
Review Detail of Skepparn in Star Wars: With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

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Very clearly written by AI since it’s basically repeating itself 1/4 of the chapters is the same with different words, sometimes not even different words just plain the same

Star Wars: With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility


Beliebt bei 8 Personen




It's not AI, I have a template in google docs that I use for each section of the chapter. I'm a new writer that's bad at bringing everything together. I use grammarly. if you count that as AI, then I will look into changing my process.


grammarly is not AI and should not stop using it if you are using it cause it's very good

Eletto:It's not AI, I have a template in google docs that I use for each section of the chapter. I'm a new writer that's bad at bringing everything together. I use grammarly. if you count that as AI, then I will look into changing my process.

I wouldn’t see Grammarly as an issue, but sometimes it’s shooting when you try to use a word to convey a specific meaning, and it provides a suggestion that doesn’t match what you want.

Eletto:It's not AI, I have a template in google docs that I use for each section of the chapter. I'm a new writer that's bad at bringing everything together. I use grammarly. if you count that as AI, then I will look into changing my process.

I don’t understand why people always cry when there is even a slight hint of using AI in a story. I mean if it is nice to read than that’s it. Not like people steal the property of others or something. They porobably just want to discredit the authors. Well haters always be haters.