In the world of Midgar, technology and magic coexist in an eerie harmony, shrouded by a thick veil of pollution and machinery. Here lies a prestigious academy, where the reincarnations of past heroes walk the halls, honing their skills in preparation for a future that grows more uncertain by the day. Yet, amongst these luminaries, there is one who remains shrouded in mystery. Known only as the enigmatic ███████, this ordinary-looking student possesses an unknown and mysterious background, and with every passing week, his memories & memories of him belonged to others are reset, leaving him alone and exiled in the very academy he attends. Haunted by a dark and foreboding dream that threatens to consume him, ███████ embarks on a perilous journey to uncover the truth behind his own origins.
Humans and Predators are no different from one another. They kill, they hunt, they prey. Humans have always been the natural predators, slaughtering and domesticating animals to their will. What happens when the animals retaliate? An unknown strand of genetically modified DNA causes animals to expand and enlarge into terrifying horrible creatures that turn Humans, the apex predator, into the prey. What happens when a man becomes too feared? What happens when the line between human and animal becomes blurred? Arima Gen is an average 18-year-old kid in the heart of Tokyo, where all the action is at. Except, he's everything but average. Being from a village with an extraordinary healing factor, he uses this to his advantage to climb the ranks and become the first ranked Poacher in CAGE, Chimera Activity Guidance and Extermination, or even the world! Yet, in his journey to achieving this idealistic goal, he's met with challenges and ghosts from his past. To truly learn the truth of his own identity, he must understand the world around him first.