
Review Detail of DauntlessBrother in The Truthseeker

Details zur Rezension


Unconfident and shameless review by the Author here! This novel entails the main theme of uncovering mysteries and finding out the truth of the world. Whether it be lost history, secret mysteries, and missing truth, the story will revolve around uncovering them. Thus! Comes the main character, Veritas! He is a history lover and always loves to go on adventures to, figure out the truth. Along the story he encounters creatures of mythic, Seraphims, Demons, Creatures from the Depths, many more! The world's power system focuses on the limits of the Soul. Those that have reached for their Soul are called as Pathbearers! They are capable of utilizing the runes, Attunement, Soul Rank, Soul Storage, and etc... As Veritas ascends his Soul, the mysteries around him get deeper and deeper. However, he must be careful not to pry deeper..

The Truthseeker


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