
[BL] Impossible Love of supernaturals

opposite worlds collide. Jamie Henderson is 25 years old, fresh out of college and barely has his head above the water, so his open to working any job to help look after his mother and sister. Flent Fall is a 28 year old Divarish billionaire C.E.O of the Falls Inc group,who special in digital marketing. Flent doesn't tolerate anything less than perfect. What will happen when these two meet? Is Handerson in trouble? or should we be worried about Flent Fall?

DaoistnwzPm4 · Fantasía
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16 Chs

Chapter 2: Other side of the coin

Flent Fall pov.

"My cousin is in hospital and I'm all she has-"

I cut off this silly little girl,

before she can hit me with the rest the pity story.

" Enough with that... just stop!

Never be pitiful in an interview ever again!

it's your skills that should get you through the door."

I spat out coldly glaring at the now trembling girl.

I hate weak people with a victim mentality.

If you can't work for something you won't have it.

I grew up in an orphanage.

You don't see me flexing my past to try to get ahead through pity.

Everything I had was through hard work, I sometimes went days without food as a child.

You don't see me on a talk show talking about it.

I vented by working harder each time.

Had I been pitiful as this girl as a kid I would of turned to substance abuse or worse.

She is sharply dressed and looks rich, and was trying to tug at my heart strings.

Her shiny freshly done manicure tells me she is not struggling.

She is some rich kid who wants to kill time in my company.

Geez don't cry! Ugh I can't stand tears.

"Wipe your tears and tell me what are you good at.

One more sob story and you are out the door understand?"

I said feeling my irritation build she was wasting my time.

"I can type anything really fast and I can follow instructions without question.

Working extra hours won't be a problem.

I'm a fast learner, flexible, I can be everything at once, coffee and lunch girl, personal assistant.

Programmer or secretary even cleaning lady-"

I cut her off when I heard programmer.

We needed one but it wasn't put to the press as yet.

"How good is your programming skills?"

I asked and noticed how she glow with excitement.

"I was at the top of my class. I designed an app for my university, it runs smoothly.

It was a security app to block hackers from hacking into their systems.

I was paid generously for my efforts and continued to do task for them on the side. Like create apps that the teachers can communicate to the students while students access their online materials-"

I cut her off because she ever went the time of the interview.

"You will be working as a trainee for 3months,

to polish up your computer skills and add to them.

If the training goes well you will receive a 6month contract to work in the company."

I said and watched her cover her mouth and cry.

"Thank you so much Sir, you won't be disappointed."

She said and getting up to hug me.

I put my hand up to signal her to not even think about it.

She is too beautiful to throw herself at a man even if she is happy.

I'll definitely teach her to not openly show affection to men.

"Don't disappoint me kid, no drama during your program.

You will be trained by female instructor.

Let me see you all chummy chummy with my male employees!

or find out that you sleeping with them!

You will be fired immediately! The no dating policy is not a joke."

I said firmly.

I was nervous about hiring an rose colored glasses type of girl.

Each time I trusted them they will go behind my back and sleep with their colleagues.

Especially the friendly, openly affectionate girls didn't stand a chance.

They were in a lion's den surrounded by Casanovas.

They were good at charming girls and playing hero that girls fell for.

Since there was permission from the girls and everyone was on board.

I couldn't fire the guys, the pregnant girls on the other hand were a deal breaker.

If not pregnant they constantly bothered the guys during working time trying to get their attention.

But something told me that this girl Lola Whitson was no one's fool.

I have a feeling that she will reject every guy here and keep them on their toes.

I shook her hand to show her that I wasn't bothered by her touch.

She shook my hand with both hands and bowed in respect.

I'll fix that, she now works for me.

She will save the bow for her family. Here she keeps her head high.

A nod of acknowledgment would do.

Let me not regret hiring another innocent girl who is too precious for this place.

Next was a woman wearing a short red dress that rode under her butt.

Her large breast were exposed only her nipples were covered.

I smirked thinking of how to end this interview before it even starts.

I will seduce her and if she doesn't tell me off and threatened to report me,

She won't get the job.

She will sign a no dating contract if she's good her an important position.

"My my what a stunning girl, come sit on my lap!"

I said than tried my best not to laugh.

She walked up to me silencely and I expected a punch or a slap.

My gaurd was up even though I turned my chair to face her when she approached.

"Looks like fate played into my hands today."

She said smiling seductively as she sat on my lap.

To say I was shocked

was an understatement.

but I have never had so much fun,

Pretending to be a perverted guy and to act straight.

She was surprising light for a thick, tall, curvy lady.

" You are so handsome pretty, I can't believe how lucky I am!"

She giggled before putting her hands around my neck.

The audacity of this woman!

Imagine if I was a terrible guy and kept her around to pleasure me when ever I wanted.

"Yeah? stand up and take off that dress.

Show me that sexy lingerie that's peaking through the dress."

I tried again.

I flinched when she moved and figure she had come to her senses and will ruin my face.

Imagine my shock when she stood infront of me.

Directing my hands to her hips that were barely covered by the short dress.

I notice that the dress was sheer on the side and soft net.

That material was transparent and let me feel the lady's body temperature which was warm.

It was as good as skinship.

"Take it off me Sir." She purred like a tigeress.

Looks like I came across a loose woman with zero body respect.

She's lucky I will hire her, but whose to say she won't end up a office play thing for employees?

I pulled my hands from her hips.

She stared at me with confusion.

"I see you have no morals but what are you good at why should I hire you?

Go back to your seat and fix your dress."

I said holding back a laugh at her shocked eyes.

"I majored in accounting and was recently fired.

I'm good at my job I swear!

I had no idea the company I worked in had a no dating policy."

She said and instantly looked down once she realized she wasn't getting through to me.

"Your resume is impressive but you a hoe, I don't trust you to not seduce my employees.

You will sign a contract that says you will be fired instantly if you are caught red handed."

I said pulling out a document and giving it to her to sign.

"I'm sorry Sir, I'm working on it, I promise I won't sleep with anyone who works for you, in and out of work."

She said as she signed the contract.

"I want you to go into that room to find something to cover your breast and thighs.

In this company there are crocodile who Don't care if they get you fired.

They know they can't be replaced but you on the other hand."

I said looking at her.

"Why didn't you sleep with me? Or it will happen later?"

She asked not believing that she got the job based on her resume alone.

Now I'm itching to know the bastards that she worked for.

Woman are treasures and not playthings.

I Don't have to be straight to feel protective of them.

"No, I won't touch you and I Don't expect you to invade my personal space either.

Anyone who bothers you tell me. If you report the girls I will know that you are lying.

The girls I hired are decent it's you that I might regret hiring."

I said honestly. She was a bottled up corruption to the innocent girls here.

But they will steer clear of her.

"Okay boss I'll be on my best behavior, thank you for the opportunity."

She said looking at me with respect for the first time.

"Casey Clearwater don't be late."

She bowed dramatic before going into the other room.

She came out looking like a goddess in a pant suit and a blouse.

She thanked me again and walked with a new step.

Damn I'm so drained I could use a breather.

Jessica brought in Daniel Forster.

"Thanks Jessica, I'm really sorry for inconveniencing you like this."

I apologized to my best friend who was a director of our company.

So far she's steered the company in the right direction.

I don't regret promoting her to director.

I'm also a director but our previous C.E.O abused his position and was sexist to female stuff.

Our female employees joined forces and recorded him speaking rudely to them on many occasions.

Even going as far as making them feel unsafe around him.

Now back at the C.E.O chair without a choice.

After I gestured for Daniel to sit down.

"What are you good at."

I asked tiredly wanting to get to the point.

"Honestly I just graduated high school."

He said.

"The position open for you is coffee boy, cleaning staff-"

He cut me off and I was speechless.

"I'm too talented to be an errands boy, I'm also too handsome.

I know you are gay. Shouldn't you be helping one of your own?"

Said Daniel Forster stunning me to silence.

I've never felt so insulted in my life!

I pressed the intercom and called all the gay employees that I hired that made 30% of the company.

Once the gentleman were in ,

they respectful tilted the heads in respect.

Ofcorse poor Daniel had no idea there were gay.

"Please repeat your argument Daniel and speak loudly and clearly. "

Daniel smirked and like a fool repeated himself.

"I didn't falter, you are gay and so am I, which is why you should hire me,

Unless you have a problem working with members of your fellow gay community."

He said so boldly and so smug.

The guys in the room vibrated shaking trying so hard not to laugh.

I laughed openly and they joined me failing to keep it in.

"What's funny? Do you think that these straight guys are not secretly disgusted by you?"

He asked boldly oozing with so much ignorance.

"I don't know .....

there is no straight guy in this room."

I said smirking.

The Gemstone twins were a dead give away in their plush pink suits and mannerisms.

They were feminine men and unapologetic about it.

If their nails didn't give them away, the high heels did.

"Uhm....A-All of you are gay?" Asked Daniel looking ashamed of a sudden.

"Yes we are,

you may not tell that I'm gay because I lean towards the masculine dominant side

but yeah.

If only I got hired because boss is gay too what a dream that would be!

I got hired by a straight womanizer like the others guys in the room because of our skills and work ethic.

Even if he wanted to fire us, we did our job perfectly and cemented our stay by working hard without complaining.

Your trick is cute though hahaha."

Said Eric Woods who was part of the HR department.

"He arrived at company at 18

working as was coffee boy

but when the company was under staffed,

Eric helped out in every department not expecting a raise.

This change the former C.E.O belief about gay guys completely.

The deep rooted stereotype was destroyed replaced by the live events he saw before him.

Not only did the staff treat him with respect they were good at their jobs.

He made Eric wood his rightman right away and he worked his way to be promoted to the HR department.

He and Eric hired 20 gay employees before he resigned from being the C.E.O."

Said Zeph who was promoted with Eric.

Who was the left hand man of the former C.E.O and started off a cleaner at 17.

Daniel rose from his chair with shaky legs.

Not only did he openly insult me but he had insulted all of us.

He implied that we got into the company through the back door.

That didn't sit well with me and the Gemstone twins glared at him openly.

After all they were hired by the former C.E.O who asked them if they feet didn't hurt in their heels.

Not in concern but in backhanded mockery.

The twins had reported him but he apologized and said he thought they were friends.

He went on to say he had no idea that they had divided themselves from him to the point of taking offense.

Than he apologized again saying he will interact with them through other employees.

The twins just wanted respect and not division but this was a rare opportunity,

To get the former C.E.O off their backs.

They agreed and things were smooth since.

They occasionally envied how nice the C.E.O treated the guys that were muscline leaning gays, even promoting them even though they arrived before them.

But they wouldn't admit it but they body language was a dead give away.

I promoted them to be part of the HR team because they had the most experience.

They showed many times how over qualified they were.

"I don't know what to say."

Said Daniel Forster looking at everyone one by one.

"How about an apology? You came here knowing damn well you under qualified.

Had the boss been straight you might have pulled out the homophobic card!"

Said Liam Gemstone one of the twins.

With such aggression that Daniel Forster staggered.

Without a word Daniel walked out of the office wiping tears.

"Can you imagine the audacity of that kid?

Trying to pull a fast one on the boss.

I hope he takes his head out of his butt and get educated like the rest of us."

Said Larry Gemstone the other twin.

I laughed covering my mouth before apologizing for wasting their time.

But that kid had to see that it's not your sexuality that gets you to the top.

If his a real man than it would of been an eye opener and he will study further.

After everyone had left through the private elevator designated for HR department and myself.

Jessica brought in the sexiest man I've ever seen in my life.

He carried himself with class and respect.

I looked down his resume to read his name Jamie Henderson.

Do all hot guys have hunk names like Henderson.

His double my size and I can see his muscles abit through his clothes.

Than I though back to the lady with the short red dress.

If this guy seduces me I'll be finished.

I would obviously refuse him but with a heavy heart.

"I prefer Henderson...."

He said in a velvet voice that belong to vampires and mystical creatures that I read about.

It was purely honey and made me pay attention.

Than he tucked my hair behind my ear, like those charmers that I would read about.

I froze in excitement.

I wasn't going to interrupt this special moment granted to me by the Devine.

How can I be mean to this guy?

His so polite and it appears I thought ten steps ahead.

He doesn't seem interested in me which is a disappointment.

Wait. He can actually style hair what the heck!

He will be my personal hairstylist.

I looked handsome and elegant in my new hairstyle.

I don't mind wearing it out but just look at this hairstyle!

I'm a knockout in this ponytail.

I forget where I was and checked the mirror and played with my now curly half braided and half loose hair unique pony tail.

I was happy with the clear beads and hair pins.

My mood lifted drastically and I was genuinely happy.

I was also joking about live in stylist position.

I don't know how I got so greedy.

I decided to wrap up at work since I was a month ahead of my work,

And also had no meeting for the day.

To be honest Henderson excited me and I want to rush home and make a good impression.

I called my cleaning staff Mimi to prepare the guestroom next to mine.

I had butterflies and I didn't believe that it was possible.

I don't plan to cross any lines but since Henderson doesn't work for the company,

If He were to make a move I wouldn't mind.

What is wrong with me?

What if he already has a boyfriend or worse married.

A hunk like him was always unavailable.

To be honest If his not married than it's me against that boyfriend of his!

I won't seduce him but best believe I won't reject him.

Oh my gosh I feel like pulling my hair !

I don't remember being this excited to have a live in staff.

I wonder if it's wrong to be this friendly to him.

But his so polite!

(Inner voice)

Yeah that probably it.


Stop lying you wanted a chance to show him your abs each morning.

His not blind

But what if his straight?

(Inner voice quiet)

Look at this coward dropping a bomb and disappearing.

Straight guys don't go around tucking other guys hair behind they ear.

And they definitely don't check me out.

They make 50% of the company, I see them day to day.

The only time a straight guy showed concern is when I fainted due to exhaustion when we were under staffed.

His name is Jason Maddison. He held me in his arms and gave me CPR and shouted to other employees to bring water as he called the embulance.

I woke up on a stretcher blinking seeing him there worried and held my hand.

He didn't call me that time he called me flent.

He said soothing words before I passed out again.

It turned out I was overworked which was no surprise.

I didn't understand why he was so worried I later found out that he was my half brother.

He also was in foster care but in a different city.

Turns out we shared the same father.

He didn't tell me this so he could keep a close eye on me without blowing his cover.

He also changed his last name and was hired through the former C.E.O.

His 21 and acts like his 50 for some reason.

When I found out that were related I admired him for getting into the company through his skills.

His house is two houses down from me.

And now I know why, I want him tell me personally and I'll give me a week.

Speak of the devil and he shall descend.

My brother walked in with a bag of food and smiled at me.

That week turned into a year but today Is the day.

"Hey brother."

I greeted him warmly and watched him drop the bags off food in shock.