated!

We arrived at the police station and I was roughly thrown in a cell.

"This Is another sex offender like yourselves who justified her actions feeling no remorse at all.

Unfortunately for her there was overwhelming evidence.

Leslie I'm sure you'll feel right at home with these 3.

They just like you, they don't believe men should give their consent."

Said the officers who uncuffed me before locking me up.

The girls whistled as fresh tears formed in the corner of my eyes.

Jason's pov.

I'm so confused I thought I did the right thing.

Not always would Leslie be arrested for something she didn't remember,

But this will make news and destroy the company.

I was too emotional to use my head and do things quietly.

What did I just do? I destroyed my brother's reputation he took years to build.

My phone rang and it flashed Flent and my hands trembled dropping it.

I walked back trying to pinch myself, wishing everything was a dream.

I slid down the wall pulling my legs to my knees and cried.

I lost everything! I'm so stupid!

The lady at the orphanage was right about me.

I'm a mistake that needed to be erased, I always made things worse.

I had to fix it, I needed to apologize to my brother.

I needed to get Leslie out even if it meant selling my new house.

I needed to apologize to Handerson.

I'm the worse boyfriend in the world, I got my own girlfriend arrested the first chance I had.

I should of asked myself, why didn't Flent have her arrested?

He must of had his suspicion of the drug seeing how Leslie acted differently out of character.

He must of been trying to get to the bottom of everything quietly.

He hoped I would be mature enough to show Leslie the tape when me and her are alone.

Leslie wasn't going to cover for her step mother.

I'm sure Mary is guilty,

she didn't defend herself and allowed her husband to empty her bag.

She didn't even fight the police who arrested her.

My phone rang over and over and I was afraid to answer it.

Flent obviously hates me now.

I lost my first and only best friend Handerson.

and I won't forget Leslie's "save me look" that turned into dispear when she found out I called the cops.

I needed to pull myself together and fix it.

I lifted my phone off the floor with trembling hands.

I answered the phone with so much fear.

It was like I was waiting to hear thar someone died.

Thanks for reading guys. I appreciate the support.

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