
angron primarch-Romanbücher online lesen - WebNovel


  • Ah...here we go again(40k/Primarch SI)

    When Life gives you lemons, throw it, you don't know what kind of warpfuckery happened to that lemon.

    sp4rtan12 · sci-fi
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  • Blood and Honor: The Saga of Thaddeus Valen

    In the grim darkness of the 31st millennium, the Blood Angels stand as paragons of nobility and martial prowess. Among them, Thaddeus Valen rises from the ranks of initiates to become a legend. "Blood and Honor" chronicles his journey through the Great Crusade, the discovery of his Primarch, and the horrors of the Horus Heresy. This epic tale of bravery, sacrifice, and brotherhood explores the triumphs and tragedies of war, the bonds forged in battle, and the relentless pursuit of honor in the face of insurmountable odds. Join Thaddeus as he navigates the complexities of loyalty, the darkness of the Warp, and the unyielding spirit of the Blood Angels. Unofficial work. Writing this for hobby. Fan Fiction.

    Chad_ultraReader · Krieg
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  • Lost Within Space and Time

    Aleticus Solaris, primarch of the Solar knights space marine legion. When chaos gods scattered aleticus and his brothers across the galaxy. He had come upon planet luminor. A Planet furthest from the sun in a backwater solar system not yet touched by the Emperor's truth. Growing up Aleticus shown to have an affinity for taping into the warp as well as combat. When found by the emperor, Aleticus pledge himself saying. " Father. I owe you and this newfound imperium my life, I for now and forever will spend it in your name." With that. Aleticus left off to meet his brothers. particularly growing close with his brothers Vulcan and Sanguineous as well as Horus. The Great crusade pushed onwards and victory seemed to be within the imperium's grasp. That is until Horus Heresy. Sanguineous in an attempt to buy Holy Terra (earth) and the Emperor time by sacrificing himself to the much more powerful Horus. When the Emperor arrived and found his son dead. A vicious duel ensuied and ended with Horus destroyed and the Emperor fatality wounded and forever entombed on the golden throne. Learning of this, Aleticus vanished into the warp for revenge over his brother and fathers death. After thousands of years of killing warp spawn. A giant energy wave had wiped him into obscurity, never to be seen again. His legion becoming splintered by the holy codex and worshiping their lost father as a son of the god emperor of mankind.

    Pershing33 · Krieg
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