
Review Detail of Marine0IQ in Elden Ring : Godrick The Golden

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Ciao. Elden Ring lore was too good to not write a fanfic about. Will try to include Shadow of the Erdtree too, just to include Igon. Enjoy.

Elden Ring : Godrick The Golden


Beliebt bei 70 Personen




This has the potential to become a good fic 🤝🏽 ...... but man can you like please update on your Marvel fic as well because I've been waiting for a sign from you about it and not a peep has been made 🥹🙏


I will eventually. Gotta get this out of my system. Sorry for making you wait so long : (

Thabiso_Buthelezi_3825:This has the potential to become a good fic 🤝🏽 ...... but man can you like please update on your Marvel fic as well because I've been waiting for a sign from you about it and not a peep has been made 🥹🙏

Didn't think i would read Another of your stories after the Athos one that you dropped since i really liked that one, but here i am i guess elden ring fics are rare as héll and good ones even more. Question who will be the female lead here?


Glad that you liked it and am sorry for disappointing you. I just lost inspiration for that and after the disappointment that was the Chalice of the Gods and The Sun and the Stars it left a really bad taste in my mouth. Regarding the female lead, I doubt I'll have one. I'd rather have a novel with no romance than a novel ruined by one.

Ronin46:Didn't think i would read Another of your stories after the Athos one that you dropped since i really liked that one, but here i am i guess elden ring fics are rare as héll and good ones even more. Question who will be the female lead here?

Eh get someone bro romance is like a Spice that adds taste to the novel if you get what i mean xD. Would be interesting if he is able to heal malenia and get her even ranni is a choice, héll if you play it well even marika 🤣🤣👍👍

Marine0IQ:Glad that you liked it and am sorry for disappointing you. I just lost inspiration for that and after the disappointment that was the Chalice of the Gods and The Sun and the Stars it left a really bad taste in my mouth. Regarding the female lead, I doubt I'll have one. I'd rather have a novel with no romance than a novel ruined by one.

Marine what about the reptilian adventures?



Curse you, Bayleeeee! I hereby vow! You will rue this day! Behold, a true Drake Warrior! And I, Igon! Your fear made flesh! Solid of scale you might be, foul dragon … But I will riddle with holes your rotten hide! With a hail of harpoons! With every last drop of my being!



RASAM:Curse you, Bayleeeee! I hereby vow! You will rue this day! Behold, a true Drake Warrior! And I, Igon! Your fear made flesh! Solid of scale you might be, foul dragon … But I will riddle with holes your rotten hide! With a hail of harpoons! With every last drop of my being!

wasn't this on space battle


Hell nah. Romance basically destroys every story

Ronin46:Eh get someone bro romance is like a Spice that adds taste to the novel if you get what i mean xD. Would be interesting if he is able to heal malenia and get her even ranni is a choice, héll if you play it well even marika 🤣🤣👍👍

Bùllshìtt. It only happens when it's a new writer and doesn't even know where to put his hands and this author is anything but that since the percy Jackson story he wrote before was already great i still find it a pity he dropped it, but he Lost inspiration it is what it is i guess. There is also his marvel story but i didn't Touch that one so don't know about it but if we go by precedents and how this one is going at the moment should be pretty good.

Hero09:Hell nah. Romance basically destroys every story

Romance is just uninteresting and takes away from the interesting parts of a story. Romancing doesn’t add alot except wasted word count and time.

Ronin46:Bùllshìtt. It only happens when it's a new writer and doesn't even know where to put his hands and this author is anything but that since the percy Jackson story he wrote before was already great i still find it a pity he dropped it, but he Lost inspiration it is what it is i guess. There is also his marvel story but i didn't Touch that one so don't know about it but if we go by precedents and how this one is going at the moment should be pretty good.

I’m quite new to webnovel fics as I usually read ok A03 or Fan.net but are having a female and male lead together is not really that common.

Ronin46:Didn't think i would read Another of your stories after the Athos one that you dropped since i really liked that one, but here i am i guess elden ring fics are rare as héll and good ones even more. Question who will be the female lead here?

Great, finally, a fic without any romance. I praise you my man.

Marine0IQ:Glad that you liked it and am sorry for disappointing you. I just lost inspiration for that and after the disappointment that was the Chalice of the Gods and The Sun and the Stars it left a really bad taste in my mouth. Regarding the female lead, I doubt I'll have one. I'd rather have a novel with no romance than a novel ruined by one.

Marine0IQ:I will eventually. Gotta get this out of my system. Sorry for making you wait so long : (



Interesting, I remember reading a quest that had this same premise.



Marine0IQ:Glad that you liked it and am sorry for disappointing you. I just lost inspiration for that and after the disappointment that was the Chalice of the Gods and The Sun and the Stars it left a really bad taste in my mouth. Regarding the female lead, I doubt I'll have one. I'd rather have a novel with no romance than a novel ruined by one.

Can you tell about your spider man ff is that dropped 🥲🥲