
Review Detail of OoberShoober in The Undead In MCU

Details zur Rezension


Three chapters in and the author has made it so his OC is canonically racist, and seeing how this is a reincarnation fic, there’s a 0% chance that this glaring character flaw will be addressed ever again. After reading up to chapter 4, I can say this fic is pretty good, the setup, sentence structure, and grammar are pretty good. It just sucks that the main character becomes immediately unlikable after the first two chapters. MC was dropping slurs like every other paragraph, at first I figured, ok kinda weird spur of the moment thought, but then I keep reading and he just keeps going, like bro of all the people this god-being picks to reincarnate it’s this POS?

The Undead In MCU


Beliebt bei 5 Personen




thanks for the comment. though about the racist bit, MC is a little mentally unstable, i am planning to address this in the future chapter. and you kinda need to look in the context of the racist moments, he WAS being experimented on atm. he uses humour as a way to delay the impossible. i mean, i think i was able to convey this in all of the chapters starting from Chapter 1 i think? but, thanks a lot for leaving the review.


Resorting to racism as humour even in situations like that just show his true character

SpiritFest13:thanks for the comment. though about the racist bit, MC is a little mentally unstable, i am planning to address this in the future chapter. and you kinda need to look in the context of the racist moments, he WAS being experimented on atm. he uses humour as a way to delay the impossible. i mean, i think i was able to convey this in all of the chapters starting from Chapter 1 i think? but, thanks a lot for leaving the review.

my point exactly, he is mentally unstable at the point.

VisionaryVision:Resorting to racism as humour even in situations like that just show his true character