
Frustration x Truth x Stronger

Jett found Gon after looking around the island for two days. He was sitting on top of a tree hidden by the natural shadows. He watched Gon walk around holding on to two strings with two butterflies at the end. Jett was wondering what Gon was doing with two butterfly's, but when they came close to a bleeding corpse he figured it out. 

The two butterflies were attracted to blood. As Gon kept on walking he came across more corpses and people that had been knocked out unconscious. At first, Jett was wondering why Gon was going around looking for corpses, but then he remembered that Hisoka had been injured in the tower. It was an ingenious way to search for Hisoka; without searching the entire island. 

Jett was still watching Gon from the shadows, he didn't plan to interfere, not unless Gon was really going to die. He wanted to see how Gon would take Hisoka's badge. Jett kept his distance from Gon, watching as he went from person to person. A few hours passed midday Gon finally found Hisoka. He was sitting under a tree not doing anything, seemingly contemplating something, as he looked at the butterfly on his finger. 

Jett watched as Gon hid behind a bush and masterfully erased his presence. Jett squinted his eyes at this, a smile forming on his face. It was an excellent application of Zetsu, he was sure Gon would be a talented Nen user. For the first thirty minutes nothing happened, Gon continued to wait. Until Hisoka suddenly spoke. 

"Come on. Show yourself. There's somebody isn't there? If you don't come to me, I'll come to you." Hisoka said. Standing up, Hisoka walked in the direction that Gon was hiding. Jett saw Gon panic, Jett on the other hand didn't worry, like Hisoka he had also sensed someone hiding and they were only a few feet away from Gon. Hisoka walked closer making Gon panic even more. As Hisoka was a few feet away, a man wielding a spear came out of the bushes. 

"Let's play a game." the spear guy said. 

"You're going to die," Hisoka said. 

Nothing else was said after, the man simply started to attack Hisoka. While he was attacking, Hisoka was simply dodging. Jett had already figured it out, butterflies were gathering around the man. There were many of them, which would indicate that he was bleeding profusely. Jett then recalls Hisoka's words "You going to die", that was what he meant, the man was bleeding to death and would soon die. 

Hisoka did not want to fight someone that was already dead. The man had already given up, you could see it in his eyes. When Hisoka called him out and told him he had no interest in a dead man, he went mad and charged at Hisoka. Before he could reach Hisoka high speed projectiles pierce his face. When the momentum of the man finally stopped they were able to see that the projectiles were needles. 

"Sorry," a voice came from the forest. Jett saw the other Nen user walk out. Jett was sure they would not notice him or Gon. He had been in a state of Zetsu the whole time, and Gon's Zetsu was flawless. 

Jett far behind Gon wasn't able to hear the conversation, but he didn't need to. Although he couldn't hear, he was able to see. Jett cringed his face as the man started pulling needles from his face. Jett was wondering how someone could endure that kind of pain because even the bone structure was changing. What surprised Jett even more was that the guy that appeared was a handsome youth, with cold eyes, eyes that were indifferent about life. After having their conversation, the youth dug a hole into the ground and jumped in, closing it. 

Hisoka sat on the stump of the tree that the man wielding the spear had cut down on the earlier fight. Soon night fell and Jett couldn't help but still wonder in awe at the night sky. The first time he spent a night in this world he had seen the night sky. It had been a beautiful scene, in the memories he had of Earth, he had only seen this kind of night sky in pictures on the internet. It was different to see a picture in a memory from experiencing it yourself.

A few hours later Hisoka finally moved. He walked slowly like a predator searching for his prey. As he came into a rock formation he formed a circle with his index finger and thumb in front of his eye. He seemed to be searching, giving a small laugh after finding something. Jett like Gon saw Hisoka's targets. He was sure Gon was sweating about what he should do. Jett, unless Gon move would stay hidden. 

Nothing happened, from what Jett could tell, they had been ready to fight. Hisoka then seemed to have said something and Kurapika left a badge on a tree and escaped into the night. One second Hisoka was calmed, the next a terrible killing intent spread around the forest, fighting the whole wild life. Jett was sweating, Hisoka's urge to kill was strong, but he had felt something stronger before, it was why he could somewhat remain calm. 

What happened next was incredible, Gon predicted the meeting point of Hisoka's next target. Knowing that he hurried to the best vantage point where he would be able to cast his fishing line. As Hisoka rushed to his next target, Gon cast his line right on the moment the two met, taking Hisoka's badge from him. Gon quickly made a getaway, but wasn't able to get far.

He was also being hunted, Jett also hadn't noticed the guy, it was a good thing that what he shot at Gon was only a paralyzing drug. Jett was going to move and take the badge back, but then saw Hisoka attack and kill him, cutting off his head. As Hisoka approached Gon, Jett dug his foot into the branch of the tree ready to flash step to Gon's rescue. From what Jett was able to tell, the man was Hisoka's target, because he had given his own badge to Gon. 

Gon struggling to stand extended his hand to Hisoka unwilling to take the badge. Hisoka only smiled and walked closer to Gon saying something before pushing him in the face and sending him flying. With Hisoka gone, Jett finally exits Zetsu, he flashed steps to where Gon had landed. As he got closer he could see Gon was still conscious looking up at the night sky. 

Without saying anything Jett grabs Gon's hand pulling him up. Jett put his forearm under Gon's butt, holding him close, carrying him. Gon said nothing as Jett carried him like a small child. As Jett was taking Gon to a small pond where they could get some water, as they walked Jett felt his shoulder where Gon's head was resting become wet. 

"It was so frustrating, I couldn't do anything, I wasn't even able to hit him back," Gon said, trying to fight back the tears, but they still came out.

"I was watching the whole time. Ever since you were walking around with the butterfly I was trialing behind you." Jett said.. 

"Jett...Do you think I'm strong, I don't think I have the strength, I feel so weak and unless," Gon said, clasping his legs and hands around Jett's neck and waist. 

"Compared to Hisoka you're definitely weak." Said Jett making Gon's body tense. 

"I already told you I was watching. I know why Hisoka is interested in you, why he said you would be a good hunter; not sure about Leorio though. But I can see it too, while I was watching you definitely surprised me, I don't think anyone else would have been able to keep as calm as you. It made me wonder how strong you could become, it made me think that if in the future we were to fight it out, it would be really thrilling." The hairs on Gon's back stood up. Thinking of something Gon quickly pushes himself up holding onto Jett's shoulders. 

In Jett's face was a smile along with a look that Gon had wanted directed at him. It was Jett's eyes that usually did not reflect anything was his own image. Jett was looking at him with that same glint, the same glint he had when he fought that creature and when he looked at Hisoka. Although Gon was happy, there had always been a question in the back of his mind. At first, he did not want to ask because Jett had never decided to tell him. Now that he saw that look, Gon made up his mind to ask, because he wanted Jett to keep looking at him. 

"Jett you sometimes give off the same feeling as Hisoka, is not the blood lust but is different. I don't know how to describe it, is strange, I also felt it that time when you killed that lizard creature. Can you tell what it is?" Gon asked. 

"If we fail the hunter exam I was planning to tell you. If we passed I wasn't going to say anything, I figured out that you would learn about it once you passed the Hunter exam. Thinking about it, I should have told you about it a long time ago." Jett said setting Gon down in a rock near the pond. 

"Will you tell me?" Gon asked hopeful. 

"Yes," Jett said. 

Jett had no idea that so far he had been following the plot of the story. But on this day on the testing island, everything began to change because of his decision. Gon and Killua would become stronger, far stronger than the original plot. His decision today changed a lot about what would happen after. 

"This power is called NEN or Aura. Is a technique that allows a living being to use and manipulate their own life energy. It is vital for survival and directly linked to one's stamina. The points on the body from which aura flows out are called "aura nodes". Additionally, aura is invisible to non-Nen users, it can only be seen after the aura nodes in the eyes are opened. Nonetheless, sensitive individuals can feel its presence without being aware of its existence...." Jett continues with his explanation. On the side, Gon had a dumb look on his face that said he didn't understand anything. Jett of course already knew that Gon wouldn't be able to take it, he was simply playing with him. 

"Do you understand Gon." Jett asked. 

"I...I didn't get all of it, can you make it easier?" Gon asked.

"haha...okay I'll make it easier for you to understand." Jet said. 

"Nen is a power that can make you infinitely stronger as long as you keep practicing. I will give you an example of how it works." Jett walked away from Gon while also explaining. 

"When a normal person punches something, of course, they can only punch with the strength they have," Jett said demonstrating by punching a tree. The tree rattles and trembles making leaves fall from it. The bark peel left behind the shape of his fist.

 "With nen is different, your punches become a lot stronger even if you punch at the same speed and strength as one of your normal punches." Jett demonstrated again by punching at the same speed and strength. This time the result was different, the trunk of the tree exploded as soon as Jett punched it. Gon on the side had a serious look on his face. 

"But that's not all, the more aura you add to your punch the stronger it will get, at least that's how many people use it. My way is different instead of accumulating it and punching, release it into one single point." This time Jett punches the ground. The ground trembled and exploded, and cracks spread in all directions. 

"This is the power that Hisoka also has, Gon you don't have to feel so down, although you are weak right now. One's you learn Nen, you can become stronger." Jett said looking at Gon. Gon although still paralyzed by the drug stood and walked closer to Jett grabbing his arm. Jett felt pressure on his arm from how much strength Gon was putting on his grip. Jett didn't mind he knew Gon was excited. 

"Jett, teach me how to use Nen," Gon said with a glow in his eyes. 

"There are two ways to learn Nen. One is to learn slowly by yourself..." Jett said looking at Gon, Gon still looked at him with that glow in his eyes. 

"The second way is called Nen Initiation, in this way, I force my own aura into your body forcefully opening your aura," Jett said. 

"Do it, Jett." Gon Said with a resolute look in his eyes. 

"I don't know if I can Gon. The one forcing their aura into someone else has to have no ill intentions, if you can't control your aura well it could even kill you." Jett said looking at Gon in the eyes. 

"Do you hate me, Jett?" Gon suddenly asked. 

"I don't hate you, there is a reason why I think I could hurt you, I never told you how I moved to Whale Island." Jett began to tell Gon about what had happened before he arrived on Whale Island and how he awakened his own nen, of course, he left out the part about being from another world. 

"A part of that intense hatred I felt still remains in my Nen," Jett said. 

"But those feelings are not directed at me right?" God asked. 

"Well not, those emotions were directed at those monkeys," Jett said. 

"Then is okay, all you have to do is think of me. Don't think about anyone else but me. Jett, please help me become stronger." Gon said not looking away from Jett. 


"You're really something else Gon. Are you sure? We're in a test right now, I'm sure Kurapika and Killua pass the exam, but Leorio on the other hand I'm not sure about. Don't you want to go see how they are doing and help them?" Jett said trying to change Gon's mind. Gon only responded by tightening his grip on Jett's arm. 

"Okay I give up, we have four days before the end of the exam on this island. In one day you have to learn how to control your nen, to the point where you can punch a tree like I did. If you can't, then I will not let you help the others. If they haven't found their badge or got three others, then they fail." Jett said. 

"Okay!" Gon said. 

"Then I will tell you how to control your aura once you have awakened it." Jett didn't know that Gon's original Nen teacher had called Gon's talent in Nen, One in a Ten million talent. He also didn't know that Gon had only taken a few minutes to learn how to control his nen. 

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