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  • Birth of the Demonic Sword

    "So, that's how my life ends, what a waste of time it was...". These were the last thoughts of a young man, shot by accident in a fight between local gangs. Little did he know that he would soon wake up in another world, a world of cultivation! This is the story of the whoreson of a wealthy family, of a transmigrator that had no purpose in his previous life, of a demon that will make power his reason to keep on living. Noah Balvan, after he transmigrated, will have to fight against his social status and the many difficulties of the world he was reborn in to obtain the power to stand free in the sky above anyone! Follow me on twitter: https://twitter.com/EoCNovels Instagram: eocnovels Discord link: https://discord.gg/CNh28NP Cover artist: https://digitalrowye.com/ Fandom: https://botds.fandom.com/wiki/Birth_of_the_Demonic_Sword_Wiki

    Eveofchaos · Ost
  • No More Pain For This Villain.

    [Synopsis] In a dark, underground basement, a spooky old man's voice sent shivers down my spine. "You're gonna meet your end, hahaha," he taunted, before lunging at me with a sword, slashing the air, and spattering my throat with red drops. "We'll see," I defiantly whispered, my last words fading as I drifted into darkness. Suddenly, I woke up in a bustling tavern filled with laughter and clinking glasses. A captivating lady stood before me, her beauty clashing with her angry expression, ready to disrupt the cheerful mood. "Don't stalk me," she snapped, giving me a harsh look before storming out of the tavern. Am I stuck in some kind of game? My common sense shattered, leaving me questioning my reality. ------------------------------------------- [A/N: Give it a read, buddy; you won't regret it.] [Discord Server Link: https://discord.com/invite/4gVfcaePJS]

    Satan03 · Fantasie
  • The Grand Duke's Soulmate

    IMPORTANT NOTE: Please be known that this book wouldn't have made it this far without the support my dear writing buddy Rachel E. Canton who is a great writer of SINS OF THE SERAPHIM - https://www.webnovel.com/book/sins-of-the-seraphim_26438336605116805 and Derek J. Perna To Rachel & Derek, Thank you for everything! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When the last heir of Ardel lost everything, fate would bring her to her rightful protector. Anna Adhemar, the forgotten princess, found herself betrayed by the Regent. Hunted by the Bargesians and the ruthless slave traders, she desperately fled for her life. Rescued by a mysterious man, her newfound safety was short-lived as she succumbed to a potent aphrodisiac. Then, she awoke in the arms of the fearsome Knight Commander of Gerhard, stripped bare, in a foreign kingdom. Fear, confusion, and a sense of profound devastation enveloped her. But the man before her declared, "I am your husband. I married you last night." Then, with unwavering determination, he vowed, " You're my woman now. No one can hurt my woman." --- Kyren Raychard, the Crown Prince who had chosen to forsake the throne and became celibate, led the Knights of Gerhard to safeguard his kingdom’s border from slave trading activities. Outside his camp, he found Anna poisoned and delirious. The healer informed him of the only cure, of which he must race against time to give and honour her. For the first time, he felt an overwhelming instinct to protect and claim her as his own. Unaware of his deepening affection, he belatedly realised his feelings as he stood on the brink of losing her. Bound by a soul-binding spell, their fates intertwined…

    Rana_Chim_Chim · Fantasie
  • Utopian System

    "Mana to breathe, mana to eat, mana to fucking live," Inhale: -0.001 MP… oops! You're out of mana points. (Pay-to-breathe RPG.) Humanity's last walled stronghold. _____ In the world Elio lives, every gasp of air comes at a price. A floating indestructible book for every human, a magical system that turns survival into a pay-to-breathe RPG. Here, poverty isn't just being broke, it's choking. Surrounded by barren land and a sea of monsters on top of it (No water, just literal monsters), each day is a suffocating dance of survival, a balancing act between mana for air and mana for food. In this economy, holding your breath isn't just a game, it's a retirement plan. Driven by desperation (and the city's miserly rulers that don’t cut anyone a break), Elio dives into the Book System’s trials to save his family. Along the way, he unlocks powers he didn’t ask for and starts to figure out... Who he really is. Immerse yourself in an adventure where one young man's stubborn refusal to become a statistic could spark a revolution. Who knew being a pain in the system's rear could change the world? Because in Elio's world, breathing is just the beginning of the revolution and... he's gasping for change. But hey, who said saving the world had to be all doom and gloom? Join Elio as he kicks monster butt, uncovers ancient secrets, and maybe, just maybe, figures out how to grow a tree or two along the way. __________ Warning: May contain traces of world domination, an unhealthy obsession with the periodic table, damage points, progression math, and yes, even a sprinkle of that old "power of friendship" magic. Because sometimes, you need a buddy to help you remember which element does what or even help you calculate those sweet, sweet stats. A quick heads-up: Despite what the cover might suggest, this isn’t a hack-and-slash adventure. Think more along the lines of a turn-based RPG, where strategy and choices matter as much as action. Get ready for a different kind of challenge! If you want to know more about the cover: Yep, that's our first FL crying and crossing the transparent barrier straight into a pixelated, indistinguishable sea of monsters. Because why not mix emotions with chaos? She's crazy like that! (Not really... or is she?) Discord is coming soon!! I’m working on it in the little moments I find between writing, editing, making more character images, etc. Little by little, we’ll have a Poked... uh, a full SummonDex! Meanwhile, you can check out the ones on Fandom with their... funny descriptions? Or at least I hope so... orz Warning 2 (Privilege 4 and 5): I just wanted to stick to the novel’s level system, so I had to add those '0s'!!! Don’t be an elephant... unless you’re an enormous one... A whale! Seriously, nooooo! You’re going to make me die from the pressure, and I’ll feel terrible!! It’s just one chapter!!! You can wait... But if you’re dirty rich and really, Really, REALLY want to support, well... okay, though I’ll still feel bad!!! orz

    Dagzo · Fantasie
  • The Beta Dominates Alphas

    Kestrel was a beta, and an aggressive one that most folks didn't like much. The Empire had picked a future husband for her. This guy was pretty much perfect: born into a high-class family, good-looking, rich, nice, and the envy of everyone around. People were quick to start whispering. "Why did such a great guy end up with her? She can't even make tea right and she barely passed her cooking class." "He won't be able to put up with her for long." "Right, their love story is a train wreck waiting to happen." Hearing this stuff over and over, Kestrel started to think that she and her guy, Tarian, were doomed from the start. So, when Tarian showed up with a sweet and pretty girl, Kestrel pulled off her engagement ring and tossed it into the gutter. From that moment, Kestrel lived free and happy, like a bird soaring in the sky, a fish swimming in the wide ocean. But a few years into her easy-going life, at a royal shindig, Tarian cornered her. His eyes were all red, and he confessed that he was sorry for everything and that he couldn't stop thinking about her. But Kestrel, wild as ever, wasn't interested in going back to her old life. Tarian turned white, gritted his teeth and said, "I don't care what you're like, and I can handle your shortcomings. You won't find a more understanding alpha than me." "Well, I already have a new alpha." To totally shake him off, Kestrel made up a name on the spot. She quickly thought of all the alphas she'd met on the battlefield over the years, and chose the name of a buddy she was tight with, guessing he wouldn't mind. "He's a good listener, and we're a perfect fit. Plus, he really likes me and doesn't care about my mistakes." Right after a bummed-out Tarian took off, Kestrel turned around and smacked right into the guy she'd just made up. This guy, a real war hero who'd taken down tons of enemies, turned a bit pink, looked away, and muttered, "You... when did you figure out that I have a crush on you?"

    Treein · Fantasie
  • Nacimiento de la Espada Demoníaca

    —Así que, así termina mi vida, qué pérdida de tiempo fue... . Estos fueron los últimos pensamientos de un joven, disparado por accidente en una pelea entre pandillas locales. Poco sabía él que pronto despertaría en otro mundo, ¡un mundo de cultivo! —Esta es la historia del bastardo de una familia rica, de un transmigrador que no tenía propósito en su vida anterior, de un demonio que hará del poder su razón para seguir viviendo . —Noah Balvan, después de transmigrar, tendrá que luchar contra su estatus social y las muchas dificultades del mundo en el que reencarnó para obtener el poder para permanecer libre en el cielo por encima de cualquiera! . Síganme en twitter: https://twitter.com/EoCNovels Instagram: eocnovels Enlace de Discord: https://discord.gg/CNh28NP Artista de la portada: https://digitalrowye.com/ Fandom: https://botds.fandom.com/wiki/Birth_of_the_Demonic_Sword_Wiki"

    Eveofchaos · Ost
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  • Wild Young Princess: Mister, let's sleep?

    A princess in a fantasy world, shackled by restrictive rules of the castle, had sought nothing but freedom. She found it in the end. It was death. However, the princess had found herself waking up in a body of Devon Lin. A twenty-five-year-old aspiring author living a double-life struggling to write stories at day and a contracted sleeping buddy at night? Meet Lewis Qin. Fame, looks, wealth, and power. He has it all. However, not known to many, Lewis had a severe sleeping problem. Until he met her… Can the princess finally find the freedom she sought? Or was the contract that binds her with him was just another shackle she must break free? Would he fall asleep? Or fall in love? Watch as these two try to make ends meet, find their place and purpose in this vast world.

    BAJJ · Urban
  • I Have Five Big Shot Daddies

    The Little Monk picked up by the Master was five years old, and it was time for him to descend the mountain to find his father. Holding a little wolf cub, Little Monk Ruanruan, with his short little legs, charged over and hugged his father's long legs, calling out in a milky voice, "Daddy!" At the sound of "Daddy," five powerful men shuddered in unison! When Ruanruan first found his father: Father number one, detached, "Little kids are the most troublesome." Father number two, disdainful, "A joke, I have so many fans who like me, I wouldn't care about one extra Little Tuanzi." Father number three, holding Little Tuanzi, "Buddy, you've got the wrong person, go back and do your homework." Father number four, with a cigarette dangling from his mouth, raised an eyebrow, "Trying to scam me?" Father number five, with a confused look, "Do I have a daughter?" After spending a few days with Ruanruan, the fathers all had a change of heart... "This is my girl, none of you try to take her from me!" From then on... The five powerful men started their days fighting for custody of Ruanruan. Jiang Jincheng looked eagerly at Ruantuanzi, "...And what about me?" The five fathers glared coldly at the man who was trying to compete with them for their daughter! "Beat it!"

    Singly Single · Urban
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  • Die Geburt des Dämonenschwerts

    "So endet also mein Leben, was für eine Zeitverschwendung...". Dies waren die letzten Gedanken eines jungen Mannes, der bei einer Schlägerei zwischen lokalen Banden zufällig angeschossen wurde. Er ahnte nicht, dass er bald in einer anderen Welt aufwachen würde, einer Welt der Kultivierung! Dies ist die Geschichte des Hurenbocks einer wohlhabenden Familie, eines Verwandlungskünstlers, der in seinem früheren Leben kein Ziel hatte, und eines Dämons, der die Macht zu seinem Grund macht, um weiterzuleben. Noah Balvan muss nach seiner Transmigration gegen seinen sozialen Status und die vielen Schwierigkeiten der Welt, in der er wiedergeboren wurde, ankämpfen, um die Macht zu erlangen, frei im Himmel über allen zu stehen! Folgen Sie mir auf Twitter: https://twitter.com/EoCNovels Instagram: eocnovels Discord-Link: https://discord.gg/CNh28NP Cover-Künstler: https://digitalrowye.com/ Fandom: https://botds.fandom.com/wiki/Birth_of_the_Demonic_Sword_Wiki

    Eveofchaos · Ost
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  • Nascimento da Espada Demoníaca

    "Então, é assim que minha vida termina, que perda de tempo foi...". Esses foram os últimos pensamentos de um jovem, atingido por acidente em uma briga entre gangues locais. Ele mal sabia que em breve acordaria em outro mundo, um mundo de cultivo! Esta é a história do bastardo de uma família rica, de um transmigrador que não tinha propósito em sua vida anterior, de um demônio que fará do poder a razão para continuar vivendo. Noah Balvan, após sua transmigração, terá que lutar contra seu status social e as muitas dificuldades do mundo em que renasceu para obter o poder de se manter livre no céu acima de qualquer um! Siga-me no twitter: https://twitter.com/EoCNovels Instagram: eocnovels Link do Discord: https://discord.gg/CNh28NP Artista da capa: https://digitalrowye.com/ Fandom: https://botds.fandom.com/wiki/Birth_of_the_Demonic_Sword_Wiki

    Eveofchaos · Ost
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  • The CEO and the FUCK BUDDY

    Dyanne Santiago is the youngest CEO in the country. Falling in love with a wrong man made Dyanne change the way how she look about love. He was her first love yet he's the first man to broke her heart into pieces. She became depressed because of what happened. For Dyanne, the only way to make revenge is to make every man she's meeting with, fall for her. Play with their hearts and leave them. Until she met Roah Montes. The bartender/guess buddy who fell in love with Dyanne and made a promise that he will make the woman who makes his heart beat fast, fall for him. But Dyanne never wants to enter in a serious relationship. All she wants is to play with love and make every man feel the pain she had felt. Will Roah accept that she only wants him to be her FUCK BUDDY? What will happen if FATE play with them?

    CarpeDiem2019 · Allgemein
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  • The Fandom Killer

    Aspiring actress Kat Topacio is finally getting her big break. The only problem? She’s playing second fiddle to the main lead of her ex, who also happens to be half of the most popular love team in the country. With the two seemingly about to rekindle their relationship, how will they hide from the eyes of the most possessive fandom on this planet?

    Sulatkamay · Urban
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    This story is all about bl story of Marcus and Indigo who fall inlove at wrong timing, They met each other after introducing by their friends and they clearly known each other when they met at hook up in grindr.How will they face different struggles and is their possible that your sex buddy will be your forever relationship?

    Ezzieking · realistisch
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