
Review Detail of Salaciousness in -The Path-

Details zur Rezension


Einlion begins a new story once more. Past evidence shows that the probability of this story getting anywhere is unfortunately, abysmally small. Now about this story. I’m honestly baffled. Einlions stories for the past few years have just been a bombardment of “18+ scenes”, while skipping any sort of meaningful relationship build up leading to said scenes with the love interests. This is probably the main reason most of his readers were tired of him writing harems. Why would you want to read something that practically lacks a story because it’s bogged down by lemons with characters that had zero build up leading to them. What does this have to do with me being baffled? It’s because this story is apparently an attempt at writing something without a harem. Yet what does Einlion spend a large part of the story doing? He’s writing meaningful development between the mc and various female characters, giving these characters: interesting personalities, backgrounds, aspirations, oh and of course they all want to get with the MC. What does this mean? It means Einlion is finally writing what was missing in his latest stories, except since it’s not a harem there will never be any satisfying pay off. Am I saying the characters aren’t allowed to have depth if they won’t be love interests? Absolutely not, that would be amazing if only Einlion didn’t spend so much time describing how nearly every female character has a crush on the MC and how lucky they would be to get with him. Would this have to have been a harem for there to be a satisfying pay off? Nope, but it’s disheartening to see the MC have amazing chemistry with characters like Ohta, that could lead to really fun to read storylines that take place throughout the story over time and literal reincarnations instead of what we’ve gotten before in previous stories. “Nice to meet you! wanna bang? Sure!” Once again, I’m baffled. In Eins harem stories, he’d skip straight to the spicy scenes with no build up (Honestly I’m sick of lemons at this point). Now in his “non harem story”, he’s taking the time to build actual characters and their interactions with the MC, only to never do anything meaningful with them. Plot wise sure, he’s to die soon and will go to another world so it makes sense for the MC to not want to start anything. So why even have a large part of the story dedicated to how much everyone wants to get with the MC. Should have just not mentioned any romance at all from the beginning and instead keep everything platonic. Idk anymore, read it if you don’t mind reading a “no harem story” that has all the build up with multiple characters but know there will be nothing to come out of it in the end.

-The Path-


Beliebt bei 39 Personen




You and your previous work’s didn’t affect what I rated the story, it’s what I believe it should have currently even if you believe otherwise. Maybe I wasn’t clear in my intention, but mentioning how you have been writing your previous harem stories was to show the irony on how in those stories you skip straight to the lemons. While in this story, something that’s supposed to not be a harem, you’re focusing on what I would call the actual process of building up relationships over time, yet since it’s not a harem, it just feels like time wasted. If I was a new reader with no prior knowledge of your previous work, it’d be the same. “Will this be a harem? The story so far feels like it’s building up to it but the author and the MC say it won’t be so why are we spending so much time writing it this way? I’m getting attached to certain characters and their chemistry with the MC so it’d be a shame if their chemistry has nothing come out of it in the end. I guess I’ll keep reading to see where this goes, but if nothing will happen between the MC and the girls, then I’d prefer if the focus went more towards the MC’s growth and overall plot since lately it seems like that’s been pushed aside for the sake of the side characters”. Writers will always have their projects compared to their previous work, it’s not disingenuous to say “hey practically every single one of this authors stories has been created this way, so it’s very much reasonable to assume something similar will happen once more so just keep that in mind while reading”. Just prove this review wrong, either cut down on having every character crush on the MC and on how much the MC doesn’t want to start something with them; or just go for it and have something between them but without turning into what most of your previous works end up becoming. I’m sure creators certainly feel it’s unfair not being able to do something new without people mentioning their past work, but that’s just something that will inevitably happen once something has become so prevalent in their projects. So all they can do in the end is to prove that they can do something new without having any of the problems their previous works are usually riddled with seep into their new project.

Einlion:Two things: There will be no lemons in this story. Secondly, it is disingenuous to leave a review based on conjecture and presupposition inherited from other works. People change from one moment to the next, and I'm certain you wouldn't like it if someone looked at your past and used it to judge everything you did after, no matter how much time has passed. I'm not perfect, and despite the many trolls who try to project me as being a narcissist, all I've ever wanted to do is create stories that people enjoy. If my past novels have made it impossible for you to look past the biases you've formed, then I wish you well in finding things you can enjoy. All I ask is that, as you go, take away or simply toss aside any negative sentiments you may have developed toward me. I have never targeted or directed hatred toward you. Please don't give others the ammunition they need to target and harass me.

What you fail to mention is 'why' so many girls are targeting the MC. It's almost entirely because of his background. He's basically an idol and the vast majority of the girls attending the Academy just see him as a ticket to the easy life xD.


Also, you don't know if anything will come from his interactions with the girls around him. The only thing set in stone is that the MC has no interest in harems because he views even traditional relationships/romance to be tedious. In other words, you're making a lot of conclusions about things, and I understand why. I haven't done my reputation any favors with some of the stories I've written, but you shouldn't go into a new story with that kind of baggage. Because when you actively search for things to complain about or criticize rather than viewing a world and story on its merits, you will find them. It doesn't matter if they're actually there. Because you've convinced yourself they 'must be,' you end up piecing together random tidbits and phrases until you create an entirely separate story in your mind; one that conforms to your expectations.


“You shouldn’t go into a new story with that kind of baggage”. Of course, in an ideal world I wouldn’t have to go into one of your stories with certain preconceived notions. And you’ve shown that you are already aware why that baggage exists in the first place. Also you’re right, I am making a lot of conclusions about things. Though me saying nothing will come out of his interactions with the girls is just the one I find most probable based on what you’ve said and what is in this story thus far. The biggest influence being the “no harem” statement. If I were to then and only then add the “baggage” I possess from your previous stories. Then personally the most probable conclusion I’d make is that if something does end up happening between the MC and the girls once they grow up, the story would most likely devolve into the unnecessary onslaught of lemons we’ve come to know. Plus we’d get uncomfortable “technically not n t r” type of relationships between the MC and them. Who knows how “open minded” you’d have this MC be since he knows he’ll leave soon anyways. Trust me, I’d much prefer if I could go into your stories without feeling like something unpalatable will inevitably happen in them. Personally I’m just sad that you’re finally focusing on writing what I called “build up” with the girls. Something I’ve personally always wanted for you to do, only for it to be in a non harem story. Hopefully this will be “technically not a harem” aka he’ll get involved with the girls in the future and they’ll be exclusive to him at least while he’s still in that world (then you can go into the uncomfortable stuff you like once he leaves), but only to the point of caring for them as one would a really good friend rather than someone he loves to the point of willing to spend his karma for them. That way the MC’s life doesn’t revolve around his “harem” like in most of those stories, but we still get the moments with great chemistry that we’ve gotten so far between him and girls like Madeen, Ohtar, etc. Of course leaving the lemons as just a mention this time as I think that’s one of the biggest reasons your stories end up as they do. As you say, things aren’t set in stone. So even though at this point, reason should point towards me not giving your stories another shot anymore, I will wait and see if you can find success once more with your ideas.

Einlion:Also, you don't know if anything will come from his interactions with the girls around him. The only thing set in stone is that the MC has no interest in harems because he views even traditional relationships/romance to be tedious. In other words, you're making a lot of conclusions about things, and I understand why. I haven't done my reputation any favors with some of the stories I've written, but you shouldn't go into a new story with that kind of baggage. Because when you actively search for things to complain about or criticize rather than viewing a world and story on its merits, you will find them. It doesn't matter if they're actually there. Because you've convinced yourself they 'must be,' you end up piecing together random tidbits and phrases until you create an entirely separate story in your mind; one that conforms to your expectations.

Two things: There will be no lemons in this story. Secondly, it is disingenuous to leave a review based on conjecture and presupposition inherited from other works. People change from one moment to the next, and I'm certain you wouldn't like it if someone looked at your past and used it to judge everything you did after, no matter how much time has passed. I'm not perfect, and despite the many trolls who try to project me as being a narcissist, all I've ever wanted to do is create stories that people enjoy. If my past novels have made it impossible for you to look past the biases you've formed, then I wish you well in finding things you can enjoy. All I ask is that, as you go, take away or simply toss aside any negative sentiments you may have developed toward me. I have never targeted or directed hatred toward you. Please don't give others the ammunition they need to target and harass me.

Salaciousness:“You shouldn’t go into a new story with that kind of baggage”. Of course, in an ideal world I wouldn’t have to go into one of your stories with certain preconceived notions. And you’ve shown that you are already aware why that baggage exists in the first place. Also you’re right, I am making a lot of conclusions about things. Though me saying nothing will come out of his interactions with the girls is just the one I find most probable based on what you’ve said and what is in this story thus far. The biggest influence being the “no harem” statement. If I were to then and only then add the “baggage” I possess from your previous stories. Then personally the most probable conclusion I’d make is that if something does end up happening between the MC and the girls once they grow up, the story would most likely devolve into the unnecessary onslaught of lemons we’ve come to know. Plus we’d get uncomfortable “technically not n t r” type of relationships between the MC and them. Who knows how “open minded” you’d have this MC be since he knows he’ll leave soon anyways. Trust me, I’d much prefer if I could go into your stories without feeling like something unpalatable will inevitably happen in them. Personally I’m just sad that you’re finally focusing on writing what I called “build up” with the girls. Something I’ve personally always wanted for you to do, only for it to be in a non harem story. Hopefully this will be “technically not a harem” aka he’ll get involved with the girls in the future and they’ll be exclusive to him at least while he’s still in that world (then you can go into the uncomfortable stuff you like once he leaves), but only to the point of caring for them as one would a really good friend rather than someone he loves to the point of willing to spend his karma for them. That way the MC’s life doesn’t revolve around his “harem” like in most of those stories, but we still get the moments with great chemistry that we’ve gotten so far between him and girls like Madeen, Ohtar, etc. Of course leaving the lemons as just a mention this time as I think that’s one of the biggest reasons your stories end up as they do. As you say, things aren’t set in stone. So even though at this point, reason should point towards me not giving your stories another shot anymore, I will wait and see if you can find success once more with your ideas.

Einlion I love your history, all



Salaciousness:You and your previous work’s didn’t affect what I rated the story, it’s what I believe it should have currently even if you believe otherwise. Maybe I wasn’t clear in my intention, but mentioning how you have been writing your previous harem stories was to show the irony on how in those stories you skip straight to the lemons. While in this story, something that’s supposed to not be a harem, you’re focusing on what I would call the actual process of building up relationships over time, yet since it’s not a harem, it just feels like time wasted. If I was a new reader with no prior knowledge of your previous work, it’d be the same. “Will this be a harem? The story so far feels like it’s building up to it but the author and the MC say it won’t be so why are we spending so much time writing it this way? I’m getting attached to certain characters and their chemistry with the MC so it’d be a shame if their chemistry has nothing come out of it in the end. I guess I’ll keep reading to see where this goes, but if nothing will happen between the MC and the girls, then I’d prefer if the focus went more towards the MC’s growth and overall plot since lately it seems like that’s been pushed aside for the sake of the side characters”. Writers will always have their projects compared to their previous work, it’s not disingenuous to say “hey practically every single one of this authors stories has been created this way, so it’s very much reasonable to assume something similar will happen once more so just keep that in mind while reading”. Just prove this review wrong, either cut down on having every character crush on the MC and on how much the MC doesn’t want to start something with them; or just go for it and have something between them but without turning into what most of your previous works end up becoming. I’m sure creators certainly feel it’s unfair not being able to do something new without people mentioning their past work, but that’s just something that will inevitably happen once something has become so prevalent in their projects. So all they can do in the end is to prove that they can do something new without having any of the problems their previous works are usually riddled with seep into their new project.

Who let bro cook. Half the stories end up this way because the readers ask for it.


TheRedHood:Who let bro cook. Half the stories end up this way because the readers ask for it.

It do be like that, though.


Honestly at the end of the day it's your story write it how you want, the boo-hoo's about people's dislikes and/or insecurities is irrelevant 🤷‍♂️ ( more so when they never read the story and are going off the tags) just because it has things like NTR, yandry's or lemons doesn't mean that it's a bad story Things like: Character development, Grammar, World building Etc... are the most important!! readability over content

Einlion:It do be like that, though.

… NTR? Junior you dare?!

THCCULTIVATOR:Honestly at the end of the day it's your story write it how you want, the boo-hoo's about people's dislikes and/or insecurities is irrelevant 🤷‍♂️ ( more so when they never read the story and are going off the tags) just because it has things like NTR, yandry's or lemons doesn't mean that it's a bad story Things like: Character development, Grammar, World building Etc... are the most important!! readability over content


Magos_Dominus_8298:… NTR? Junior you dare?!

uh author you do know if they were to commit suicide in front of dozens of people at church they would be remembered for like 300 to 400 years maybe more

Einlion:What you fail to mention is 'why' so many girls are targeting the MC. It's almost entirely because of his background. He's basically an idol and the vast majority of the girls attending the Academy just see him as a ticket to the easy life xD.