
Review Detail of ReaderCat in

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Not bad. For the first ten chapters, it was enjoyable to read. Superman is too powerful for this world, it will be difficult to put up a real fight without adding more to the world of bnha.Superman is too powerful for this world, it will be difficult to put up a real fight without adding more to the world of bnha. Of course, the essence of the story can be based on the way it solves things and human relationships. Anyway, I've never liked the character of bakugou. I hope you have a good plan for it. I also suggest using the character melissa shild if you're thinking of romance. He is a character who has been pushed into the background despite his potential in many fanfics. I've read a fanfic with a similar premise (I don't remember the name of the novel). Anyway, the novel I read earlier quickly turned into a multiverse-level absurdity and ended up with a lot of logical errors and gaps in the story. I hope this novel doesn't turn into a huge flop. I wish you success...

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English is not my first language and I am not good at writing in English. I'm sorry if I wrote something that doesn't make sense or sounds wrong.


Thank you for the comment and tips, I already thought about including Melissa as a possible romantic interest, now as for strength challenges I intend to add some elements from the DC universe. Not too much, but enough to generate some challenge and some arcs.


I wish you success 👍

Thebrightestday:Thank you for the comment and tips, I already thought about including Melissa as a possible romantic interest, now as for strength challenges I intend to add some elements from the DC universe. Not too much, but enough to generate some challenge and some arcs.


Thebrightestday:Thank you for the comment and tips, I already thought about including Melissa as a possible romantic interest, now as for strength challenges I intend to add some elements from the DC universe. Not too much, but enough to generate some challenge and some arcs.