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    (CAUTION: RATED 18) Ariel's destined to meet three Alpha males but only one out of the three, would love her for real and save her from her grandmother's curse. The first male Carter who she feel love in, was snatched away from her by her evil twin sister Avril, which made Ariel feel so heartbroken after finding out about Avril and Carter's relationship. She felt so broken and wanted revenge but she had nothing. Avril had everything, she was the rejected twin while Avril was the apple of her father's eye. Rumors had it that Ariel was cursed from birth for killing her mother after she was brought into the world; she was rejected by everyone around her both her sister and father.  Her father never loved her like he loved her twin, Avril, he felt Ariel was a burden upon his pack. After all, his mate died after giving birth to her. She and Avril never went along like twins did, because Avril had everything while she was left with nothing. Her grandmother cursed her with death and the only way for her to be free from that curse was for her to find an alpha for a mate who would love her for who she was before she would clock twenty. But Carter, who she loved and thought was her Alpha to-be was snatched away from her by her twin sister. Would she be able to find true love again? or would she die trying to find an alpha who would love her for real and save her from her grandmother's curse. Read to find out!.

    Lil_Amore · Fantasie
  • Nemesis Addiction

    Being rich and having good health is Nicki Landon's definition of a perfect life. But, she was a poor kid and to make it worse, came down with cancer. Thinking of death as the only way to end the hurt and pain she was passing through, Nicki decided to end her life. However, the night of her attempted suicide met some disturbances that she never thought would change her life forever. Bitten by a stranger that night, Nicki thought It was a fairytale when she woke up and discovered she was now a werewolf and completely healed from cancer she thought would forever be a part of her. Reborn as a new being and taken to be part of a pack, Nicki learned and discovered that werewolves weren't fantasies but real-life creatures. Life as a werewolf was intriguing until she was abducted during a hunt and forcefully taken to be the mate to a mateless Alpha known as Nemesis who was notoriously renowned and greatly feared for being one of the most powerful and villainous Alphas. She hated Alpha Nemesis and sought every way to escape him all to avail, and now she is left with two options: learn to love the mateless Alpha or kill him altogether. This story is full of lots of intriguing suspense and romance. You better not miss it!

    Lil_Amore · Fantasie
  • I Thought He Was Mine

    After the sudden disappearance of the moon goddess, every werewolf clan was left in chaos and confusion. Once a werewolf turns eighteen, they are meant to find their mates, but it became impossible when the moon goddess vanished. The Elders tried to find a solution to the problem, reaching out to Seers with connection to the moon goddess, but their efforts were to no avail. Sydney Hart was among the last of the werewolves to find her mate in the town she used to live in. Thanks to the moon goddess turning her back on them, no one wanted to be with their mate anymore. The tradition was gone with the goddess' disappearance and with it ushered in a new era; The wolves could now be with anyone they wanted. The others who had found their mates before the moon goddess's sudden disappearance couldn't keep up with the bond of being together forever, seeing it as a heavy burden and punishment when the others could have as many females as they want. So to satisfy their selfish desires, they had to dump their mates just to have the freedom and know what it feels like to hang out with lots of females. Sydney was among the victims when her mate, Barry Grant, decided he was tired of her. It didn't help the fact that her parents disliked him a lot because they are leagues apart and tried many ways to separate them. Unfortunately, Barry had enough and dumped her. He gave up on their mate bond and their unborn son, breaking her heart. Thanks to that experience, she closed off her heart until Arthur Bruce, a mere human comes around and makes her feel things again. But then, just when things are going well between them, Barry comes back and now he wants to be given a chance to correct the hurt and have a chance with his son again. They could be one big happy feeling like in the past, he promised her. Now, Sydney is torn out between both men. She still feels things for Barry, after all he was her chosen mate and the father of her child. But then, she can't seem to give up on Arthur either! ~~~~~~~~~~ "I'm pregnant, Barry, I have our baby so you can't leave, please don't do this to me," Sydney thought letting Barry know this will make him not go ahead with the awful plan of abandoning her. She even had to go down on her knees just to convince him to stay. "I'm sorry, Sydney, but I don't want it. You can get rid of it, it's not too late". Would Sydney give Barry a chance and kick off their once happy relationship or would she start anew with Arthur?

    Lil_Amore · Fantasie
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  • Once Upon A Luna

    [Caution: Rated 18] The unending war between the wild midnight claws pack and the dark venom pack finally came to an end but not without costing lives of many werewolves on each sides of the packs. Unfortunately for Wren Myers, her parents fell victims to the war, causing the poor little girl to lose both of her parents at the early age of eight.  Wren became a lone wolf at the age of eight but got accepted into the dark venom pack after the war ended. Luckily for Wren, Alpha Sanders took pity on her poor soul and took her in as one of his own. But how was she going to kill the man who took her in when she was a child and raised her as one of his own to avenge her parents death?, How was she going to kill the father of her mate?. **** "Please exchange vows" Tyler cleared his throat, "I, Tyler Sanders accept you, Wren Myers as my mate and Luna, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or worse, in sickness or health, to love and to cherish, till death does us apart, And hereto, I pledge my faithfulness".  Everyone watched and clapped their hands happily after Tyler made his own vow to Wren Myers and kissed the back of her hand. "It's your turn now" Tyler whispered into her ears, smiling cheerfully. Wren moved her gaze over to the audience present, her eyes searching for Molly and stopped when her eyes eventually caught with hers. "Go ahead, say yours" Molly mouthed to her from a far distance, Wren smiled at her and moved her gaze back over to Tyler. She took Tyler's hands off hers slowly, as Tyler stared at her questionly and puzzeldly.  "I'm sorry Tyler" Wren mumbled in a low tone, "I, Wren Myers reject you, Tyler Sanders as my mate". Read to find out, it's enticing. [Author's note]: Competing for the WSA competition. **** More books by this Author. Owned By An Alpha. Fallen For Mr Heartbreaker. Ravened. Instagram ID:_Lilamoreszn Discord ID:_Lilamore#0387. Cover doesn't belong to me, all credits goes to the owner.

    Lil_Amore · Fantasie
  • L'AMORE NON ESISTE (Tidak Ada Cinta)

    "Lo marah karena omongan gue tadi kan? Jawab gue Sheina." Tanya Vincent sambil terus menatap wajah Sheina.       Sheina memberontak dan hendak menjauhkan tubuhnya dari Vincent namun segera ditahan oleh Vincent. Vincent langsung menarik pinggan Sheina agar semakin mendekat dan kini tubuh mereka sudah saling menempel.     "Lep.. Ahhh lepasin kak. Nanti bibik bisa liat." Ucap Sheina berusaha menurunkan tangan Vincent dari pinggannya.     "Gue ngak peduli, yang penting sekarang lo jujur, lo marah karena ucapan gue yang tadi kan?" Vincent kembali bertanya namun tetap tidak ada jawaban dari Sheina.     "Jawab Sheina." Ucap Vincent kali ini dengan suara yang lebih keras dari yang tadi. Sheina yang sudah mulai kesal melihat sikap Vincent langsung memberanikan diri menatap mata Vincent tajam.     "Mau lo apa sih kak? Lo ngapain sih masih deket- deket gue hah? Lo ngapain masih susul gue ke sini. Lo ngak mau kan kalo gue suka sama lo? Iya kan? Dan satu- satunya cara agar gue ngak suka sama lo ya gue ngak sering- sering lagi ketemu sama lo." Jeda Sheina, lalu melepaskan tangan Vincent dengan sepenuh tenaga.     "Lo ngak usah ketemu gue lagi, gue ngak mau ketemu sama lo lagi kak." Ucap Sheina yang membuat Vincent terdiam sejenak.     "Emang harus ya lo jauhin gue? Gue bukan ngak suka kalo lo cinta sama gue, tapi gue cuman ngak mau lo sakit hati Sheina, dan lo ngak harus jauhin gue. Lo harus selalu ada di samping gue, ngak boleh ada orang lain yang jadi pelindung lo selain gue." Ucap Vincent yang membuat Sheina tertawa.     "HAHAHHAAAHAHA, hebat.. hebat.. hebat banget lo kak. Emang lo siapa gue makanya lo bisa ngatur- ngatur gue sampai gue ngak boleh deket sama orang lain selain lo? Emang lo siapa gue hah? Jawab gue, jawab gue Vincent" Teriak Sheina tanpa memanggil Vincent dengan embel- embel kakak lagi, emosi Sheina semakin menjadi- jadi akibat ucapan Vincent tadi.     "Gue emang bukan siapa- siapa lo, tapi lo penting buat gue, dan gue ngak mau kalau lo harus deket sama orang lain selain gue."     "Munafik, brengsek, egois lo bener- bener egois kak. Lo bukan siapa siapa gue tapi lo ngatur- ngatur hidup gue. Urus aja hidup lo, gue bisa urus hidup gue sendiri kok, lo ngak perlu ikut campur sama hidup gue."     "Gue berhak ikut campur sama hidup lo." Ucap Vincent.

    Mega_Dream · Fantasie

    Fictional_whore · Teenager
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  • Amore Mia

    "The greatest gift you can receive is another day of life. Live for today and dream for tomorrow." Mia only knew a life of abuse and torment. She thought she would never see the next day when her dad pointed a gun towards her wanting to kill her. When she got the change to escape she took it. Running away from what she always endured. Mia faced many challenges, but meeting Nathan changed everything. From learning to fight, getting kidnaped and learning the truth about her past. Will Mia be strong enough to survive is all?

    Voges · Fantasie
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  • Beauty Amore

    Squeezed by the legacy of his late father’s debt, as well as terrible experiences in the past, makes Embun desperate to rent out a womb to a conglomerate couple, Lady and Kala. Lady tries to cover up her infertility and works with doctors to use Dew’s eggs in the IVF process. In return, Lady will have an affair with the doctor. Disaster occurs when an affair is exposed. The story is full of intrigue, love, and infidelity among the characters.

    CantingKanaka · Urban
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  • Mi Amore!~

    It started off by...saving her life? Addie, 23, was about to finish college when an unexpected person walked into her life, a fucking mafia leader. Julius had no family or friends, other than his friend Sam who's been his friend since they were babies, Julius swore off dating and would just run the business on his own, it's not like anyone wants a mafia leader anyways. But when fate brought two lost soul together..what would happen. Read to find out. WARNING!: THIS STORY CONTAINS GRAPHIC SCENES AND DESCRIPTIONS, SEXUAL CONTENT AND ADULT LANGUAGE. PLEASE BE AWARE! Preview "Shhh mi amore, shh." He says against my neck. I shiver and try to finish the dishes. "Jules, I need you to-." I stop talking and try not to moan as his hand slides from my shoulders to my thighs. "Need me to what?" He whispers in my ear. "To not do that, unless you don't want dishes done." I said and continued til Jules turned off the water and turned me towards him. "See princess, I really don't care." He said then picked me up and pinned me against the refrigerator. "Julius." I say in shock. He closes his eyes and smiles. "I love it when you say my name, now do me a favor and moan it for me."

    Noel_Brock · Fantasie
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  • Aces and Amore

    Raelynn Rizzo, sheltered and oblivious, lives a privileged life unaware of her family's deep-rooted involvement in the mafia. Her world is painted with soft hues of innocence until her carefully constructed reality shatters. Forced into the spotlight of the family business, she is thrust into a world of violence, betrayal, and cutthroat power struggles. Her life takes a perilous turn when she becomes a captive in the hands of Kieran Mancini, the ruthless head of a rival mafia family, the Ace of Spades. Their encounters is marked by hostility and mistrust, but as their captivity deepens, an unexpected connection begins to form. Bound by a shared ordeal, Raelynn and Kieran navigate a complex web of deceit and danger. Their forced proximity ignites a forbidden passion that threatens to consume them, even as they grapple with their opposing loyalties. Together, they embark on a perilous journey to uncover the hidden enemies lurking, their love story intertwined with a deadly game of survival. As their bond deepens, they must decide whether their love can conquer the darkness that surrounds them, or if the weight of their families' feud will tear them apart. Keywords: mafia, enemies to lovers, captivity, betrayal, revenge, forbidden love

    Grace_David_4607 · Urban
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  • Senza Amore

    Sometimes loving someone is not enough.

    Krystihollow · Urban
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  • Mi amore

    Orphaned and shattered, kira's world was reduced to ashes. Her father's brutal murder and their family home's fiery destruction left her with nothing. Taken by force, she's thrust into servitude beneath the ruthless Donatello regime. Years pass, and Giovanni, Donatello's enigmatic son, assumes control. kira's fragile existence is disrupted by his piercing gaze and unsettling interest. As their paths entwine, she's torn between loyalty to Marco, her sole ally, and the dark allure of Giovanni. But danger escalates when a new, powerful mafia faction emerges, fixated on claiming kira for unknown reasons. Giovanni must confront his own demons to protect her, even as their mutual attraction grows. As kira navigates the treacherous landscape, she uncovers secrets and lies, exposing the sinister forces driving her captivity. With each step, she edges closer to the truth about her family's tragic fate and the darkness haunting Giovanni 's eyes. With rival factions closing in, Giovanni's grip on control begins to slip. Can he shield kira from the impending storm, or will the shadows consume them both?

    Night_Bae · Urban
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  • Shy Amore

    Samuel Ezra Corrigan is a bashful teenager who fears the slightest human interaction. He runs from opportunities of friendship not that he doesn't like the thought of having friends, but socialization is not something he can do without stuttering his words like a broken parrot. Moving into a new school, he meets three boys who are as big as grizzly bears on the outside, but total softies in the inside with one of them wanting more than friendship.

    AkumaKegare21 · realistisch
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